Steps to Obtain Phobos and Matrix Accounts

Steps to Obtain your Phobos and
Matrix Accounts
How to use a Telnet Application to
Access your Phobos and Matrix
How to Create an Effective Password
How to Change your Existing Password
Steps to Obtain Phobos and
Matrix Accounts - Summary
Register for cs program and obtain
Complete SIRIS screen to generate
Learn, Phobos and Matrix accounts
Read Learn e-mail in order to obtain
Phobos and Matrix account name &
Telnet to Phobos / Matrix account
Steps to Obtain Phobos and
Matrix Accounts
Using a Web Browser, access computer
studies webpage at:
On left-hand side of computer studies
webpage point and click onto the
button called SIRIS
Steps to Obtain Phobos and
Matrix Accounts
Logon to SIRIS to create account. Point
and click onto:
“Click here to enter SIRIS”
Steps to Obtain Phobos and
Matrix Accounts
You are required to enter your student
I.D. and date of birth
You will also be required to create a 5
digit personal I.D. number to be able to
access your SIRIS account
Steps to Obtain Phobos and
Matrix Accounts
At the main SIRIS screen, point and
click onto Change Learn Password.
This password will allow you to access
your e-mail account.
How to Read E-mail via
Using Netscape or Internet Explorer, go to the
website address:
You will be prompted for your learn username
and password
Enter your learn username and password
Look for an e-mail from administration
(root) regarding your Phobos and Matrix
username and password
How to Read E-mail via
Be sure to close Netscape after reading your email messages; otherwise, people can read your
e-mail and send e-mail with your e-mail address.
Keep your Phobos & Matrix account access
information for at least 3 weeks. Write down
passwords for accounts, but do NOT include
username for account beside password!
How to Logon to Phobos and
Matrix Servers
Run Telnet Program
Connect to Phobos / Matrix Server
Logon to Server:
Enter Phobos / Matrix user I.D.
 Enter Phobos / Matrix password
What is the Telnet Application?
Unix systems such as Phobos were originally
designed to accommodate “dumb terminals”
which were simply monitors and keyboards
directly connected up to network
Telnet allows the server to “think” that the
user’s personal computer is a “dumb
A common type of “dumb terminal” was
Digital Equipment corporation’s VT100
Telnet Application
To launch or “run” the Telnet application from
the Seneca computing lab, point and click
onto the application “telnet” on the Windows
You can obtain a free version of the Telnet
application for home use (assuming you have
a computer system with a modem) - check
the UNX122 web page
Connect to Server
For all Telnet applications, you must specify
to which server you will connect
For this Telnet application, you must point
and click onto the File menu, select Open and
type the server name (such as phobos or
If you are logging in from another ISP you
must provide the full domain name of the
server (such as or
Logon to Your Phobos /
Matrix Account
After you connect to the Phobos /
Matrix server, you must type in your
username (should be on your Seneca
“one-card”) and your password
The password will be provided to you
by an e-mail message in your LEARN
account. It is important to get your
LEARN account as soon as possible!
Protecting your Computer
It is important to assign an appropriate
password to prevent unauthorized
access to your computer accounts
Concerns regarding unauthorized use:
Illegal Activity
Suspension of account
Loss of data / Copying of assignments
Password Tips
Avoid easily detected passwords such
as names or a series of numbers
Use phrases and take the first letter of
each word
For example:
Autumn leaves Turn red, yellow, orange
Password Tips
Combine upper and lower case letters
Include non alpha-numeric characters
such as . or - in your password
Acceptable passwords on PHOBOS and
LEARN range from 6 to 8 characters
Changing your Password
After logging onto PHOBOS, you can change
your password by typing at the prompt:
passwd <ENTER>
Note: It is recommended to change passwords
periodically (eg. twice a year)
Logging-off Phobos
Always log-off of your Phobos account and
exit the Telnet Application before you leave
your terminal
To log-off of your Phobos account, type the
following command at the Phobos prompt:
exit <ENTER>
(or logout<ENTER> or <CTRL><D>)
After your session is disconnected, close the
Telnet application
Create an acceptable password using
the above-mentioned techniques
Be prepared to change your password
in next computer lab