Windows XP Professional

Windows XP Fault Tolerance
and Troubleshooting
70-270: MCSE Guide to
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft IntelliMirror
(Page 1)
Set of Windows XP features that ensures
the availability of:
User’s data via synchronization
Recovery of personalized settings
Software and application installation and repair
Microsoft IntelliMirror
(Page 2)
User data management:
Using folder redirection, a folder on a user's
local machine (i.e. My Documents) can be
synchronized with a folder on a network
Local or network versions of modified files are
updated on the other location automatically
**** Activity 14-1 ****
Synchronizing Files
Microsoft IntelliMirror
(Page 3)
User settings management
Equivalent of a roaming profile
Since a user in a domain network can logon
to their personal settings from any machine …
If a computer is unavailable or crashes, the
user configurations can be transferred to
another machine …
Or even could be used as an alternative to
retaining personal settings when upgrading to
a new machine
Microsoft IntelliMirror
(Page 4)
Software installation and maintenance
If users inadvertently remove applications
or system files, or if their systems crash …
Windows Installer Service (WIS) can be
used to rebuild software (applications,
updates and even O/S upgrades)
**** Activity 14-2 ****
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader from:
Install program Adobe Reader and Google Toolbar
Run Control Panel
Select "Add or Remove Programs" applet
Select <Change/Remove> for "Google Toolbar"
Click <Yes> button to confirm (if necessary)
Follow prompts
Close dialog windows
Microsoft Backup Utility
(Page 1)
The only Windows XP utility for making
backups using media:
Tape drives
External hard disks (i.e., network drives)
Zip or Jaz drives
Recordable CD-ROM drives
Logical (partitioned or mapped) drives
(Microsoft IntelliMirror technologies are used
only to synchronize to a network folder)
Microsoft Backup Utility
(Page 2)
To launch the utility select Start menu 
Programs  Accessories  System Tools
 Backup
The two methods to back up data are the
Backup Wizard (default option when
Backup is executed) and manual backup:
Click the Advanced Mode hyperlink and the
Backup tab to set backup options manually
Or click Wizard Mode hyperlink on Welcome
tab in Advanced mode to return to the wizard
Microsoft Backup Utility
(Page 3)
In Advanced Mode, the Backup utility
main functions are:
Back up programs and files
Restore programs and files
Create an ASR data set (Automated
System Recovery)
Microsoft Backup Utility
(Page 4)
Options include backing up:
Everything on computer
Just specific files and folders
System State data including system’s boot
files, COM settings, and Registry data
Microsoft Backup Utility
Microsoft Backup Utility
**** Activity 14-3 ****
Backup "My Documents" to "F:\"
Delete a file from "My Documents"
Restore files from the backup
Microsoft Backup Utility
(Page 5)
Select Backup Type tab in the Tools 
Options… dialog:
Copy backup—backs up all files but does not
set off archive bit (not marked as updated)
Normal (or full) backup—backs up all files and
sets off archive bit (marked as updated)
Daily backup—backs up only files that have
been created or modified the day of the backup
(archive bit not set off)
Microsoft Backup Utility
(Page 6)
Backup Type (con.):
Differential backup—backs up only files that
have been created or modified since last full or
incremental backup (archive bit not set off)
Incremental backup–backs up only files that
have been created or modified since last full or
incremental backup (archive bit is set off)
Microsoft Backup Utility
Most backup schemes combine the use of:
(Page 7)
Weekly full backups …
And daily backups of either type incremental
or differential
Incremental daily backups:
Makes daily backup operation run quicker
Requires a longer restore period—restore from
last full backup; then perform restores of each
incremental backup in order created
Microsoft Backup Utility
(Page 8)
Differential backups:
Causes a longer and longer backup period
each day (because archive bit is left on)
Requires increased storage space on backup
media each day
Restore time is greatly reduced in comparison
with incremental—restore from last full backup;
then perform restores of last differential backup
Microsoft Backup Utility
(Page 9)
Automated System Recovery (ASR)
Restores essential system files in event of
severe system failure
Does not protect personal data or application
configuration settings
Creates a backup of only those files essential
to the boot process
Media set consists of both:
 Backup floppy
 One or more backup tapes or other media
**** Activity 14-4 ****
Set up a scheduled backup:
Backup files and settings
My documents and settings
To drive C:\
Advanced button:
 Replace the existing backup
 Later: Daily (in five minutes)
Preventive Maintenance
Several mechanisms to reduce user
Device Driver Rollback (from Chapter 3)
Reinitializes previous driver (was saved by XP)
Windows File Protection
Automatic Updates and Windows Update
(from Chapter 3)
Desktop Cleanup Wizard
Windows File Protection
(Page 1)
Ensures that the correct and uncorrupted
version of certain operating system core
files is retained on system
