American International School of Kingston 2 College Green Avenue, Kingston 6, Jamaica W.I. Tel: 876 702-2070-3; Fax: 876 702-2074; Email: PE6B Course Syllabus Instructor: Mr. Mark Prince Email: Room #4107 Course Meetings: Wikispace Web site: Mondays 1-2:35 pm Wednesdays 1-2:35 pm (first time users: Grade 6B: Course Code-4247830 Password 1111 Course Objectives: At the end of PE grades 6B, students will be expected to know or be able to do the following: Demonstrate competency in motor skills, movement patterns and proper skills and techniques needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, rules, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Participate regularly in physical activity. Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior, sportsmanship, teamwork and effort that respect one’s self and others in physical activity settings. Value physical activity for personal health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction. Course Description: PE6B is a course designed with an emphasis placed upon exposure to a range of physical activities. Most activities will be presented in 3-4 week units. The history of the activity, general rules, basic skills, techniques and game strategies will be presented during each selected activity. Drills, game variations, peer teaching and projects may be used in the development of these skills. Students will track their progress through a quarterly fitness test. In addition, students will develop a personal fitness program that will offer them life-long learning. Cardiovascular activities form an integral part of class. Evaluation focuses on active participation through fitness, skill development, discipline, improvement, teamwork and sportsmanship. Course Assessment: Students will be assessed based on the AISK PE Education Standards. In order to gauge students’ knowledge, understanding and performance, they will be assessed through the following means: 1. Daily Participation (see rubric) 2. Skill Tests 3. Tests 3. Fitness Improvement Course Grade: Each semester grade will include the following: Quarter 1 50% Quarter 3 50% Quarter 2 50% Quarter 4 50% Semester 1 100% Semester 2 100% Each quarter grade will be broken down in the following categories: Semester 1: Semester 2: Participation 50% Participation 50% Fitness Tests 20% Personal Fitness Program Progress 20% Skills Tests 15% Skills Tests 15% Tests 15% Tests 15% PE Daily Participation Rubric Each student begins every class with 10 daily participation points. Students may be docked points based on this rubric. Participation Categories Meets expectations (2) Needs improvement (1) THE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF KINGSTON IS A GLOBAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION Does not meet expectations (0) Attendance Uniform Intrapersonal Interpersonal Fitness Participation is always established through prompt & regular attendance (on-time & mentally present) Participation is made possible by wearing the complete PE uniform & bringing appropriate materials (all uniform items + water bottle) Participation is demonstrated with a consistent work ethic & effort, & a generally positive attitude (on task, try, has fun) Participation is sometimes established through prompt & regular attendance (tardy, mentally absent) Participation is made possible by wearing an incomplete PE uniform &/or bringing some materials (missing/inappropriate items) Student demonstrates little work ethic/effort, &/or lacks a positive attitude (distracted, unwilling, cancerous) Participation is illustrated through good sportsmanship & fair play, & student’s awareness of role as a member of & contributor to a team (play nice, cooperate) Active participation leads to an increase in endurance & skill (progress) Participation is sometimes impeded due to poor sportsmanship &/or unfair play, & student’s lack of awareness of role &/or contribution to a team (disrespectful/dishonest, ball-hog) Inactive participation leads to no increase in endurance &/or skill (stagnate) The following Deduction Codes will be used to document student participation: Attendance – T (tardy), A (absence), U (unexcused), D (doctor/parent) Uniform – P (partial-suit), N (non-suit), J (jewelry), H (hair tie) Intrapersonal – D (discipline) Participation is not established (absent). Interpersonal – C (cooperation) Fitness – E (effort) Ultimately quarter and semester grades will be awarded according to the MS/HS Grade Descriptions: A 90 to 100% B 80 to 89% - Maintains and exceeds AISK curriculum standards - Provides evidence of a high level of critical thinking and application of knowledge in a variety of tasks - Provides evidence of a high level of creative and/or innovative learning or understanding - Highly motivated and works independently - Maintains and meets AISK curriculum standards - Provides evidence of a good level of critical thinking and application of knowledge in a variety of tasks - Provides evidence of a good level of creative and/or innovative learning or understanding - Usually motivated and works independently with occasional assistance C 70 to 79% - Meets most AISK curriculum standards - Provides evidence of a moderate level of critical thinking and application of knowledge in a variety of tasks - Provides evidence of a moderate level of creative and/or innovative learning or understanding - Sometimes motivated and works independently