biology 1 - 676 - My CCSD - Clark County School District

BIOLOGY I - 6760
Mrs. Della Mora 799-5850
Course Scope
This one-year course is designed as a survey of the biological sciences. The emphasis is on developing
inquiry skills and problem-solving techniques while developing an understanding of major biological
concepts. The course also familiarizes students with the nature of science and technology.
Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all
cultures and their important contributions to our society. The appropriate use of technology is an
integral part of this course. This course fulfills one credit of the Nevada high school graduation
requirement for science and qualifies as a laboratory science for college entrance.
Course Goals
To apply scientific processes through inquiry. [NS: N.12.A]
To use tables, charts, illustrations, and graphs as evidence to justify arguments and claims in
presentations. [NS: N.12.A]
To safely conduct original scientific investigations using appropriate tools and technology.
[NS: N.12.A.4]
To evaluate the impacts of science and technology in terms of costs and benefits to society.
[NS: N.12.B]
To describe the characteristics of life. [NS: L.12.B]
To describe molecules associated with living processes. [NS: L.12.B]
To explore the characteristics of viruses, bacteria, protests, fungi, plants, and animals. [NS:
L.12.C, L.12.D]
To explain how genetic information is passed from one generation to another. [NS: L.12.A]
To describe how life forms, at all levels of organization, use specialized structures and similar
processes to meet the needs of living things. [NS: L.12.B]
To investigate the inter-relationships among living and non-living components within
ecosystems. [NS: L.12.C]
To discuss the diversity of life as explained through the biological principle of change over
time. [NS: L.12.D]
To explore career opportunities related to the study of biology. [NS: N.12.B]
To evaluate moral and ethical issues related to biological concepts. [NS: N.12.B]
To demonstrate an understanding of character, ethics, safety skills, and manners appropriate
for this course. [NS: N.12.B]
Modern Biology, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Any student defacing a textbook or the barcode on
the book will be fined. A missing or illegible barcode will result in the full cost of the book being
assessed to the student. You can access the online text at the following web address: Individual login codes will be assigned at a later time and are required to
access the online text.
 4 Spiral notebooks with a minimum of 70
pages each (1 for each quarter)
 Glue stick or transparent tape-you will
need to replace these as they run out.
Highlighters (any color)
Colored pencils
Optional item: safety scissors
Parent Link
Grades and attendance can be accessed through Parent Link on Durango’s website at A password must be obtained from the counselor’s office.
Grades will be updated weekly.
Course Sequence
Quarter 1 – Nature of Science, Human Biology, Chemistry of Life, Cellular Biology, Cell Transport
Quarter 2 - Nature of Science, Cell Energy, Cell Cycle, DNA Structure and Function
Quarter 3 - Nature of Science, Molecular Genetics, Laws of Genetics, Evolution and Diversity,
Human Biology
Quarter 4 – Nature of Science, Taxonomy and Classification, Ecology
Quarter Grades
Quarter grades will be calculated as follows:
40%= Tests
20% = Quizzes
35%= Assignments, INB, Projects, Labs
5%= Participation (Labs, Materials, etc)
Semester grades will be calculated as follows:
40%=first quarter grade
40%=second quarter grade
20%=semester exam
1. Tests-Chapter test will be given on a regular basis to evaluate student content knowledge.
2. Quizzes will not be announced in advance and will consist of notebook and content quizzes.
3. Assignments-INB checks will be the majority of this category. They will be stamped daily and
checked approximately every one to two weeks. Formal lab write-ups, article review and projects
will also be included in this category.
4. Participation-This may include book checks, laboratory behavior, materials checks, the returning
of parental contact letters as well as other activities.
Spelling and grammar will be an important consideration in all written work
A = 90 - 100%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60% - 69%
0% - 59%
It is very important to attend class everyday and actively participate in your education. Failure to
attend school lowers the value of your education. It has been shown that those students who are
actively involved in their education do well in school and have a better chance of passing state tests
in reading, math and science. When you are absent, you fall behind and must struggle to catch up.
This can result in lowering your confidence and attitude toward learning. More importantly your
absence may affect the learning of others in the class who are depending on you being here.
