Verification of emissions and sinks through comparison of different methods/models - an overview Outline: After yesterday G. Seufert discussions and Leader of JRC-Project GHG Data presentations I expanded the WHY Verification – why? part and reduced the Kyoto and the atmospheric signal HOW part The terrestrial carbon cycle = a major unknown Soil carbon under land use change = THE major unknown Verification – how? Examples: • Forest C sink in Europe – comparison of different methods • Carboeurope: multiple constrains of the European carbon cycle • Inverse modelling of CH4-emissions in Europe Conclusions CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? The challenge of mitigation • The near-term challenge is to achieve the Kyoto targets “To be consistent with good practice as defined in the report, inventories should contain neither over nor underestimates as far as can be judged, and the uncertainties in those estimates should be reduced as far as practicable” (GPG 2000) • The longer-term challenge is to meet the objectives of Article 2 of the UNFCCC, i.e., stabilization of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? In the near-term, independent verification is not really required for fulfilling reporting needs, however • The primary target of the FCCC is the atmosphere (by the way, to protect the atmosphere we need to consider all climate drivers), and Kyoto measures should be visible in the atmospheric signal (one day) • The “practicability” principle of IPCC-type of reporting has the intrinsic problem of potential bias due to partial or nonreporting of potentially relevant sectors (esp. AFOLU) • In the mid-term, lets say within 3-5ys, reliable and well constrained estimates of the European GHG-cycle will be available anyhow by the research community (Carboeurope, Nitroeurope etc.) - at this moment, reporting should be consistent with “latest science” CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? The Global Carbon Cycle Units Gt C and Gt C y-1 Atmosphere …are leading to a build up of CO2 in the atmosphere. 3.3 750 62.3 6.3 About 16,000 1.6 500 Plants 60 Soil 2000 Fossil Deposits Fossil emissions ... 92.3 90 …and land clearing in the tropics... The KP seeks to reduce net carbon emissions by about 0.3 Gt C below 1990 levels from industrial countries CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Oceans 39,000 from IPCC-TAR (2001) Verification – why? Global carbon budget 1980-1999 Fluxes in GtC/year (IPCC Third Assessment Report, Vol 1) 1980s 1990s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atmospheric C accumulation 3.3 0.1 3.2 0.2 = Emissions (fossil, cement) 5.4 0.3 6.4 0.6 + Net ocean-air flux -1.9 0.5 -1.7 0.5 + Net land-air flux -0.2 0.7 -1.4 0.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Net land-air flux - 0.2 0.7 = Land use change emission 1.7 (0.6 to 2.5) + Terrestrial sink (residual !!) -1.9 (-3.8 to 0.3) -1.4 0.7 Assume 1.6 0.8 -3.0 1 (?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source: Raupach, CSIRO 2002 CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? Kyoto and the atmospheric signal • Global trend known very accurately • Provides an overall constraint on the total carbon budget • Interannual variability is of the same order as anthropogenic emissions (terrestrial systems do not sequester efficiently during El-Nino events) • Annual variability is governed by biospheric cycles Source: Tans/NOAA, U.S. CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? Kyoto and the atmospheric signal (Carboeurope 2000) Continental vs. ocean anomalies in the European carbon balance CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Carbon flux over western Europe as inferred by inverse modelling Verification – why? Key fluxes interrestrial the terrestrial Key fluxes in the carbon cyclecarbon