with some assistance D 60 to 69% - Meets level of some AISK curriculum standards - Provides minimal evidence of critical thinking and application of knowledge in a variety of tasks - Provides minimal evidence of creative and/or innovative learning or understanding - Little motivation and works independently with assistance F 55 to 59% - Does not meet AISK curriculum standards - Provides insufficient evidence of critical thinking and application of knowledge in a variety of tasks - Provides insufficient evidence of creative and/or innovative learning or understanding - Not motivated and does not work independently Absence Policy: Due to the nature of the course and its heavy weight in the course grade, presence in class is paramount to participation – you cannot participate if you do not attend. In the event that a student is absent or unable to participate due to an injury/illness a note to excuse the student must be presented to the teacher by the next class period. School-related absences are automatically excused. Students are unable to make up unexcused absences and non-suits. A PE Make-up Report (available on the wiki) can be completed to make up daily points for up to 6 excused absences (1/absence). This form will require students to participate in a physical activity of their choice for the amount of class time missed while absent (i.e. 1 period = 45 minutes, double-period = 90 minutes). A parent/guardian must supervise the activity and verify the activity was successfully completed by signing-off and noting observations on the student’s form. The PE Make-up Report will be due on the deadline date for quarter grades – Q1: Nov 2, Q2: Jan 25, Q3: Apr 18, Q4: Jun 15). Uniform Policy: As stated in the MS/HS Handbook, the PE uniform is only to be worn during PE classes or special sports days. Students may arrive at school in this uniform if their first class is PE. (Hat/sunscreen recommended.) The required PE uniform is: 1. Shirt: house color with AISK logo 4. Water Bottle: reusable with name on it 2. Shorts: match shirt with AISK logo 5. Hair Tie: for girls (for safety) 3. Shoes: trainers/sneakers (any color) 6. Jewelry: not permitted (for safety) If a student chooses not to suit up for PE, s/he will lose that day’s participation points and will be issued a Uniform Signature. If the student has a partially complete PE uniform, s/he will be permitted to participate; however, points will be deducted from the daily participation grade and a Uniform Signature will be issued. American International School of Kingston 2 College Green Avenue, Kingston 6, Jamaica W.I. Tel: 876 702-2070-3; Fax: 876 702-2074; Email: Behavior Expectations: In PE 6B we strive to create a class culture based on AISK’s core values. To that end student’s behavior should reflect the following at all times: Excellence Integrity Respect Empowerment Electronics Policy: Per AISK policy, mobile phones are not permitted in class and should remain turned off in students’ lockers. Students are permitted to listen to iPods/MP3 players during some activities as designated by the teacher (i.e. Fitness Test). The volume should be set to a level that allows the student to hear instruction at any time. If listening to music becomes a distraction, the teacher reserves the right to revoke this privilege. Furthermore, students are responsible for the safekeeping of their electronics. Possible Course Outline: *this is subject to change at any time and will be ultimately designed with some student input. SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 3 Weeks 1-2 Syllabus/Conditioning Week 1 Fitness Test Week 3 Pre-Fitness Test Weeks 2-3 Table Tennis/Skills Test Weeks 4-5 Ultimate Frisbee/Skills Test Weeks 4-6 Handball/Skills Test Weeks 6-9 Football/Skills Test Week 7 Speedball/Skills Test Week 10 Dodge Ball/Skills Test Weeks 8-10 Track and Field/Skills Test Quarter 2 Quarter 4 Week 11 Fitness Test 1 Weeks 11-12 Field Day Prep Weeks 12-15 Softball/Skills Test Weeks 13-15 Volleyball/Skills Test Weeks 16-19 Basketball/Skills Test Week 16 Cricket/Skills Test Week 20 Circuit Training Weeks 17-19 Tennis/Skills Test - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If the teacher needs to be in touch with a student or parent(s), please provide the following contact information. Also, please mark the box next to the preferred method of communication or indicate another method if not listed. If the contact information changes, please be sure to notify AISK and the teacher so we can keep our records up to date. Please return this to the teacher via email or by hand on/before Friday, September 2, 2011. CONTACT INFORMATION STUDENT: PARENT (S): Email: _____________________________________ Email: _____________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Student/Parent Acknowledgement: _____________________________________ Student’s Printed Name & _____________________________________ Parent’s Printed Name have thoroughly read and discussed the information and policies in this syllabus. If we have any questions or concerns we will bring them to the teacher’s attention in person during office hours or via email. Signed, _____________________________________ Student’s Signature & _____________________________________ Parent’s Signature _____________ Date THE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF KINGSTON IS A GLOBAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION