
Acosta, Vincent S.
Maranon, Katrina Angelica G.
Team Report 1
Group J
Company Profile
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business has its origins in the 1960s in efforts to
split its first ever Graduate School into the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and
the Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration. Originally, Ateneo de
Manila University set up its first Graduate School at the Padre Faura Campus in 1948
offering the Master of Arts programs in Education and English. Other programs were
soon added, including Sociology, Economics, Speech and Dramatic Arts, Psychology
and Guidance, History, Political Science, Philosophy, and Business Administration.1
In 1964, the Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration began
offering its full-time day program for the Master in Business Administration. Two years
later, the Master of Arts in Economics was absorbed back into the Graduate School of
Arts and Sciences. The Graduate School of Business Administration was reorganized
into what is now known as the Ateneo Graduate School of Business. 2
In 1977, the AGSB moved its campus to H.V. de la Costa Street in Salcedo Village in
Makati City. The Ateneo Professional Schools (APS) was then created with the addition
“History.” (n.d.) In Ateneo de Manila University. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from
“History.” (n.d.) In Ateneo de Manila University. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from
of the Ateneo Law School and the Ateneo Information Technology Institute.3
In December 1998, the Ateneo Professional Schools was finally moved to its present
campus at the Rockwell Center, Makati City creating the standard of academic
excellence in the country’s graduate management education. With its multidisciplinary
core curriculum and innovative programs in business, management and leadership
development, AGSB was granted full autonomy status by the Commission on Higher
Education in 2003.4
In it’s efforts to raise social and ethical consciousness and a mindset of nationbuilding among its business leaders, the Ateneo Graduate School of Business launched
the AGSB Mulat-Diwa program in 2004. True to it’s Jesuit values of Magis and
Curapersonalis, of excellence and being men and women for others, the AGSB strives to
provide the best quality education to its students in the service of the nation. Through the
development and implementation of its various MBA programs, online curriculum,
school-wide activities and events, the AGSB demonstrates how business is not only for
profit but for nation-building as well.5 Through the integration of the Mulat-Diwa program
in its classes and school activities, the AGSB aims to develop and nurture business
“History.” (n.d.) In Ateneo de Manila University. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from
“History.” (n.d.) In Ateneo de Manila University. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from
“AGSB’s Mission and Identity.” (n.d.) AGSB’s Mission and Identity Building the Mulat Diwa Culture. In Ateneo de
Manila Graduate School of Business. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from
leaders and managers who realize their role in building a sustainable, and profitable
Research Problem
During the beginning of every term, the AGSB introduces the Mulat-Diwa program to
its batch of new students through the Freshman Orientation Program. The freshmen are
acquainted with the different business programs and their practical applications on
ethical leadership, corporate responsibility and nation-building.
Many of the students of the AGSB are working, have had years of experience in the
corporate world and hold managerial positions. These students who are also part of the
nation’s workforce, constantly face challenging situations and create business decisions
that have social and ethical repercussions.
The students’ lack of awareness of Mulat-Diwa program will just waste the time and
effort of AGSB to instill Jesuit values to the students and will just bring the AGSB back to
its original state wherein it wasn’t clear if it is a reflection of the Ateneo de Manila
University’s values.
Importance of the Research Problem
The lack of awareness of Mulat-Diwa program will defeat AGSB’s objective
Soriano, Enrique. (February 2, 2011). Quality education for nation-building – The Ateneo way. In Asian Journal.
Retrieved December 9, 2012, from
to install a culture that emphasizes the need for businesses to contribute to the
community by having a balance between shareholder interest and societal value, in
working towards sustainable growth.
“AGSB’s Mission and Identity.” (n.d.) AGSB’s Mission and Identity Building the Mulat Diwa
Culture. In Ateneo de Manila Graduate School of Business. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from
DeUngria, Remigio J. (August 16, 2010). What Is So Ateneo About the AGSB? In Slide Share.
Retrieved December 10, 2012, from
“History.” (n.d.) In Ateneo de Manila University. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from
“Mission/Vision.” (n.d.) In Ateneo de Manila University. Retrieved December 9, 2012 from
Soriano, Enrique. (February 2, 2011). Quality education for nation-building – The Ateneo way. In
Asian Journal. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from