ECSE 6770- Software Engineering

Lecture 12
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Failure Detection Oriented Defect Removal
Failure detection is the activity of exercising the software
environment with the intent to identify failures (points of deviation
from expectation). This approach can in fact be subdivided into three
distinct activities, those of:
failure detection;
root cause analysis; and
root cause defect removal.
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In this sense failure detection is the activity that comes closest to the
definitions that have traditionally been provided for the activity of
“testing” (Myers, 1979). Even though at times differences may be
detected between the intent and expression of these traditional
definitions and that of the activity we term “failure detection”
(Goodenough and Gerhardt, 1975), nevertheless there is sufficient
proximity for the terms to be used interchangeably.
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Root cause analysis is the activity of tracing the manifestation of a
defect or series of defects (a failure) as discovered in the environment
through failure detection or normal usage, through to the defect or
defects in the source code that caused such failure. This is - as we
have mentioned before - a non-trivial and time consuming task.
Root cause defect removal is the activity of correcting the defect
identified in the source code. The last two activities combined are
usually termed “debugging”. A large number of debugging techniques
exist, the most frequently cited of which are: program tracing and
scaffolding (Bently, 1985). Surveys and descriptions of effective
debugging techniques is available elsewhere (e.g. Kransmuller et al.,
1996; McDowall and Helmbold, 1989; Stewart and Gentleman,
1997), and will not be discussed further.
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Failure detection (testing) itself can be sub-divided into two subcategories each divisible into further sub-categories themselves, as
Partitioning or sub-domain testing
specification based or functionally based;
program-based or structurally based;
defect based or evolutionary based;
analytically based.
Statistical Testing
random testing;
error seeding.
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Partitioning or Sub-domain Testing
A popular approach employed as an attempt to controlling the
combinatorial explosion problem in testing is to subdivide the
input domain into a number of logical subsets called “subdomains”, according to some criterion or set of criteria, and then to
select a small number of representative elements from each
subdomain as potential test case candidates (Frankl et al., 1997).
The criteria usually employed may be classified as
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Specification-based or Functionally Based Approaches
Sometimes also referred to as functional testing, these techniques
concentrate on selecting input data from partitioned sets that
effectively test the functionality specified in the requirements
specification for the program. The partitioning is therefore based on
placing inputs that invoke a particular aspect of the program’s
functionality into a given partition.
In such techniques testing involves only the observation of the output
states given the inputs, and as such no analysis of the structure of the
program is attempted (Hayes, 1986; Luo et al., 1994; Weyuker and
Jeng, 1991). Individual approaches to input domain partitioning
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Equivalence Partitioning (Myers, 1975; Frankl et al., 1997).
This is where each input condition is partitioned into sets of valid
and invalid classes called equivalence classes. These are in turn used
to generate test cases by selecting representative values of valid and
invalid elements from each class. In this approach one can
reasonably assume but not be certain that a test of a representative
value of each class is equivalent to a test of any other value. That is,
if one test case in a class detects an error, all other test cases in the
class would be expected to do the same. Conversely, if a test case
did not detect an error, we would expect that no other test case in the
class would find an error.
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Efficacy of Equivalence Partitioning
The major deficiency of equivalence partitioning is that they are in
general ineffective in testing combinations of input circumstances.
Also there is considerable variability in terms of the number of
resultant test cases or testing effectiveness depending on how and at
what granularity the equivalence classes are determined. In most
typical situations however, defects are inter-dependent and it is hard
to predict the correct level of granularity for the equivalence classes
prior to testing. These two deficiencies have a significantly
detrimental effect on the defect identification efficacy of testing
strategies based on equivalence partitioning (Beizer, 1991; Frankl et
al., 1997).
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Cause Effect Graphing
Probably initially proposed by Elmendorf (1974) and popularized
by Myer (1979), cause effect graphing is a method of generating test
cases by attempting to translate the precondition/postcondition
implications of the specification to a logical notation whose
satisfaction by the program may be ascertained (Myers, 1979).
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Efficacy of Cause Effect Graphing
Cause effect graphing can be useful when applied to simple cases. It
has the interesting side effect of assisting in discovery of potential
incompleteness or conflict in the specification. Unfortunately, it
suffers from a number of weaknesses which make its utility of
limited scope.
The major weakness of cause-effect graphing are that it:
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is difficult in practice to apply it as it still suffers from
combinatorial explosion problems;
is difficult to convert the graph to a useful format (usually
a decision table);
does not produce all the logically required test cases;
is deficient with regards to boundary conditions.
