
Introduction to Chemistry
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
A Story of Two Substances
Chemistry and Matter
Scientific Methods
Scientific Research
• Section 1: Chemistry is the study of everything around
• Section 2: Branches of chemistry involve the study of
different kinds of matter.
• Section 3: Scientists use scientific methods to
systematically pose and test solutions to questions and
assess the results of the tests.
• Section 4: Some scientific investigations result in the
development of technology that can improve our lives
and the world around us.
systematic approach
scientific method
qualitative data
New continued
quantitative data
independent variable
dependent variable
scientific law
pure research
applied research
A Story of Two Substances
Section 1
Section 1: A Story of Two Substances
• Chemistry is the study of everything around us.
What I Know
What I Want to Find Out
What I Learned
Why Study Chemistry?
All the “stuff” in the universe is made from building blocks formed in stars.
These building blocks and everything made from them are called _______.
____________is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.
The Ozone Layer
Ultraviolet _________ damages living organisms.
Earth’s atmosphere contains a layer of _______ that absorbs most ultraviolet
radiation and protects living organisms.
Ozone is a substance in the atmosphere made up of ____________.
A ____________, also known as a chemical, is matter that has a definite
The Ozone Layer
Earth’s atmosphere consists of several layers. The protective ozone layer is
located in the ________________.
The Ozone Layer
Ozone, in the stratosphere, is formed when oxygen gas (O2) is exposed to
ultraviolet radiation.
The Ozone Layer
Ozone has interested and been studied by scientists since the late 1800’s.
Ozone forms over the ________, where the rays of sunlight are the strongest
and then flows towards the poles, thus, making it a convenient marker to
follow the flow of air in the stratosphere.
The Ozone Layer
The Ozone Layer
In the mid-1980s, Scientists detected thin areas in the ozone layer over
What could be causing the ozone hole?
In the 1920’s, large-scale production of refrigerators began, which used ammonia as
In an attempt to find safer coolant, chemist, Thomas Midgley, Jr. synthesized the first
chlorofluorocarbons in 1928.
A Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) is a substance that consists of _________, _______and
All substances that are classified as CFCs are:
– Man-made (they do not occur naturally)
– Nontoxic
– Stable (they do not readily react with other substances)
Because of being nontoxic and very __________, they seemed to be ideal coolants for
refrigerators and AC units, for use in plastic foams and as propellants in spray cans.
CFCs were first detected in the
atmosphere in the 1970s, and the
concentrations continued to increase
through the 1990s.
Could there be a connection between
ozone thinning and increasing CFCs in
the atmosphere?
Essential Questions
What is a substance?
How does ozone form and why is it important?
What are chlorofluorocarbons and how do they get into the atmosphere?
• chemistry
• substance
Chemistry and Matter
Section 2
Section 2: Chemistry and Matter
• Branches of chemistry involve the study of different kinds of matter.
What I Know
What I Want to Find Out
What I Learned
Matter and its characteristics
Matter is anything that has ______________ and takes up ____________.
__________is a measurement that reflects the amount of matter.
__________is a measure of mass and force of gravity on an object. Weight can
change from place to place, but mass is constant.
Much of matter and its behavior is macroscopic, meaning that it can be observed
without a ________________.
The structure, composition, and behavior of all matter can be described on the
submicroscopic (________________) level.
Chemistry explains events on the atomic level that cause ____________
A _________is a verbal, visual, or mathematical explanation of experimental data.
Chemistry: The Central Science
A basic understanding of chemistry is central to all sciences – biology,
physics, Earth science, ecology, etc. Chemistry is traditionally broken into
________________that focus on specific areas such as:
– Organic chemistry
– Inorganic chemistry
– Physical chemistry
– Analytical chemistry
– Biochemistry
– Environmental chemistry
– Industrial chemistry
– Polymer chemistry
– Theoretical chemistry
– thermochemistry
Match what you think is the branch of chemistry to
its area of emphasis (start with what you do know)
• Analytical chemistry
• Industrial chemistry
• Physical chemistry
• Biochemistry
• Inorganic chemistry
• Polymer chemistry
• Thermochemistry
Area of Emphasis
• Most carbon-containing
• In general, matter that doesn’t
contain carbon
• The behavior and changes of
matter and the related energy
• Components and composition of
• Matter and processes of living
• Matter and the environment
• Chemical processes in industry
• Polymers and plastics
• Chemical interactions
• Heat involved in chemical
Essential Questions
• How do mass and weight compare and contrast?
• Why are chemists interested in a submicroscopic description of
• What defines the various branches of chemistry?
• Mass
• weight
• model
Scientific Methods &
Section 3 & Section 4
Section 3 & 4: Scientific Methods & Research
• Scientists use scientific methods to systematically pose and test
solutions to questions and assess the results of the tests.
• Some scientific investigations result in the development of
technology that can improve our lives and the world around us.
What I Know
What I Want to Find Out
What I Learned
A Systematic Approach
The ___________________is a systematic approach used in scientific study,
whether it is chemistry, physics, biology, or another science.
It is an organized _________used by scientists to do research, and provides
methods for scientists to verify the work of others.
The steps in a scientific method are repeated until a hypothesis is supported
or ______________.
A Systematic Approach
An observation is the act of gathering information.
_____________is obtained through observations that describe color, smell, shape, or some
other physical characteristic that is related to the 5 senses.
_______________is obtained from numerical observations that describe how much, how little,
how big, or how fast.
A _______________is a tentative explanation for what has been observed.
An ______________is a set of controlled observations that test the
A Systematic Approach
A ____________is a quantity or condition that can have more than one value.
An ___________________________is the variable you plan to change.
The __________________is the variable that changes in value in response to a change in the
independent variable
EXAMPLE: If you were trying to determine if temperature affects bacterial
growth, you would expose different petri dishes of the same bacteria to
different temperatures
Temperature is your __________________________________
Bacteria growth is your ___________________________________
A Systematic Approach
A _______________is a standard for comparison in the experiment.
During clinical drug trials, physicians will use a double-blind study. They use 2
statistically identical groups of patients. 1 will receive the drug and 1 will
receive a placebo (_________). Neither patient or physician know which
group receives the drugs.
The group receiving the placebo is the control group.
A ______________is a judgment based on the information obtained from the
A hypothesis is never proven, only supported or discarded.
Theory and Scientific Law
A _________is an explanation that has been repeatedly supported by many
A theory states a broad principle of nature that has been supported over time by repeated
Theories are successful if they can be used to make predictions that are true.
A _________________is a relationship in nature that is supported by many
experiments, and no exceptions to these relations are found.
Types of Scientific Investigations
____________is research to gain knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself.
_______________is research undertaken to solve a specific problem.
Change discoveries occurs when scientists obtain results that are far different
from what they expected.
Sometimes accidents are better! Alexander Fleming’s discovery of Penicillin has saved millions.
Essential Questions
What are the common steps of scientific method?
What are the similarities and differences between qualitative data and quantitative
In an experiment, which variable is the independent variable, which is the dependent
variable, and which are controls?
What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law?
How do pure research, applied research, and technology compare and contrast?
Scientific method •
Qualitative data
Quantitative data •
Independent variable
Dependent variable•
Scientific law
Pure research
Applied research