Files include .sys, .dll, .exe and .ocx files,
as well as True Type font files
Windows File Protection
(Page 2)
Protects list of sacred files from changes
due to application installation, infection
from a virus, or human error
Works in the background invisibly to users
(in most cases)
Sometimes system may prompt user for reboot
Windows File Protection
If write operation occurs for one of these
files, the resulting file is compared to a
database of known files …
(Page 3)
The replacement files may be stored in
WINDOWS\system32\dllcache, the original
Windows XP installation disks or a copy, or a
network share
If there is a mismatch, the altered file is
replaced automatically
Windows File Protection
(Page 4)
System File Checker (SFC) tool:
The system software tool that performs the
inspection and replacement of monitored files
Usually executed automatically
The "SFC" command also can be executed
manually from the command prompt
The command also can be used to purge and
rebuild the DLLCACHE folder
Windows File Protection
Desktop Cleanup Wizard
Asks permission to remove unused icons
from desktop
Launches automatically every 60 days
Can be disabled:
Select the Display applet from "Control Panel"
Click the <Customize Desktop> button on the
Desktop tab
On the General tab turn off the "Run Desktop
Cleanup Wizard every 60 days" checkbox
Repairing Windows XP
Options for repairing or restoring computer:
Safe Mode (from Chapter 13)
System Restore
Emergency repair process
Recovery Console
Remote OS installation
System Restore
Can be used to return O/S to previously
saved state …
(Page 1)
Reverse system configuration settings
Reverse Registry changes
Undo the changes made by installed software
Does not affect personal files or e-mail
Only can be used if system boots
System Restore
Automatically creates restoration points
during critical system changes
User also can initiate the creation of a
restoration point manually
To run System Restore:
(Page 2)
Start  Programs  Accessories  System
Tools  System Restore
Controlled and managed through:
System Restore tab of System applet
Setting on/off and amount of memory used
System Restore
Emergency Repair Process
For problems caused by:
(Page 1)
Corrupt or missing system files
Startup environment
Partition boot sector
Boot from Windows XP Professional Setup
CD (or floppy disk)
Press "R" when prompted to select to Repair
Windows XP (do not select reinstall), and "R"
again to start emergency repair process
Emergency Repair Process
(Page 2)
Select from one of two options:
Fast repair—automatically attempts to repair
problems to Registry, system files, boot volume,
and startup environment without user interaction
Manual repair—lets user decide to repair the
Registry, system files, boot volume, or startup
Emergency Repair Process
(Page 3)
Reboots automatically if emergency
repair process is successful
If unsuccessful it might be necessary to
reinstall Windows XP
Probably also means reinstalling applications
and updates
Recovery Console
For system administrators and expert
users, offers more precise control over
troubleshooting and repair process
(Page 1)
Password for Administrator account must be
entered to logon to Recovery Console
Must be installed from "i386" folder of
Windows XP installation disk
Use the command prompt
Type "winnt32 /cmdcons" to install
Recovery Console
(Page 2)
Recovery Console also may be run from
the installation CD-ROM …
Press <F8> when prompted and select
Recovery Console from alternate boot menu
Recovery Console
(Page 3)
Select "Microsoft Windows Recovery
Console" from list of available operating
systems when booting
Type "help" at command prompt for list of
available Recovery Console commands
Recovery Console
(Page 4)
bootcfg—boot file configuration and recovery
chkdsk—checks and reports on status of
every sector on disk
disable—to disable a service or driver
enable—to enable or start a service or driver
exit—exit Recovery Console and reboot
Recovery Console
(Page 5)
Commands (con.):
fixboot—writes a new partition boot sector
onto system partition
fixmbr—repairs the Master Boot Record
systemroot—sets current folder to system root
Recovery Console
(Page 6)
Recovery Console often is a better way
than the Emergency Restore Process to
restore damaged Registry …
Registry files in %systemroot%\Repair come
from installation of Windows XP Professional
Any changes made after initial installation are
lost when using ERP
Recovery Console
(Page 7)
To remove Recovery Console:
In "My Computer" be certain that on View tab
of Tools menu → Folder Options:
"Show hidden files and folders" is on
 "Hide protected operating system files" is off
In the root directory, delete the \cmdcons
folder and the cmldr file
From the "boot.ini" file delete the command
Windows Recovery Console" /cmdcons
General Principles of
Take action to resolve issues at hand as
quickly as possible
Art and science
Systematically diagnosing and eliminating
problems in computer system
Usually fairly tedious process
Computer Information File
Computer information file (CIF) stores
detailed information about hardware and
software products that make up computer
Not just a single file but an ever-expanding
accumulation of manually created data