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Boundary Value Analysis
A potential resolution to the last stated deficiency with cause-effect
graphing is boundary value analysis which is to be used in
conjunction with the aforementioned. Boundary value analysis
(Myers, 1979) is a method similar to equivalence partitioning in
that it subdivides the domain into equivalence classes. The
differences are that:
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test cases are derived by considering both input as well as
output equivalence classes; and
that test element selection is made in such a way that each
independent logical path of execution of the class is
subjected to at least one test.
In terms of efficacy, boundary value analysis suffers from exactly
the same weaknesses as does equivalence partitioning (Omar and
Mohammed, 1991).
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Category-Partition Method
This method (Ostrand and Balcer, 1988) decomposes the functional
specification into independently testable functional units. For each
functional unit, parameters that affect the execution of that unit (i.e.
the explicit inputs) are identified and their characteristics
determined, each forming a category. Each category is then
partitioned into distinct classes, each containing sets of values that
can be deemed equivalent. These sets are called “choices”. To
develop test cases, the constraints between choices (e.g. choice X
must precede choice Y), are determined and a formal test
specification is composed for each functional unit.
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Efficacy of Category - Partition Method
Somewhat similar to equivalence partitioning, the advantage of
category partitioning is in the facility with which test specifications
may be modified. Additionally, the complexity and the number of
cases may also be controlled. The major disadvantages of this
method are those enumerated for other equivalence partitioning
type methods.
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The Efficacy of Specification Based Testing Approaches
The number and dates of the publications cited herein indicate that
the shortcomings of specification based methods were recognized
early and that they have been criticized by many authors. The main
criticism is that they generally are unable to find non-functional
failures (Haung, 1975; Howden, 1982; Myers, 1979; Ntafos and
Hakimi, 1979). They are also often imprecise in terms of rules for
identification or the level of granularity for selection of partition
classes (Howden, 1982). They are also usually hard to automate as
human expertise is often a requirement, at least for sub-domain class
selection (Ostrand and Balcer, 1988). Another major issue is that of
the rapid proliferation of test cases needed for adequate coverage
(Haung, 1975; Myers, 1979; Ntafos and Hakimi, 1979).
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Two other major shortcomings of this category of techniques relate
the assumption of disjoint partitions
This is the assumption that it is sufficient for the partitions or subdomains created to be disjoint. In reality however, sub-domains may
not be all disjoint and hence the special case of disjoint partitions
does not reflect the characteristics of the general case (Frankl and
Weyuker, 1993).
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the assumption of homogeneity
This is the assumption that sub-domains are homogeneous in that
either all members of a sub-domain cause a program to fail or
none do so. Therefore, the assumption proceeds, that one
representative of each sub-domain is sufficient to test the program
adequately. This assumption is however unjustified in that in
general it is very impractical, if not impossible, to achieve
homogeneity. Thus frequent sampling of sub-domains is still
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Much of the recent work in the analysis of the efficacy of subdomain testing has attempted to challenge these assumptions and
provide frameworks that do not include them. Weyuker and Jeng
(1994) challenge the homogeneity assumption but still assume subdomains to be generally disjoint. Chen and Yu (1994) carry on
from this and generalize this work and demonstrate that under
certain conditions, sub-domain testing is at least as efficacious as
random testing (to be discussed later). Further work by Chen and
Yu (1996) challenges the second assumption (that of sub-domains
being disjoint) as they include in their analysis both joint and
disjoint sub-domains.
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The work again identifies a number of cases (albeit small in
practice) where sub-domain testing might be a superior technique to
use compared to random testing. In general and in the absence of a
scheme by which specific conditions are built into the sub-domains,
the efficacy of sub-domain testing remains very close to that of pure
random testing and usually, it seems, not worth the extra effort
(Duran and Ntafos, 1984; Hamlet and Taylor, 1990; Weyuker and
Jeng, 1994; Chen and Yu, 1994).
Structurally based techniques (often also called program based),
that concentrate on the way the program has been built have been
proposed as a complementary technique to those described above.
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Program Based Testing Approaches
When the basis for the subdivision of the domain is not the
functional specification of the system or what the system should do,
but what the program actually does, then it becomes possible to
devise sub-domain partitions that attempt to provide “coverage” by
exercising necessary elements of the program. These elements may
relate to the structural elements of the program such as statements,
edges, or paths, or the data flow characteristics of the program.
