IPG, Week 22 Workshop Aims Continue to draw connections across the module Provoke refinements in your revision strategies Think through the remaining topics – some key points Discuss strategies in the exam room The Exam When? Where? Thursday 6 June, 9.30am Westwood Games Hall Revision Reminders Material for revision includes: revision notes; lecture notes; core readings; seminar questions and notes; additional readings from module handbook; notes written as essay preparation; class essay content, additional material Acquire, consolidate, organize material, then practice moulding it to particular questions You need to cite authors as you write in exams: just a surname, no bibliography required, paraphrasing Be as legible as you can, practice legible speed-writing Any questions? Topic by Topic Revision 1 Work in small groups on one of the following topics: South Africa; India; Religious Fundamentalism/ Hindutva; Islam; Ireland; Global Capitalism Identify which module concepts are particularly relevant. Then try to come up with three or four bullet points that reflect major issues/learning points for this topic that you would need to keep in mind when revising it. Can you think of any authors/studies relevant to this topic? You won’t remember everything – don’t worry, it’s not a test; it’s an opportunity. Strategies in the Exam Room Scenario 1: Your time management has gone awry and there’s 10 minutes left but you’re only half way through your answer to the last question. What do you do now, and what could you have done earlier? Scenario 2: You got started ok but now your mind’s gone blank and you feel you can’t remember anything. What do you do now, and what could you have done earlier? Topic by Topic Revision 2 Work in small groups on a different one of the following topics: South Africa; India; Religious Fundamentalism/ Hindutva; Islam; Ireland; Global Capitalism From what you can recall about each topic, identify which module concepts are particularly relevant. Then try to come up with three bullet points that reflect major issues/learning points for this topic that you would need to keep in mind when revising it, together with relevant authors/research. South Africa: Apartheid Apartheid=‘separate development’=institutionalised racism 1948 1994, introduced by Afrikaaner National Party Precursors in 1910 Union denying black people the vote; 1913 & 1936 Land Acts: black population g0t 13% of (poorest) land Migrant labour system: secured cheap, plentiful (mainly male) black labour for mines, factories and servicing urban areas Many African women ‘left behind’, families divided Africans with residence rights beyond the ‘reserves’ confined to shanty-towns on edge of towns and cities they served Black female domestic workers serviced white families living in, forced to live apart from own children, on call 24/7, poorly paid Bantustan policy – to create ‘independent’ countries and remove South African citizenship (eg. Bophuthatswana, Ciskei, Transkei) South Africa: Post-apartheid African resistance to apartheid non-violent at first, then ANC launched armed struggle in early 1960s State response: detention without trial, banning, violence Ongoing resistance from black population, through ANC, trade unions, women organising (some as mothers), youth Mandela released in 1990 – core apartheid laws repealed ANC win first free and fair elections in 1994, still in power Decades of racial inequalities cannot be overcome quickly Women’s coalition ensured gender could not be ignored, but many black women still can’t exercise their new rights Has feminism been diluted through incorporation? Ongoing problems of sexual violence, feminization of (black) poverty, HIV/Aids, brutality of mine work India: Colonialism and Nationalism Became British colony first through trade then indirect rule Gandhi pioneered non-violent resistance to British rule, met with suppression, violence and political tinkering Modernity, declared aim of Indian nationalists, partly defined in terms of improving women’s public status (eg political rights) but not private status in gendered family British sought to justify colonialism as freeing Indian women, but also didn’t envisage full gender equality Both sides used women’s status to justify their actions Differences between women were not acknowledged Nationalist struggle politicized domestic space and gave many middle class Indian women access to the public sphere Independence in 1947 brought Partition India: Post-colonial Women gained suffrage and education rights but gap between rights and implementation and initially economic rights neglected (for welfarism) Some family law reform (but resisted, Muslim exemption) Wanted new woman to symbolize modernity of new India (radical agenda) but also traditional family woman to protect authentic Indian culture (conservative agenda) Differences between Indian women perpetuated: re class and caste; contrast of women leaders while many unborn (son preference – sex selective abortion – missing girls) Fragmented women’s movement resurged in 1970s Ongoing campaigns against sexual violence; against dependence of women on men; for sexual rights Religious Fundamentalism/Hindutva Patriarchal claim to religious truth (found in all major religions), imbued with nationalism, attempt to fuse religion and state Control over women central: assume womanhood= motherhood; control women’s sexuality and fertility; entrench men as household heads/ leaders. Women define nation/honour. Hindutva: religious fundamentalism (or communalism) in Hinduism, seeking Hindu state in India, anti-Muslim BJP incited destruction of Ayodyha mosque a key moment Uses images of Hindu motherhood as symbol vs. negative images of ‘enemy’ women (Muslim); contrasts disciplined Hindu men with out of control Muslim men Sees western feminism as imperialist, corrupt, destructive (eg of family) Other examples: Islamic fundamentalism; 1950s Irish Catholicism Islam and Iran Must recognize extent and diversity of Islamic world, not all fundamentalist, some Muslim states secular Video: http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=b1358026~S1 Is the Qur’an essentially patriarchal or a product of patriarchal times? Some Islamic theologians reinterpret for women’s rights Case study of Iran – 1st modern fundamentalist Islamic state, 1979 Both Shahs and Mullahs linked women to nation – as ‘unveiled’ for western modernity; ‘reveiled’ for eastern values and tradition Many women chose ‘veiling’ in 1979, now compulsory Post-revolution, Haremi groups men as mullahs, martyrs and ordinary: all control their women but not all are equally powerful Women scholars and activists in Iran have tried to claim back rights for women, some liberalization under Khatami then setbacks Islam: The ‘veil’ Western stereotypes about women and Islam generally negative: construct Islamic women as passive victims Such stereotypes are used discursively to construct Islamic countries in Orientalist terms Need to ask about the social and historical context of Islamic practices that discriminate against women ‘Veil’ taken as emblematic of Muslim women’s oppression – but must recognize diversity of ‘veil’ and its history Modesty prescribed for Muslim men as well, head-covering for women has Christian history around Mediterranean Compulsory full cover very different from optional scarf Considering perspectives of Muslim women who ‘veil’ complicates any analysis Ireland: Nationalism Modern history=one British colony split in two: Irish Free State (26 of 32 counties, majority Catholic, gets independence) and Northern Ireland, remaining 6, mainly Protestant, still in UK Ireland not Catholic state per se but Catholicism dominant Ideal Irish woman: Catholic, motherly, self-sacrificing, virtuous, pure, heart of home etc. Ideal Irish man: Provider, authority Irish women were involved in nationalist struggle but barred from joining key organisations, formed own, played support roles, some fought in (guerilla-type) war for independence Usual tensions emerged between feminism and nationalism – women’s equality must await independence Tradition and Catholicism informed DeValera’s new government legislation confined women to homes as wives and (necessarily) prolific mothers, including article 41.2 of 1935 Constitution Women workers earned just over half men’s earnings on average Ireland: Modernization 1959: Lemass began modernisation, opening up to world Rapid industrialisation via export-orientation, joined EEC in 1973, employment soared and Irish emigration fell New jobs for women improved their status, but wages low Women’s organisations campaigning for access to: divorce (legal from 1995); contraception; abortion (still illegal); equal pay Campaigning against gender discrimination; sexual violence Setbacks with recession of 1980s, conservative backlash 1990s – the booming Celtic Tiger, Mary Robinson as President, more women in work and women having fewer children But double burden, high levels of domestic violence, few women in political power. Meanwhile poor health outcomes for men 2008: boom ends with banking crisis, unemployment and shorttime working, emigration again Gender and Global Capitalism Old IDL rooted in imperialism vs. NIDL in post-colonial world; relocation of manufacturing, services, agribusiness, care-work ISI phase favours men as workers but EOI brings feminization of labour: women preferred as highly productive, can be paid less Pros and cons of industrial employment for women workers: independence, financial autonomy, a social life beyond the family, mobility, but also long working hours, poor working conditions, risks to health, paternalistic control. Impact contradictory If women are ‘cheap’ labour then they are made so socially and culturally Marrying and having children worsens women’s labour market position, given lack of child-care, and even more poorly paid homeworking may be only option Taking on Global Capital Women workers are not docile; long history of organising to improve wages and working conditions but face many barriers Unions may be banned, members harassed, time and gender interest constraints Consumer pressure can also raise wages and working conditions via fair trade and ethical trade To what extent are FT and ET for workers but not by workers? To what extent do FT and ET recognise gendered work? How are workers’ lives used to sell the idea of fair trade? Is there a danger of ‘fairwashing’ Does ET put impossible pressure on employers to do right by their workers while also selling their produce ever cheaper? Can’t expect economic justice without cultural justice Finally… Best of luck with your revision and the exam I hope you’ve enjoyed the module