sheets sorted into related groupings
Should be stored in protected area and
accessible in event of an emergency
Constructing CIF from scratch is a lengthy
System Information Tool
Provides a list of:
Installed hardware and software
Details of loaded drivers, and whether or not
they are signed
IRQ's that are assigned
The starting point for creating a CIF
From Start menu  Programs 
Accessories  System Tools  System
System Information Tool
**** Activity 15-1 ****
View the System Information dialog
From Start menu  Programs 
Accessories  System Tools  System
Expand and review Hardware Resources,
Components, Software Environment and
Internet Settings
Troubleshooting Tools
Troubleshooting tools that are available in
Windows XP Professional include:
Event Viewer
Computer Management
Event Viewer
Used to view system messages regarding
success and failure of key occurrences
Information includes:
(Page 1)
System drivers or service failures
Security problems
Misbehaving applications
Accessed from Administrative Tools in
the "Control Panel"
Event Viewer (System Log)
Event Viewer
(Page 2)
The logs are:
System log—internal processes including
hardware and operating system errors,
warnings and general information
Security log—audit events for failed logons,
user right alterations, attempted object
accesses with sufficient permissions
Application log—application (software) events
and alerts
There may be also Directory service, DNS
Service, and File Replication Service logs
Event Viewer
All logs collect the same meta-information
about each event:
(Page 3)
Date, Time, Source, Category, Event, User ID
and Computer
Logged events include additional detail
about each error (select Properties):
Error code number
Detailed description with memory HEX buffer
capture (dump)
A link to Microsoft "Help and Support Center"
Event Properties Dialog for
Event Viewer
**** Activity 15-2 ****
Create an MMC console for Event Viewer
Run console and select the System log
Select an event in right pane
Select Action  Properties (or just
Properties from shortcut menu)
Review the information
Computer Management Tool
Large number of tools that are collected
into a single interface
Grouping them together makes locating
and resolving problems easier
Accessed from Administrative Tools in
the "Control Panel"
The console is divided into three sections:
System Tools
Services and Applications
Computer Management Tool
System Tools
(Page 1)
Event Viewer—same information as
applet in Administrative Tools
Shared Folders—views hidden and public
shares, current sessions and open files;
viewing and setting share settings for user
limits, caching and permissions
Local Users and Groups—enhanced tool
to manage users and groups (disabled if
Active Directory is present)
System Tools
(Page 2)
Performance Logs and Alerts—the
rather tedious and complex Windows XP
"Performance Monitor" tool (Chapter 11)
Device Manager—same tool as found on
Hardware tab of the System applet in the
"Control Panel"
Removable Storage—manages floppy
disks, tapes, ZIP drives, flash drives, etc.
Disk Defragmenter—reassembles
fragmented files and aggregates unused
Disk Management—views and alters
partition and volume configuration of hard
Services and Applications
Services—stop and starts services, and
sets whether they initiate at startup
WMI Control—controls and configures
Windows Management Instrumentation
Indexing Service—related to the indexing
of documents to improve searching
**** Activity 15-3 ****
Check to see if "Workstation" and "Server"
services are running
Launch Computer Management (from
applet Administrative Tools in "Control
Panel") and drill down to Services and
Applications  Services
Right-click service for Properties
Click hyperlink to Start, Stop, Pause or
Restart a service
Troubleshooting Wizards
Many troubleshooting Wizards are
associated with specific system
components or services
Click the <Troubleshoot…> button to start
the process (or for some applets the
button may be labeled <Repair…>
Answer each question until a solution is
determined (the focus is on accomplishing
tasks, not just informational)
**** Activity ****
Troubleshooting Installation
(Page 1)
Windows XP Professional installation is
susceptible to several types of errors:
Media errors—physical problem with CDROM or the copy of distribution file on the
network, or problem with the network link;
replace media and restart the installation
Domain controller communication
difficulties—if attempting to join a domain;
could be mistyped user name, password, or
domain name; check spelling and check
connection to the network
Troubleshooting Installation
(Page 2)
Installation errors (con.):
Stop message errors or halting on the blue
screen—most common reason is damaged or
incompatible drivers; verify that the driver is
correct and compatible with Windows XP
Hardware problems—make sure the device is
on the HAL or it may need to be replaced;
sometimes manual resolution of Plug and Play
conflicts are possible
Dependency failures—a service or driver does
not run at startup; check the Event Viewer
Troubleshooting Printer Problems
(Page 1)
Printing problems occur anywhere
Systematic elimination of possible failure
points should include:
Physical components—cable, power, paper
and toner, etc.