Often termed white box testing or glass box testing (Haung, 1975;
Myers, 1979; Ntafos and Hakimi, 1979), the basic requirement is
the execution of each program “element” at least once. The inputs
that execute a particular element form a sub-domain.
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Statement Coverage
Statement coverage is deemed useful on the basis that by observing a
failure upon execution of a program statement, we can identify a
defect. As such, it is necessary to execute every statement in a
program at least once. Based on the above, therefore, white box
testing methods have been devised that rely on the criterion that: test
sets must be selected such that every statement of the program is
executed at least once. The main problem with statement coverage as
an approach (aside from the basic logical problem all program based
approaches suffer from) is that it is not clear what is meant by a
statement in that whether we need to deal with blocks or individual
elementary statements.
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Another problem is how to deal with recursion - that is, whether to
consider a recursive block as one series of statements or several
nested ones, and if the latter, how many nestings, etc.
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Control Flow Coverage
If we consider a program as a graph of nodes and edges, with nodes
representing decision points and edges representing the path to the
next decision point, the statement coverage criterion above calls for
coverage of all nodes. Control flow coverage (also known as edge
coverage) on the other hand, calls for coverage of all the edges
between nodes. This is reasonable in that in such a graph as
described above, edges describe the control flow of the program in
that test cases make each condition generate either a true or a false
value. Thus a test that gives full edge coverage tests all
independently made decisions in the program.
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Hidden edges however exist in the form of logical conditions.
Simple control flow coverage will miss these. Yet, control flow
coverage may be further strengthened by addition of the
requirement that all possible compound conditions also be
exercised at least once. This is called the condition coverage
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Path Coverage
Combining statement and control flow coverage requirements one
can define a coverage criterion that states that test sets must be
selected such that all paths within the program flow graph are
traversed at least once.
It is clear that this requirement is stronger than either the statement or
the control flow coverage criteria individually or both conducted
separately. The problem is, however, that traversing all control paths
is infeasible as it suffers from the explosion of state space problem. It
may be however feasible to cover all the “independent” paths within
a program.
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Data Flow Oriented
Data flow coverage methods (Rapps and Weyuker, 1985) subject the
system to data flow analysis (Weiser, 1984) and identify certain
data flow patterns that might be induced. The way these data flows
may be induced are then used as the basis for creation of test subdomains and subsequently of test sets. Boundary interior testing
(Howden, 1987) for example requires selecting two test sets for
each loop, one that enters the loop but does not cause iteration, and
one that does. The problem with data flow oriented approaches is
that “they produce too many uninteresting anomalies unless
integrated with a tool to evaluate path feasibility and subsequently
remove un-executable anomalies" (Clarke et al., 1989).
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The Efficacy of Program Based Approaches
All program based approaches suffer from a number of logical
As highlighted earlier, program based techniques rely on the
implication that by observing a failure upon execution of a program
element (statement, edge, path,..) we can identify a defect. Or,
alternatively, if a failure is encountered when executing a particular
program element, then a defect is presented in that program element.
This statement can be written in the form of p-> q. The implication
in itself is sound. The problem stems from the fact that this simple
implication is frequently mis-represented in a number of generally
incorrect forms such as:
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not p->not q
which states: if a failure is not encountered when executing a
particular program element, then a defect does not exist in that
program element. This is clearly not logically equivalent to our
initial implication statement, yet is the aspiration upon which
program based testing in particular and partition testing in general is
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(p(X) -> q(x))->(p(Y)->q(y))
This may be interpreted as: if a failure encountered during testing
of a program element using data set (X), yields a defect (x), then
using dataset (Y) will result in a similar failure which in turn will
yield defect y.
This again is not a logical consequence of our original implication
as confidence in the true equivalence of our “equivalence sets”
must be first established.
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Aside from the logical shortcomings, there remains the
combinatorial weakness of these coverage based techniques.
Although addressed by many authors (Clarke, 1988; Frankl and
Weyuker, 1988; Goldberg et al., 1994; Hutchins; 1994) using a
variety of approaches (Bicevskis et al., 1990; Chilenski and Miller,
1993; Clarke, 1976; Lindquist and Jenkins, 1988; RTCA Inc.,
1992), these still remain.
