All About Me - St. Anthony's School

All About _______
Poetry Portfolio
Mr. Banas
6th Grade Literature
Project basics for your Powerpoint:
• You will create a poetry portfolio Powerpoint of
yourself through self created poems.
• You will research and find a poem and its author
that you like. Provide a copy of the poem and
write a brief overview of the form and elements
that are presented in the poem.
• Your final poem will be an original “free verse”
poem stating what you have learned about
poetry and it’s elements.
Main Components (checklist):
1. Graphic Front cover: All About “insert your name”.
(20 pts.)
2. Rhyming Poem: on your favorite sport. (10 pts.)
3. Diamante Poem: that describes you. (10 pts.)
4. Simile Self Portrait: that describes your
personality. (10 pts.)
5. Limerick Poem: that describes your favorite
animal. (10 pts.)
6. Haiku: your favorite season of the year. (10 pts.)
7. Free verse (or rap): What you have learned about
poetry. (10 pts.)
8. Choose a favorite poem with poet: analyze the
poem. (10 pts.)
1. Graphic Front Cover:
Title: (example: All About Matt)
Name (provide your full name)
Grade: (6th Grade )
Symbols and/or clipart
Picture of yourself
Color and Creativity
2. Rhyming Poem:
• Must be about your favorite sport or
• Minimum of 7 – 10 lines.
3. Diamante Poem:
• Must be about you.
• Must have 7 lines.
• See links below for required elements:
Elements of a Diamante Poem:
Practice a Diamante Poem:
4. Simile Self-Portrait:
My Self-Portrait Poem
My _______________ is like __________________
My ________________ are like _______________
My _____________________ are _______________________
My _____________________ is ________________________
My heart holds _____________________________ (this is a feeling)
That is ___________ (color) as __________________
I live in ______________________
And eat ______________________
5. Limerick Poem:
• Create an original limerick poem that
describes your favorite animal.
• Your poem should be only 5 lines of poetry
with a-a-b-b-a pattern.
1st 2 lines rhyme
3rd and 4th lines rhyme
Last line rhymes with the first two lines (follows the rhyming pattern of a-a-b-b-a)
Maria once had a pet bear.
His name was Ralph Sinclair
Ralph would laugh like a hyena
every time he saw clumsy Tina
while wiggling his tail in the air!
-created by Mrs. Emily Cooper
6. Haiku:
• Create an original Haiku poem about your favorite season of the
• A haiku is a Japanese verse in three lines. Line one has 5 syllables,
line 2 has 7 syllables and line three has 5 syllables. Haiku is a mood
poem and it doesn't use any metaphors or similes.
As the wind does blow
Across the trees, I see the
Buds blooming in May
• More samples of Haiku Poems:
7. Free Verse:
• Create an original free verse poem with 710 lines:
• Tell what you have learned about
elements and forms of poetry.
• Tell about your favorite type of poem and
explain why it is your favorite.
8. A Favorite Poem:
• Research and select a poem you like and
be sure to provide the author.
• Provide (write it out) the entire poem and
tell why you like it.
• Describe the form or elements that you
found in the poem.
Be Creative!
Have fun and good luck!
Poetry PowerPoint RUBRIC
Graphic Front cover
With all required
20 points
7 poems total
With all required
70 points
(10 points each).
Creativity and design originality
10 points
Grand Total:
100 points