Practice Test

Practice Test: Unit 3 & 4
Unit 3, Lessons 1-3
Unit 4, Lessons 1, 3
Dimensional Analysis
Periodic Table Trends
Element names/ symbols
Electronegativity Trend
Polar/ Nonpolar covalent bonds
Periodic Table without names
Polyatomic ions
English-Metric Conversions
1. Rank C, N, and O in order of increasing electronegativity
A. C< N<O
C. N< C<O
B. C< O< N
D. O< N< C
2. Consider the compound, XCl. If XCl is an ionic compound, X must be
A. F
B. Ne
C. Si
D. O
E. none
3. Which formula represents strontium phosphate?
A. SrPO4
B. Sr3PO8
D. Sr3(PO4)2
E. none
C. Sr2(PO4)3
4. When sodium the atom becomes sodium the ion,
A. sodium becomes positively charged and the radius increases
B. sodium becomes negatively charged and the radius increases
C. sodium becomes positively charged and the radius decreases
D. sodium becomes negatively charged and the radius decreases
E. none
5. Based on electronegativity, which type of elements tends to have the greatest attraction for electrons in a bond?
A. metals
B. metalloids
C. nonmetals
D. noble gases
6. When an atom forms a cation, its radius will:
A) increase
B) decrease
7. Which one of the following is correct?
A. KClO3, potassium perchlorate
B. Al2(SO3)2, aluminum sulfate
E. Na2Cr2O7, sodium dichromate
C) stay the same
D) not enough information
C. CuO, copper oxide
D. MgPO4, magnesium phosphate
8. Which of the following is NOT a correct chemical formula?
A. SrBr2
B. Ca2O3
C. Mg3N2
D. Na2S
E. AlI3
9. Which of the following elements could have the lowest electronegativity?
A. O
B. F
C. S
D. Be
E. K
10. The electronegativity of carbon is 2.5, whereas that of oxygen is 3.5. What type of bond would you expect to
find in carbon monoxide?
A. Nonpolar covalent
C. Polar covalent
B. Covalent network
D. Ionic
E. Delta
11. Which of the following atoms, designated by their electron configurations, has the highest Ionization
A) [He] 2s22p2
B) [He] 2s22p4
C) [He] 2s 2p
D) [Ne] 3s23p3
E) [He]2s1
12. Which of the following names is correct for the compound SnCl4?
A. tin (II) chloride
C. tin(IV) chloride
B. tin tetrachloride
D. tin chloride
E. tin (II) tetrachloride
13. ______ is an element that is a gas at room temperature with a high ionization energy and no electron affinity.
A) S
B) F
C) H
D) He
E) Br
14. When sodium the atom becomes sodium the ion,
A) sodium becomes positively charged and the radius increases
B) sodium becomes negatively charged and the radius increases
C) sodium becomes positively charged and the radius decreases
D) sodium becomes negatively charged and the radius decreases
E) none
15. The ICl4- has _____ valence electrons.
A. 34
B. 35
C. 36
D. 28
E. 8
16. Based on electron affinity, which type of elements tends to have the greatest attraction for electrons?
A. metals
B. metalloids
C. nonmetals
D. noble gases
17. An atom with _______ and _________ will most likely form an anion.
A. high electron affinity, high ionization energy
C. low electron affinity, low ionization energy
B. high electron affinity, low ionization energy
D. low electron affinity, high ionization energy
18. An atom of argon in the ground state tends not to bond with an atom of a different element because argon has
A. more protons than neutrons
C. a total of two valence electrons
B. more neutrons than protons
D. a total of eight valence electrons
E. a complete d shell
19. Which of the following compounds will have the highest boiling point?
B. HCl
C. MgCl2
D. C2H4
20. What can be concluded if an ion of an element is smaller than an atom of the same element?
A. The ion is negatively charged because it has fewer electrons than the atom.
B. The ion is negatively charged because it has more electrons than the atom.
C. The ion is positively charged because it has fewer electrons than the atom.
D. The ion is positively charged because it has more electrons than the atom.
21. Resonance structures differ by __________.
A. number and placement of electrons
B. number of electrons only
E. placement of electrons only
C. placement of atoms only
D. number of atoms only
22. Which element has an atom with the greatest tendency to attract electrons in a chemical bond?
A. carbon
B. silicon
C. chlorine
D. sulfur
E. fluorine
23. An ionic compound is formed when there is a reaction between the elements
A. strontium and chlorine
C. hydrogen and chlorine
B. nitrogen and oxygen
D. sulfur and oxygen
24. What electrons are shown in the Lewis structure for CH4?
A. carbon’s electrons, only
B. both carbon and hydrogen’s electrons
25. Of the following, which one is a polar molecule?
A. CO2
B. BF3
C. hydrogen’s electron’s only
D. both carbon and hydrogen’s valence electrons
C. PH3
26. An atom with _______ and _________ will most likely form a cation.
A) high electron affinity, high ionization energy B) low electron affinity, low ionization energy
C) high electron affinity, low ionization energy D) low electron affinity, high ionization energy
27. What can be concluded if an ion of an element is larger than an atom of the same element?
A) The ion is negatively charged because it has fewer electrons than the atom.