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Defect Based Approaches
Defect based approaches were introduced and studied during the
1970s and 1980s as a potentially more effective approach to
testing compared to specification based approaches (DeMillo and
Offutt, 1991; DeMillo et al., 1988; Howden, 1987; Morell, 1988;
Offutt, 1992; Richardson and Thompson, 1988; Weyuker, 1983;
Weyuker and Ostrand, 1980). These techniques rely on the
hypothesis that programs tend to contain defects of specific kind
that can be well defined, and that by testing for a restricted class of
defects we can find a wide class of defects. This is in turn based on
the hypothesis that:
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good programmers write programs that contain only a few defects
(which is close to being correct) (Budd, 1980; DeMillo et al.,
1978); and
that a test data set that detects all simple defects, is capable of
detecting more complex defects (coupling effects) (DeMillo et al.,
Thus if we create many different versions of a program (mutants)
by making a small change to the original, intending them to
correspond to typical program defects that might be injected, then
test data that identifies such a defect in a mutant is also capable of
identifying the same type of defect in the original program.
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also due to coupling effects, a test set that identifies a mutant will
also reveal more complex defects than the type just discovered.
Inputs that kill a particular mutant form a sub-domain. Mutation
testing (Hamlet and Taylor, 1990, Budd, 1980) is the
implementation of these ideas, and is closely related to the method
of detecting defects in digital circuits.
Despite the superficial resemblance between mutation testing and
the testing technique known as error seeding (Mills, 1989) the two
methods are strictly distinct. This is so because error seeding is a
statistical method that works on the basis of ratio of detected vs.
remaining defects, whereas mutation testing deals with sensitivity of
test sets to small changes.
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The Efficacy of Defect Based Approaches
Mutation testing is currently the only technique known to the
author that falls into this category. As such mutation testing will be
selected as the single representative of this category for comparison
purposes in this section.
Budd (1980) makes a cursory comparison between various
techniques falling under the categories of specification and
program based approaches and concludes that all testing goals
stated by these approaches are also attainable through employment
of mutation testing.
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On the negative side, the following may be extended as criticism
of this approach.
mutation testing requires the execution of a very large
number of mutants;
it is very difficult (often impossible) to decide on the
equivalence of a mutant and the original program even for
very simple systems;
that a large number (up to 80%) of all mutants die before
contributing any significant information (Budd, 1980);
that the last remaining mutants (2 to 10%) take up a
significant number of test case applications (>50%)
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Statistical Testing Approaches
Statistical testing is the use of the random and statistical nature of
defects in order to exercise a program with the aim of causing it to
fail (Thevenod-Fosse and Waeselynck, 1991). There are basically
two approaches:
Use of a Probability Distribution to Generate Test inputs.
Error Seeding
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Use of a Probability Distribution to Generate Test inputs.
The extent of the effectiveness of this strategy is directly related to
the distribution utilized to derive the input test set. Extreme
variability therefore exists in terms of which distribution is
utilized, ranging from a uniform distribution (Duran and Ntafos,
1984) to very sophisticated distributions derived formally from the
structure or the specification of the program (Higashino and von
Bochman, 1994; Luo et al., 1994; Whittaker and Thomason,
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There are essentially two directions one can take:
Use an informally selected "distribution" and then test each
element many times. In other words leave the composition of the
input distribution to the tester's intuition. This is by far the most
prevalent method of software testing and is popularly termed "basic
or simple random testing" (Beizer, 1991; Humphrey, 1995; Myers,
1979). With this technique the tester will generate and use random
inputs that is envisaged to uncover defects without the formal use of
probability distributions but with a knowledge of the structure or the
required functionality of program. This is a very simple and easily
understandable strategy.
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However, its efficacy has been demonstrated to be generally
too low for the production of commercially robust software, at least
when utilized in isolation (Duran and Ntafos, 1984; Frankl, et al.,
1997; Woit, 1992). Yet its popularity persists and has made this
approach a standard stock technique of testing practised practically
everywhere at least as one of many methods (Cobb and Mills, 1990;
Humphrey, 1995).
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Search for test distributions that are better
approximations of the operational profile or the structure of
the system and then reduce the number of tests for each
element (e.g. Whittaker and Thomason, 1994). This is a
theoretically attractive but practically arduous approach. This
is because the true operational profile of a software product is
usually unknown prior to commissioning. Another issue is the
intricacy of the relationship between the structure of a
program and the test input distribution. This can become
impractically too complicated as the size and complexity of
the program grows (Hamlet and Taylor, 1990; Frankl and
Weyuker, 1993).