cycle CO2 GPP photosynthesis 120 GtC/yr plant respiration 60 GtC/yr Heterotrophic respiration 50 GtC/yr e m ak r t e t t up s r o on s sh rb ma ca bio in Ecological Terms: Net Primary Production NPP: 60 GtC/yr rm e te rag m o r iu n st itte d l e m rbo nd ca il a so Net Ecosystem Production NEP: 10 GtC/yr Natural Mortality Forestry terms: Gross Annual Increment CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Disturbance: fire, harvest 8-9 GtC/yr e m tak r p l te g n u soi n lo rbo e+ ca tre Net Biome Production NBP: 1-2 GtC/yr Thinnning and Harvest Net Annual Increment Net Change in Standing Volume Verification – why? Components of the terrestrial carbon cycle PS photosynthesis CWD Course Woody Products Ra autotrophic respiration Rh heterotrophic respiration SOM Soil Organic Matter CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? Carbon stocks in global ecosystems Based on IPCC LULUCF-Report 2002 CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? Land-use change and soil erosion in Germany (without Alps) (from IGBP 2003) arable land grassland, fallow land woodland CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? Ecosystems – Country C budget • Land use matters in many countries compared to fossil emissions • Forests are a major and grassland a minor sink • Croplands are major source • Trade confounds atmospheric signal • Peatlands are small, but important in some countries from Janssens et al. 2004 CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? Reporting of CO2 Emissions and Removals from Soils by EU 15 CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – why? Conclusions: • The terrestrial carbon cycle is a major climate driver • At the same time it is a major unknown (e.g., high interannual variability but no annual data, quantification of ecological cycles vs. one-way emission from fossil sources, simple scaling from timber volume inventories does not consider ecological cycles) • Major part of terrestrial carbon is stored in soils • Major part of soil carbon was lost to the atmosphere during land use history (could partly be recovered through proper PAMs in the AFOLU-sector ) • LULUCF is potentially relevant for some countries but has not been taken serious in previous reporting (no uncertainty estimates, no projections, only partial reporting) • This may have relevant implications for some countries with regard to adjustment decisions and net-net/gross-net accounting under KP CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – how? Annual Terrestrial Carbon Flux Estimates (Gt C a -1; positive sign: sink) -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 Forest and w oody biomass (IPCC) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 (1) Land use change and forestry (IPCC) (1) Biomass (Inventory) (2) (2) Biomass+Harvest+Residues (Inventory) European Community EU 15 (3) Forest stand (Eddy flux) (4) Forest stand (Eddy flux) Compiled by H.Dolman, Carboeurope (5) Biomass+Soil (C pools) (5) Soil only (C pools) (6) Trees (Inventory) Biomass (Inventory) West and Central Europe (2) (2) Biomass+Harvest+Residues (Inventory) Biomass (Inventory) European Continent (7) (8) Terrestrial biosphere (Inverse model) Terrestrial biosphere (Inverse model) (9) (10) Terrestrial biosphere (Inverse model) Terrestrial biosphere (Inverse model) (11) (1) EEA/ETC Air Emissions 1999; (2) Kauppi and Tomppo 1993; (3) Martin 1998; (4) Martin et al. 1998; (5) Schulze et al. 2000; (6) Nabuur (7) Kauppi et al. Sep2005 1992; (8) Bousquet et al. 1999; (9) Kaminski et al. 1999; (10) Rayner et al. 1997; (11) Ciais et al. 1995 CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Verification – how? Example 1: JRC project GHG Data with its objective to support the EC GHG Inventory System Focus on: largest contributors to the uncertainty, i.e. - terrestrial