Properties and Interactions of Matter Worksheet

Properties and Interactions of Matter Worksheet
Page 5:
1. What is the smallest part of all matter? _______________________________________________________
4. What are the three basic parts of an atom? __________________________________________________
5. What electrical charges do these parts have? __________________________________________________
6. Where are the basic parts found? ______________________________________________________________
7. Where is most of the mass of an atom found? _________________________________________________
8. What part of the atom takes up the most space? ______________________________________________
Page 9:
1. How are atoms of the same kind of matter similar? ____________________________________________
2. What is the atomic number of an atom? ________________________________________________________
3. How do the number of protons and electrons compare in a normal atom?
5. Why are normal atoms said to be electrically neutral? ________________________________________
6 & 7 How do you use the periodic table to determine the number of protons in an atom?
Page 12:
1. What is an element? ______________________________________________________________________________
2. What do you know about all of the atoms in the element oxygen? ___________________________
3. How do oxygen atoms compare to the atoms in another element, Hydrogen?
4. What are two ways that elements can be made? _______________________________________________
7. What is good about classifying in science? ______________________________________________________
8. How is it possible that the Periodic Table of the Elements is useful to all scientists, no
matter what language they speak? _________________________________________________________________