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Error Seeding
This is the very old but interesting technique in which a known
number of carefully devised known defects are injected (seeded)
into a program that is to be tested. The program is then tested
during which a number of these previously known and a number
of previously unknown defects are identified. Assuming that the
seeded defects are "typical" defects, it stands to reason to accept
that the ratio of the known defects found so far and the total of
the known defects is the same as the ratio of the unknown ones.
This will allow us to statistically estimate the number of
remaining defects in a program (Endres, 1975; Mills, 1972;
Mills, 1989).
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Beyond Unit Testing
Unit testing attempts to cause a failure based on the logic of a
single unit of software; I.e. a class, a method, a module, etc.
Thus unit testing examines the behavior of a single unit.
Beyond unit testing, it would be appropriate to test the
interaction of units when working together. Integration testing
is at at least one level of granularity above unit testing.
System testing is assessing the system in its entirety and is at
the top level granularity.
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Integration Testing:
Integration testing (particularly in an OO environment) is best done
in conjunction with the usecase model, interaction diagrams or
sequence diagrams. The basic aim of integration testing is to assess
that a module (an object for example) which is presumed internally
correct can fulfill its contract with respect to its clients. Thus in
OO, there is a gray area between unit testing and integration testing
in that it is hard to unit test an object without at least some of its
clients, or one at a time. In integration testing however, we go
beyond that and usually integrate the object with all its direct
clients and servers.
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As larger and larger modules are integration tested, they in turn need
to be integrated together. Thus integration testing is a multi-tiered
operation. The essence is however that for each module (irrespective
of it being an object, a collection of objects, a package , …) we must
assume the element to possess a certain contract and seek to cause
that contract to be violated.
In a well designed system the levels (tiers) of integration testing
should roughly correspond to the levels of granularity of the usecase
Integration testing concludes when all system modules are
integrated as stipulated in the System Design Document.
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What if?
What if we managed to cause a failure during integration testing and
sought the cause and rectified it? This would change one or a
number of our lower level units (e.g. classes). What do we do now?
Regression Testing
As the name implies regression testing is going back to test what
has already been tested because there is emergent need to do so.
It is recommended that when any module is changed that its contract
be re-examined through integration testing and its contents through
unit testing.
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System Testing
Once the results of integration testing as applied to all system
modules become acceptable. There is time for system testing.
Why you might ask? Have we not already tested every module and all
of system interactions?
The answer is that whilst we may have examined every module, we
have not done so exhaustively, also when it comes to interactions, we
may have examined many of these but certainly not all. The problem
of combinatorial explosion will never permit complete testing of any
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A more subtle and probably more important issue is also that of the
nature of the examination so far. Unit testing is against the object
model, integration testing is against the Design Model and according
to some set Test Plan. These models and tests examine the system
against a background of how the system is put together, that is an
interpretation of the requirements and not with respect to the actual
requirements of the system. We now need to take that crucial step.
This is done in potentially three forms.
Requirements testing (Functional Testing)
Performance testing
Acceptance procedures
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Requirements Testing:
This is done by the the V&V team and is done with respect to the
Requirements document directly and the users manual. At this stage
we must attempt to cause failure in the system to fulfill as many of
the stated or implied requirements as possible.
Performance Testing:
This is also done by the V&V team and with respect to the quality
characteristics of reliability, usability and maintainability. We also
specifically test performance under data and transaction loads.
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Field Testing:
There are two types alpha testing and beta testing
This is done by the customer, the potential customer or their proxy.
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Alpha testing:
Alpha testing is when the customer takes on the responsibility and
challenge of trying out the system under examination in the field and
to examine it under typical operating environments prevailing and
typical data WITHOUT relying on it operationally (for example by
running it in parallel to the existing system. This action will assist in
identifying failures and hopefully defects that caused them when the
system is in actual operation without exposing or endangering the
client’s business.
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Beta Testing:
Usually follows alpha testing and a technique most frequently
utilized by “shrink wrap” software developers. Once sufficient
confidence in the product is built, it is released to a limited
audience who would effectively act as testers for the product in a
production environment. The feedback from these beta sites would
allow identification of failure points and therefore defect
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Acceptance Procedure:
Usually included as part of the V&V or testing process, Acceptance
procedures are technically a separate activity whose aim is exactly
the opposite of that of testing.
In testing we strive to make the product fail.
During Acceptance Procedures we strive to demonstrate that the
product no longer fails.
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Acceptance procedures are controlled by the client whilst the
supplier may actually do some or the bulk of the work and may be
performed through a variety of means including testing. The aim
is to show that the product as is fulfills the stipulations of the
business contract between the two parties.
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Further Reading
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