Unit 5: Testing the New Nation

Unit 5: Testing the New Nation
Vocabulary and Key Names
- West Africa Squadron
- Breakers
- Black Belt
- Responsorial
- Nat Turner’s Rebellion
- Amistad
- American Colonization Society
- Liberia
- The Liberator
- American Anti-Slavery Society
- Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World
- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
- Mason-Dixon Line
- Gag Resolution
- Popular Sovereignty
- Free soil Party
- “Barnburners”
- Undergound Railroad
- Seventh of March Speech
- Compromise of 1850
- Fugitive Slave Law
- Ostend Manifesto
- Opium War
- Treaty of Wanghia
- Treaty of Kanagawa
- Kansas Nebraska Act
- Abolitionists
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin
- The Impending Crisis of the South
- New England Emigrant Aid Company
- Lecompton Constitution
- Bleeding Kansas
- Dred Scott v. Stanford
- Tariff of 1857
- Panic of 1857
- Lincoln-Douglas Debates
- Republican Party
- “House Divided Speech”
- Freeport Question
- Freeport Doctrine
- Raid on Harpers Ferry
- Election of 1860
Key Names
- William T. Johnson
- Nat Turner
- William Wilberforce
- Theodore Dwight Weld
- William Lloyd Garrison
- David Walker
- Sojourner Truth
- Martin Delany
- Federick Douglass
- Lewis Cass
- Harriet Tubman
- Millard Fillmore
- Franklin Pierce
- William Walker
- Caleb Cushing
- Matthew C. Perry
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Henry Ward Beecher
- James Buchanan
- Charles Sumner
- Preston S. Brooks
- Dred Scott
- Stephen A. Douglas
- Abraham Lincoln
- John Brown
- John C. Breckinridge
- John Jordan Crittenden
- Charles Francis Adams
- Napoleon III
- Maximilian
- Jefferson Davis
- Elizabeth Blackwell
- Clara Barton
- Sally Tompkins
- Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson
- George B. McClellan
- Robert E. Lee
- John Pope
- A. E. Burnside
- Joseph “Fighting Joe” Hooker
- George G. Meade
- George Pickett
- Constitutional Union Party
- Secession Crisis
- Confederate States of America
- Crittenden Amendments
- Attack on Fort Sumter
- Border States
- Trent Affair
- Alabama
- Laird Rams
- Dominion of Canada
- Writ of Habeas Corpus
- New York Draft Riots
- Morrill Tariff Act
- Greenbacks
- National Banking System
- Morrill Tariff Act
- Homestead Act
- Morrill Land Grant Act
- U.S. Sanitary Commission
- Battle of Bull Run (Manassas Junction)
- Peninsula Campaign
- Merrimack
- C.S. Monitor
- Second Battle of Bull Run
- Battle of Antietam
- Emancipation Proclamation
- Thirteenth Amendment
- Battle of Fredericksburg
- Battle of Gettysburg
- Gettysburg Address
- Battle of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson
- Battle of Shiloh
- Anaconda Plan
- Siege of Vicksburg
- Sherman’s March
- Total Warfare
- Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the
- Ulysses S. Grant
- William Tecumseh Sherman
- Salmon Chase
- Clement L. Vallandigham
- John Wilkes Booth
- Oliver O. Howard
- Andrew Johnson
- Thaddeus Stevens
- Hiram Revels
- Edwin M. Stanton
- Benjamin Wade
- William Seward
- Copperheads
- The Man Without a Country
- Union Party
- Wilderness Campaign
- Appomattox Courthouse
- Reform Bill of 1867
- Freedmen’s Bureau
- “10 Percent” Reconstruction Plan
- Presidential Reconstruction
- Military Reconstruction
- Congressional Reconstruction
- Wade-Davis Bill
- Black Codes
- Sharecropping
- Pacific Railroads Act
- Civil Rights Bill of 1866
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Due Process Clause
- Equal Protection Clause
- Reconstruction Act
- Fifteenth Amendment
- Ex Parte Milligan
- Redeemers
- Woman’s Loyal League
- Union League
- Scalawags
- Carpetbaggers
- Ku Klux Klan
- Force Acts
- Reconstruction Acts
- Tenure of Office Act
- Seward’s Folly
- Johnson’s Impeachment