Integrated *United* Chemical Earth Physical Science

Earth System Science
Mr. Hess
Contact Information:
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General Information
The ninth grade science course, Earth System Science, is a diverse year long course
worth one science credit. Three science credits are required to graduate from high school
in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Successful completion of this course prepares the
student for Biology in tenth grade with high achieving students being recommended for
Honors Biology.
ESS Units
Earth System Science begins with chapters from Units 1, 2 & 3- Studying the Earth,
Composition of the Earth and History of the Earth. ESS continues with Unit 8, 4 & 6Space, The Dynamic Earth (earthquakes) and Atmospheric Forces (responsible for your
Monday off school…hope everyone was prepared and safe!). The ESS course finishes
with chapters from Units 5 & 7 – Reshaping the Crust and Oceans.
Evaluation: ESS Notebook
All papers and assignments will be organized in a type of notebook selected by the
student. A three ring notebook is recommended but not required. Notebooks will help
students keep a record of all assignments, lab activities and evaluations. Notebooks will
be checked for completeness and organization before students can participate in lab
activities (laboratory prep). Students in lab groups should encourage each other to keep
up-to-date assignments so everyone can benefit from the limited lab time.
An evaluation or alternative assessment will be given at the end of each chapter. A
chapter may end with a chapter test, a written essay and/or a project called a chapter
challenge. Point totals will vary.
Usually given after each section in a chapter to check for student understanding. Quiz
point totals vary and may range from 2 to 15 points. Most quizzes will be announced
after students have a chance to try some practice problems and review solutions to
problems. Some quizzes may be open notebook and a few may be unannounced.
Homework will have a value of 10 points per assignment and will be checked for
completion at the beginning of the class period. Full credit will be given if the assignment
is completed at the beginning of the period on the day after the assignment was given.
Five points will be deducted per day late.
ESS In-Class Activities
The first assignment is the Earth System Science Search. You will learn how to use your
textbook. The different parts will help you to become a successful science student. Some
parts may be used as graded lab preparation (lab prep) in-class assignments. Examples
are Why It Matters, Reading Toolbox and Quick Lab.
SciLinks lets you use the internet to link to interesting topics and activities related to the
section. SciLinks may be accessed in class, the computer lab or at home. Students will be
informed if SciLinks will be used as an assessment.
Think Central
Each student will be given a special password to log onto the web site.
You will find your text in an online format. You will also find some interactive materials
that connect with the sections covered in class. Student “thinkcentral” online assessments
May be assigned to monitor student understanding of basic unit concepts. A check up to
see where individualized review may be necessary.
Labs are an important part of the ESS course and each chapter contains several lab
activities (quick, inquiry, chapter). Students select their lab partners and take ownership
of the lab procedures, safety and responsibilities. Lab investigation results are an
important part of the chapter evaluation and point values vary with some labs requiring
more than one class period.
Lab Behavior
A lab safety contract must be reviewed, taken home for signatures and returned before a
lab group can participate in lab activities. NOTE: Violation of any safety rules will result
in the students dismissal from lab for the remainder of the period and a grade of zero for
that lab. Additional safety violations may result in an office referral per incident.
Class Behavior
Students should be aware of the student’s rights and responsibilities stated in the student
handbook. If students are assigned detentions as a consequence of their behavior, a
detention form must be returned with a parent or guardian signature before the detention
can be served. Failure to return signed detention form will result in a call home, a
possible office referral and one additional detention.
A mid-term exam will be given at the end of the first semester and a comprehensive final
exam will be given during finals week in June.
Make Ups
Guidelines in the student handbook apply. In most cases, tests, quizzes and exams will be
made up within one week. Projects like the island home challenge are due on the assigned
date because of the length of time allowed for completion.
Help Sessions
After school from 2:30 to 3:10 during the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
ESS Grade
The students marking period grade is determined by the total points earned divided by the
total possible points. The grade percentage range is indicated below. It is the goals of the
ICE instructors to vary the types of evaluations so all types of learners can be successful
in the ICE course.
A 100-90%
B 89-80%
C 79-70%
D 69-60%
F 59% and below