B) The ion is negatively charged because it has more electrons than the atom.
C) The ion is positively charged because it has fewer electrons than the atom.
D) The ion is positively charged because it has more electrons than the atom.
D. SI6
28. Compounds by definition are
A) charged
C) it depends
B) neutral
D) none
29. Which molecule contains a nonpolar covalent bond?
A. CO2
C. Br2
D. CCl4
30. The correct chemical formula for iron(II) sulfide is
A. FeS
B. Fe2S3
C. FeSO4
D. Fe2(SO4)3
31. Which type of bonding is found in all molecular substances?
A. covalent bonding
B. ionic bonding
C. hydrogen bonding
D. metallic bonding
32. Which type of bond is found in sodium bromide?
A. covalent
B. hydrogen
D. metallic
C. ionic
33. A metal, N, forms a compound with the general formula NF. In which group could metal N be found?
A. Group 1
B. Group 2
C. Group 16
D. Group 17
34. What occurs when the following happens: Br2 Br + Br ?
A. Energy is absorbed and a bond is formed.
C. Energy is released and a bond is formed.
35. Which two substances are covalent compounds?
A. C6H12O6(s) and KI(s)
B. KI(s) and NaCl(s)
B. Energy is absorbed and a bond is broken.
D. Energy is released and a bond is broken.
C. C6H12O6(s) and HCl(g)
36. What is the chemical formula for iron(III) oxide?
A. FeO
B. Fe2O3
D. NaCl(s) and HCl(g)
C. Fe3O
D. Fe3O2
37. The degree of polarity of a chemical bond in a molecule can be predicted by determining the difference in
A. melting points of the elements in the compound
B. densities of the elements in the compound
C. electronegativities of the bonded atoms in a molecule of the compound
D. atomic masses of the bonded atoms in a molecule of the compound
38. How many different elements are in K2SO4?
A. 4
B. 7
C. 3
D. 6
39. As a bond between a sodium atom and a fluorine atom is formed, electrons are
A. shared to form an ionic bond
B. transferred to form an ionic bond
C. shared to form a covalent bond
D. transferred to form a covalent bond
40. A barium atom attains a stable electron configuration when it bonds with
A. one chlorine atom
B. one sodium atom
C. two chlorine atoms
D. two sodium atoms
41. Briefly explain what is wrong with each Lewis structure for HCN, C2H2, and HOF
42. Draw the BEST Lewis structure for CO32-.
43. Draw the BEST Lewis structure for COS.
44. Name the following compounds or write formulas for the provided names.
nickel (II) fluoride
manganese (IV) oxide
lead (III) sulfate
sulfur trioxide
iron (III) sulfide:
carbon disulfide:
disulfur decafluoride:
magnesium chloride:
manganese(IV) oxide:
calcium phosphate:
ammonium fluoride:
silver chlorite:
cobalt(II) sulfide:
45. Cu2O2 would be reduced to CuO. C2H2 would not be reduced and reported as C2H2. Explain the difference.
45. For each molecule or ion, 1- Determine the possible Lewis structures, 2- Using formal charge and your understanding
of electronegativity determine the best Lewis structure, 3- Label all bonds as polar or nonpolar 4- Determine if there are
any resonance structures and draw them.
A. POCl3
B. SO3
C. SOBr2
D. NO2-
A. If lithium and chlorine atoms combined to form a compound, what must first happen to the lithium atom? What
must happen to the chlorine atom?
B. What is the CORRECT formula of a lithium/chlorine compound?
A. If sulfur and beryllium combined to form a compound, what must first happen to the sulfur atom?
happen to the beryllium atom?
B. What is the CORRECT formula for a sulfur/beryllium compound?
What must
48. A chemistry teacher working at a golf camp during the summer found a liquid, which caused him to slice ball after ball
into the water without disturbing him at all. He thought that this was an important liquid to identify so he set out to determine
its density. He found that a sample of the liquid had a mass equal to 455 golf balls and occupied a volume of 620 water cups
that he obtained at the 7th hole. Each golf ball massed 50 g and the water cups at the 7th hole of the golf course held 45 mL
each. What is the density of the unknown liquid?
How much force, in g cm / s2 , is exerted by a golf ball described in problem 2 striking a tree while accelerating at 20 cm / s2 ?
Show how you can solve this problem without knowing that F = m a. Explain your solution.