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Mednarodna konferenca s področja visokega šolstva
»Umeščanje Slovenije v evropski visokošolski prostor«
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Predstavitev tujih gostov
Mag. Martin Unger is a senior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna. For
20 years he has been involved in research on the social dimension of students on national and
international level, most of all as a member of the EUROSTUDENT consortium. Recently he
coordinated the project PL4SD – Peer Learning for the Social Dimension. Martin Unger is a board
member of the Association for Higher Education research and member of the executive board of EAN
– European Access Network.
Dr. Kristina Hauschildt joined the German Centre for Research on Higher Education and Science
Studies (DZHW) in 2011 and is now EUROSTUDENT project coordinator. Her main areas of work also
include the evaluation of policy and practice in various areas of higher education, ranging from
student dropout to the impact of student fees on the quality of higher education provision. In 2010
she was awarded a doctorate in work and organizational psychology by the University of Kiel,
Ivana Živadinović has been working on projects related to the social dimension, financing of higher
education and social inequalities. Main areas of her research interests are social dimension of higher
education, employability of graduates, higher education funding, methodology of sociological
research, application of quantitative methodology in social research, comparability of the data in
cross-national surveys. She is currently working at the Foundation Tempus – Eurydice Unit.
Tomislav Vodička graduated at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
in Latin and History and is currently working as a Head of Administration at the University of Zagreb,
Centre for Croatian Studies, where he is designing institutional strategy and implementing strategic
frameworks for national and EU funds, and also coordinating development of Campus Borongaj. He
gained significant experience working for the Network of Experts on Student Standard in Europe
(BFUG) and during period as a national representative of working group on the Social Dimension
within BFUG. He also participated as a national representative within thematic working group
“Modernisation of Higher Education” in European Commission and was a national representative at
EUROSTUDENT Steering Board.
Enora Bennetot Pruvot is Deputy Director for Governance, Funding and Public Policy Development
at European University Association (EUA). She has published on the topic of university financial
sustainability (2011), higher education funding (2013) and university mergers (2015), and also acts as
the editor for EUA’s University Funding Articles series. She is responsible for the organisation of EUA’s
biannual Funding Forum and for EUA’s annual Public Funding Observatory, which monitors the
evolution of public funding to higher education institutions throughout Europe. Before joining EUA in
2008, Enora gained experience in the field of European research and development policy. Enora holds
Master degrees in Political Science and European Public Affairs, and in European Political and
Administrative Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.
Anna Gover joined European University Association (EUA) in July 2013. She is working as a Project
Officer focusing on quality assurance. She has also worked on EUA’s Institutional Evaluation
Programme. Prior to moving to Belgium, Anna worked for a number of arts organisations in the UK
and Germany. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music and German from the University of Birmingham
(UK) and is also studying part-time for a Master’s degree in Nonprofit Management and Governance at
the Centre for Social Investment and Innovation, Heidelberg University (Germany).