Printer must be online—check light or LCD
message; may be necessary to press Reset or
Online button
Printer server—it must be booted and running
Troubleshooting Printer Problems
(Page 2)
Possible failure points (con.):
Print queue—check for stalled jobs (the print
job should show a specific status—if not it may
be stalled)
Printer driver—reinstall or update
Attempt to print from different application or
different client
Attempt to print using Administrator access
Troubleshooting Printer Problems
(Page 3)
Possible failure points (con.):
Print spooler—attempt to stop and restart;
check "Spoolsv.exe" in Task Manager (if it is
stalled, will be using no CPU time or most of it);
change destination where print spool file
resides if there is less than 100 MB free space
**** Activity 15-4 ****
Right-click document in print queue and
select Restart from shortcut menu
Stop and Start the Print Spooler service
Launch Computer Management (from applet
Administrative Tools in "Control Panel"); drill
down to Services and Applications  Services
Right-click "Spoolsv.exe" for Properties
Back in print queue, right-click document
and select Cancel; then try to reprint
Or see if remaining job(s) print
Troubleshooting RAS Problems
RAS—Remote Access Service
Allows users to log into system remotely over
phone lines (often when users are traveling)
Numerous points of possible failure:
Phone number, username and password
Configuration of the computers on both ends
must match, i.e. security and protocol settings
Modem settings and power
Condition of communications line
Old wiring, electrical interference, bad weather
Also is call waiting disabled?
Troubleshooting Network Problems
(Page 1)
Hardware devices are just as suspect as
software components
May need to perform some electrical tests,
change physical settings, etc.
To see if other clients or network components
are experiencing the same problem
Faults in NIC, network cables, terminators,
hubs, repeaters, routers, etc.
Troubleshooting Network Problems
(Page 2)
Check (con.):
Protocol settings
Restart system
NIC drivers using self-test or diagnostic
software to see if they are properly installed
The domain/workgroup membership of client
Troubleshooting Disk Problems
Hard drive is the most active component
on your computer that experiences so
drive failures are not uncommon
Use Disk Management tool located in
the Computer Management utility in
Administrative Tools
Back up regularly
Miscellaneous Troubleshooting
Other troubleshooting issues:
Permission problems
MBR problems
Dr. Watson—an application error debugger
which detects application failures and logs
diagnostic details
Permissions Problems
Usually occur:
When user is a member of groups with
conflicting permissions
When permissions are managed on peraccount basis
To test:
Attempt same actions and activities with
Administrator privileges
Examine access control lists (ACLs)
**** Activity ****
Master Boot Record Problems
If MBR (contains data structure that starts
boot process) fails, the emergency repair
disk (ERD) cannot be used to repair it
Must use one of the recovery tools
From Recovery Console, select FIXMBR
command which will repair the MBR
If unable to run Recovery Console, boot to
MS-DOS and use FDISK/MBR command
Applying Service Packs and
Hot Fixes
(Page 1)
A Service pack is a collection of code
replacements, patches, error corrections,
new applications and version improvements
Corrects, replaces, or hides deficiencies of
either the original product, earlier service packs,
or hot fixes
Service packs are cumulative—all the updates
for Service Pack 1 (SP1) are included in SP2
Not a bad idea to wait a period of time after
release before implementing (Microsoft known
for service packs with problems)
Applying Service Packs and
Hot Fixes
(Page 2)
Hot fix is similar to a service pack, but
addresses only single problem, or small
number of problems
May not be fully tested so it should be used
only when the problem it was designed to fix
actually exists
Applying Service Packs and
Hot Fixes
(Page 3)
Important points to remember about
patches (service packs and hot fixes):
Always back up system before applying
Be certain the patch is for the correct CPU type
and language version
Always read the readme file and Knowledge
Base Q documents before installing
Update ERD before and after installing
Back up the Registry
Export disk configuration data from Disk
Applying Service Packs and
Hot Fixes
(Page 4)
Service packs rewrite system-level files, so
disconnect all users, exit all applications,
and temporarily stop all unneeded services
To determine which is the latest service
pack installed:
Select Help menu  About Windows in any
native Windows dialog
In Registry view CSDVersion value entry in
entVersion subkey
Applying Service Packs and
Hot Fixes
(Page 5)
Many ways to download and install of the
most recent service pack:
Download from
Easy way is to click Windows Update Web site
hyperlink in "Automatic Updates" applet of
Control Panel
Applying Service Packs and
Hot Fixes
(Page 6)
An integrated installation of a service pack
involves integrating it into the installation
procedure of Windows XP
Download network installation version of service
Install it in a network server folder and unpack it
Integrate files into duplicated Windows XP
Professional CD files
Share the folder and start the installation
Service pack cannot be uninstalled when
integrated in the Windows XP installation