carbon sinks - CH4 & N2O sources and sinks in agricultural activities (soil, animals) Approach: - harmonize and improve MS methodologies - develop EU wide methodologies (with research community) Users: POLICY IMPLEMENTATION - DG ENV Monitoring Mechanism Committee - IPCC Good Practice Guidance - Member States CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 __________________________ Part 1) Conceptual Framework Activity B CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – how? Meteorological data Soil Forest Carbon Budget Process Modelling and Information System Atmospheric CO2 Autotropic respiration Vegetation Growth Respiration Maintenance Respiration PSN Allocation to new growth Plant Litter N uptake N Soil organic matter Soil mineral N Atmospheric N Country Sweden Finland Spain France Germany Italy Austria Portugal Greece UK Belgium Denmark Netherlands Ireland Total NEP [Tg Carbon] 3.1 1.27 2.43 4.59 3.96 1.06 0.88 0.29 0.51 0.59 0.17 0.09 0.10 0.01 19.1 C NPP [Tg Carbon] 26.7 10.6 29.4 61.7 39.1 16.5 8.5 4.6 7.3 7.1 1.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 216.4 1999 Carbon sink estimates for the EU15 NEP: Net Ecosystem Production (c) 2000 JRC - SAI Author: Paul Smits Projection: Geographic A JRC map N 500 CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 0 500 1000 1500 Kilometers NEP 1999 <0 0 - 10 Gg 10 - 20 Gg 20 - 30 Gg 30 - 40 Gg 40 - 50 Gg 50 - 60 Gg 60 - 70 Gg > 70 Verification – how? Example 2: Carboeurope multiple constraint approach CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – how? CarboEurope-IP - Overall objective: Understand and quantify the terrestrial carbon balance of Europe and associated uncertainties at local, regional and continental scale. Target: • • Daily-monthly at “Eurogrid” resolution (10-100km x 10-100km) Continental annual uncertainty 10% CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – how? Example 3: Inverse modelling Workshop “Inverse modelling for potential verification of national and EU bottom-up GHG inventories " under the mandate of Monitoring Mechanism Committee 23-24 October 2003 JRC Ispra Environment CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Verification – how? Inverse modelling of CH4 emissions in Europe TM5 model – atmospheric zoom model • offline atmospheric transport model • meteo from ECMWF • global simulation 6o x 4o • zooming 1o x 1o (Europe, …) • CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 Example: Inverse modelling Comparison a priori / a posteriori emissions UNFCCC a priori used in this study [EEA, 2003] [EEA, 2004] EU-15 Germany Italy France BENELUX Austria Spain Portugal United Kingdom Ireland Greece Sweden Finland Denmark Total EU-15 2.40 1.73 3.08 1.49 0.43 1.92 0.51 2.20 0.60 0.53 0.28 0.26 0.27 15.69 4.04 1.68 3.01 1.42 0.36 1.92 0.39 2.19 0.60 0.53 0.28 0.26 0.28 16.96 units: Tg CH4 / yr CCC Uncertainty Workshop, Helsinki, Sep2005 a posteriori anthrop. natural total 3.62 2.06 2.68 1.31 0.33 1.91 0.39 3.39 0.66 0.42 0.22 0.24 0.34 17.59 0.26 -0.04 -0.11 0.15 -0.01 -0.06 -0.02 -0.04 -0.01 -0.01 0.85 2.98 -0.01 3.92 3.88 2.02 2.56 1.47 0.32 1.84 0.37 3.35 0.64 0.40 1.08 3.23 0.34 21.51 avg S1-S9 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.64 0.40 0.42 0.23 0.05 0.32 0.08 0.82 0.12 0.07 0.44 1.36 0.06 1.92 4.15 2.15 4.43 1.60 0.30 2.00 0.38 4.21 0.34 0.40 0.92 0.27 0.33 21.47 range ( 3.90 ... 4.87 ( 2.10 ... 2.19 ( 3.86 ... 4.71 ( 1.35 ... 1.67 ( 0.28 ... 0.30 ( 1.96 ... 2.04 ( 0.38 ... 0.39 ( 3.91 ... 4.40 ( 0.26 ... 0.75 ( 0.39 ... 0.40 ( 0.86 ... 0.99 ( -0.27 ... 1.30 ( 0.30 ... 0.34 ( 21.05 ... 22.03 anthr. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IM vs [EEA, 2004] 3.89 2.19 4.54 1.45 0.31 2.06 0.40 4.25 0.36 0.41 -3.7 30.3 51.0 1.9 -13.5 7.4 3.1 93.9 -40.8 -22.6 0.34 17.55 1 20.47 2 20.1 3.5 20.7