Citizenship Grades
Any or all of the characteristics will be considered applicable for a student to be considered for
that category
 O – Outstanding No tardies, always cooperative, always prepared and on-task with frequent
positive class participation
S – Satisfactory 1-2 tardies, usually cooperative, prepared and on-task with regular
positive class participation
N – Needs Improvement 3-4 tardies, usually uncooperative, usually unprepared and offtask will little positive class participation
U – Unsatisfactory 5 or mote tardies, often uncooperative, frequently unprepared and offtask with virtually no positive class participation
On task
Usually not
Usually not
Usually not
Usually not
2 or more
5 or more
Virtually not
Virtually not
Virtually not
Virtually none
Laboratory Expectations
All students are required to respect and follow all lab safety rules. Student will receive thirty
points lab participation for each lab performed in class. Any unsafe or destructive behavior during
a lab or activity will result in:
1st Offense: -15 points Participation
2nd Offense: -30 points Participation and loss of lab privileges for the quarter
Extra Credit
Extra credit is not offered on an individual basis. Occasionally extra credit assignments will be
offered to the entire class.
Late Work
Assignments not turned in on the due date may be turned in the next day for a deduction of 10%.
Assignments turned 2-5 days late will be deducted an additional 10% for each day. Anything turned
in after 5 days will be ½ credit. This includes assignments, INB checks, lab write ups, etc.
It is important that students review the material presented in class each day and reflect upon what
was taught that day. Homework will consist of writing assignments, diagramming, interpretation of
graphs/charts, etc. that relate directly to material covered in class. The purpose of homework is to
give students the opportunity to re-process material covered each day.
Science Interactive Notebook
Interactive notebooks help to strengthen student learning of curriculum through increased student
participation. They provide a record of science lessons as well as a tool for self-reflection and
evaluation. They enable students to organize learning both physically and mentally. Also, they
develop student ownership and responsibility for learning.
Teacher Web Page
Through the district I have a web page where students and parents can access the lessons
presented in class. This is a good resource in the event you are absent. You can access the power
points presented in class and any electronic documents handed out that day. To access my website,
go to
After School Hours
In order to better serve my students, they must make arrangements to come in after school for
extra help or to makeup a test.
Classroom Etiquette
Be prepared
o Bring required class materials.
o Do not bring nuisance items.
Be productive
o Work from beginning of the period to end of the period at an appropriate noise level.
Be respectful
o Use appropriate language – no profanity!
o Follow all school policies – no food, drinks, or gum!
o Respect all administration, teachers, classmates, and visitors
Progressive Discipline
1. Initial verbal warning to student
2. Teacher-student conference and/or in-class consequence (seat change, etc.)
3. Telephone call home to parent(s) and Teacher Detention
4. Referral to counselor or dean’s office
*Students who exhibit chronic behavior problems may be put on a separate discipline plan.
**Certain behavior infractions may warrant immediate referral (i.e. Fighting, insubordination)
Tardy Policy
DHS tardy policy will be enforced. A student is tardy if they are not in the classroom before the
teacher closes the door at the ringing of the tardy bell.
Absence Policy
The DHS absence policy will be enforced. This means that students who arrive to class 30 minutes
or more after the tardy bell will be considered absent for that period
Make-up Work
A student who has been absent has three (3) school days to get the make-up work from the
teacher. The student should not disrupt any class that is in session. Afterwards, the student will
have one (1) additional day to complete that work and turn it in to the teacher unless there are
extenuating circumstances approved by the teacher. All make-up work will be due at the beginning
of the class of the fourth day upon return from the absence.
Monday – Student is absent from school
Tuesday – (day 1) Student returns to school and has first opportunity to request make-up work
Wednesday – (day 2) Student is in school and has second opportunity to request make-up work
Thursday – (day 3) Student is in school and has third and final opportunity to request make-up work
Friday – (day 4) Student’s make-up work is due
The sooner the student requests work, the more time the student will have to complete that
Automatic Failing Grade
Per the Clark County School District Policy, students who receive more than 10 unexcused absences
in a particular class will receive an “F’ as the Semester Grade for that particular class regardless of
the grade he/she earned.
Academic Fraud/Cheating
Students are expected to generate original and individual products. Students who copy other
people’s work or who use unauthorized aids on tests or quizzes will receive a zero grade for the
assignment in question and an unsatisfactory for the quarter. Cheating is giving and/or receiving
No passes will be issued in the first or last 15 minutes of class. If a student is gone from class for
more than 5 minutes, that student will lose his/her restroom privileges unless there are
extenuating circumstances.
Dress Code
DHS Dress code policy will be enforced. Students in violation of the school’s dress code will be
considered a violation of classroom etiquette and be sent immediately to the Deans’ office.
Nuisance Items
Visible nuisance items are in direct violation of the school’s policy. Nuisance items should be turned
off and out of sight while in school. Any nuisance item seen will be instantly confiscated and
turned into the Deans’ office. The nuisance item does not have to be in use in order to be taken; it
just has to be visible. A parent will be required to come and pick up these items from the Deans’
Cell phones, I Pod’s, other electronic devices, ear buds, and/or other headsets are all
considered nuisance items.
These class expectations may be modified throughout the year.