Overview Presentation Supply Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR) April 2005 1 • The SCC is an independent, not-for-profit, global corporation with membership open to all companies and organizations interested in applying and advancing state-of-the-art supply chain management systems and practices. • Over 800 Company Members • Cross-industry representation • Chapters in Australia/New Zealand, Brazil, Europe, Japan, North America, Southern Africa, and South East Asia with petitions for additional chapters pending. •The Supply-Chain Council (SCC) has developed and endorsed the Supply Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR) as the crossindustry standard for supply chain management SCOR Overview April 2005 2 SCC Organization - Chapters and Staffing SCC Global Headquarters Washington D. C. Japan Chapter Tokyo, Japan North America Chapter Washington D.C. NEC Disney South East Asia Chapter Singapore Europe Brussels, Belgium Modus Media Venture Inc. Brazil Chapter Australia/New Zealand Chapter Sydney, Australia SCOR Overview April 2005 Southern Africa Johannesburg, South Africa UTi 3 SCC Leadership Teams Europe Diversey Lever– C Siemens AG – VC Euro-Chain Bomardier Tansportation BASF AG Borealis SAP AG Oracle EMEA Rhodia Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EDS UK and SA Board of Directors Disney - C Eaton - VC DaimlerChrysler MOPAR Business Process Training Center Europe PeopleSoft I2 Technologies Georgia Institute of Technology IBM SCE Limited ICI Supply Chain Phillips Lighting PRTM McCormick & Company, Inc. HP Australia/New Zealand North America Vemture Corporation – C Phillips CFT – VC Modus Media Deloitte Singapore Institute of Mfg. Technology SCM Institute Autoscan Technology Polyolefin Company Asia Pacific Breweries I2 Technologies iPerintis Sdn Bhd Owens Global Logistics – C Toys R Us - C Health Purchasing Victoria – VC Raytheon Oracle IBM RMIT University Adjoined Consulting MI Services Avicon BHP Bayer Chemicals EAN Australia The Boeing Company Center for Supply Chain Research / Penn State Elections Pending Air Products and Chemicals Raytheon South Africa SAP Brazil China SCOR Overview April 2005 4 South East Asia Japan NEC – C JBC Create – VC Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Olympus Optical EXA Chubu Electric Power J.D. Edwards Nihon Unisys Hitachi Hokkaido University Matsushita Electric Industrial Yamaha Toray Systems Center Membership Member by Type Members by Region Europe Practitioners Software Vendors Japan SEA ANZ Consultants Non-Profits USA/Canada/Mex ROW SAfrica 800+ SCC members, Composition • 40%: Practitioners • 25%: Enabling Technology Providers • 20%: Consultants • 15%: Universities, Associations, Government Organizations SCOR Overview April 2005 5 Current Technical Projects SCOR Technical Development Steering Committee Best Practice Returns C- Paul Janke (Nokia) C- Lt Col Scott Koster (USMC) Metrics MRO Returns C- Michael Memmel - Siemens C- Joe Burak (Boeing) SCOR Overview April 2005 C – Paul Schiller – BP Chemicals 6 Supply Chain Operations ReferenceModel (SCOR) Overview What is a process reference model? Process reference models integrate the well-known concepts of business process reengineering, benchmarking, and process measurement into a crossfunctional framework Business Process Reengineering Capture the “as-is” state of a process and derive the desired “to-be” future state SCOR Overview April 2005 Best Practices Analysis Benchmarking Process Reference Model Capture the “as-is” state of a process and derive the desired “to-be” future state Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets based on “best-inclass” results Characterize the management practices and software solutions that result in “bestin-class” performance 8 Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets based on “best-in-class” results Characterize the management practices and software solutions that result in “best-inclass” performance SCOR is structured around five distinct management processes Plan Deliver Return Suppliers’ Supplier Source Make Return Deliver Return Source Make Return Deliver Return Source Return Your Company Supplier Deliver Source Return Return Customer Internal or External Internal or External SCOR Model Building Block Approach SCOR Overview April 2005 Make Processes Metrics Best Practice Technology 9 Customer’s Customer Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR) 7.0 - Processes Plan P1 Plan Supply Chain Source S1 Source Stocked Products S2 Source MTO Products S3 Source ETO Products P4 Plan Deliver P3 Plan Make Make M1 Make-to-Stock M2 Make-to-Order M3 Engineer-to-Order P5 Plan Returns Deliver D1 Deliver Stocked Products D2 Deliver MTO Products D3 Deliver ETO Products D4 Deliver Retail Products Return Deliver Return Source Enable SCOR Overview April 2005 10 Customers Suppliers P2 Plan Source SCOR Boundaries SCOR Spans: • All supplier / customer interactions Order entry through paid invoice • All physical material transactions From your supplier’s supplier to your customer’s customer, including equipment, supplies, spare parts, bulk product, software, etc. • All market interactions From the understanding of aggregate demand to the fulfillment of each order • Returns SCOR Overview April 2005 11 SCOR Boundaries (cont’d) SCOR does not include: • Sales administration processes • Technology development processes • Product and process design and development processes • Some post-delivery technical support processes SCOR assumes but does not explicitly address • Training • Quality • Information Technology (IT) administration (non-SCM) SCOR Overview April 2005 12 SCOR Project Roadmap Analyze Basis of Competition Configure supply chain Align Performance Levels, Practices, and Systems Operations Strategy •Competitive Performance Requirements •Performance Metrics •Supply Chain Scorecard •Scorecard Gap Analysis •Project Plan Material Flow •AS IS Geographic Map •AS IS Thread Diagram •Design Specifications •TO BE Thread Diagram •TO BE Geographic Map Information and Work Flow Implement supply chain Processes and Systems SCOR Overview April 2005 SCOR Level 1 •AS IS Level 2, 3, and 4 Maps •Disconnects •Design Specifications •TO BE Level 2, 3, and 4 Maps Develop, Test, and Roll Out 13 SCOR Level 2 •Organization •Technology •Process •People SCOR Level 3 Mapping material flow (S1, D1) (SR1,DR1,DR3) Manufacturing Warehouse (S1, S2, M1, D1) (SR1,,DR1) Customer (S1) (SR1,SR3) Warehouse (S1, D1) (SR1,DR1,DR3) Other Suppliers (D1) Warehouse (S1, D1) (SR1, DR3) Latin American Suppliers (D1) Customer Warehouse (S1, D1) (SR1,DR1,DR3) SCOR Overview April 2005 Customer (S1) (SR1,SR3) (S1) (SR1,SR3) 14 Customer European Supplier (S1) (D2) (SR1,SR3) (DR1) Mapping the execution processes Americas Distributors S1 SR1 European RM Supplier S2 M2 D2 SR3 S2 M1 DR1 D1 S1 D1 S1 SR1 DR1 SR1 DR1 SR1 DR3 SR3 DR3 SR3 S1 Key Other RM Suppliers S1 M1 D1 RM Suppliers SCOR Overview April 2005 ALPHA 15 Alpha Regional Warehouses Distributors Identifying Plan Activities P1 P1 P1 P3 P2 P 4 P 3 P 2 P 4 P2 European RM Supplier Key Other RM Suppliers S2 M2 S1 M1 P 4 D2 S2 M1 D1 S1 D1 S1 D1 S1 RM Suppliers SCOR Overview April 2005 ALPHA 16 Alpha Regional Warehouses Consumer Distributors Linking Supply Chain Performance Attributes and Level 1 Metrics Performance Attribute Supply Chain Reliability Supply Chain Responsiveness Supply Chain Flexibility Supply Chain Costs Performance Attribute Definition The performance of the supply chain in delivering: the correct product, to the correct place, at the correct time, in the correct condition and packaging, in the correct quantity, with the correct documentation, to the correct customer. The speed at which a supply chain provides products to the customer. The agility of a supply chain in responding to marketplace changes to gain or maintain competitive advantage. The costs associated with operating the supply chain. Level 1 Metric Perfect Order Fulfillment Order Fulfillment Cycle Time Upside Supply Chain Flexibility Upside Supply Chain Adaptability Downside Supply Chain Adaptability Supply Chain Management Cost Cost of Goods Sold Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time Supply Chain Asset Management SCOR Overview April 2005 The effectiveness of an organization in managing assets to support demand satisfaction. This includes the management of all assets: fixed and working capital. 17 Return on Supply Chain Fixed Assets Supply Chain Scorecard & Gap Analysis NEW Product Line - Representative of All Scorecards Supply Chain SCORcard v. 7.0 Overview Metrics EXTERNAL Supply Chain Reliability SCOR Level 1 Metrics Perfect Order Fulfillment Responsiveness Order Fulfillment Cycle Time INTERNAL Flexibility Cost Performance Versus Competitive Population Actual Parity Advantage Superior 0% 80% 85% 90% $30M Revenue 5 days 3 days $30M Revenue 13 days 35 days 7 days Upside Supply Chain Flexibility 97 days 82 days 55 days Upside Supply Chain Adaptability 0% Downside Supply Chain Adaptability 50% Total SCM Management Cost 19% 13% 8% 80 days 46 days Cost of Good Sold Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time SCOR Overview April 2005 Key enabler to cost and asset improvements $30M Indirect Cost 54% 196 days Assets Return on SC Fixed Assets 3% Value from Improvements N/A 18 28 days $7 M Capital Charge Decomposing Metrics Revenue Accounts Receivable Cash Flow Perfect Order Fulfillment Cycle Time Supplier on time delivery Schedule Achievement Perfect Order Fulfillment On Time On Time Delivery Performance In Full In Full Docs Docs European RM Supplier Key Other RM Suppliers S2 M2 Supplier on time delivery S2 S1 M1 Damage Damage D2 M1 D1 D1 S1 Perfect Order Fulfillment D1 S1 S1 RM Suppliers SCOR Overview April 2005 ALPHA 19 Alpha Regional Warehouses Consumer Consumer Performance Measurement Revenue Accounts Receivable Cash Flow Perfect Order Fulfillment Perfect Order Fulfillment Goal – 95% Inventory Cycle Time Metrics Conflict Supplier Supplier on time delivery on time delivery Actual – 85% Schedule Schedule Achievement Achievement Actual – 95% Perfect Order Fulfillment Perfect Order On Time Delivery Delivery Performance Performance Actual – 99% European RM Supplier Key Other RM Suppliers S2 M2 In Full M1 Under-performance Damage •Process Supplier •Systems on time delivery D2 M1 D1 S1 RM RM Suppliers Suppliers SCOR Overview April 2005 Docs Docs S2 S1 Fulfillment Perfect Order Actual – 90% On TimeFulfillment Actual - 85% In Full ALPHA 20 D1 S1 Damage Perfect Order Fulfillment Under-performance D1 •Process S1 •Systems Alpha Regional Warehouses Consumer Consumer Consumer Implementation Issues SCOR Implementations • Vary in scope and objective Green Field Distribution analysis Planning Improvements Change Management / COTS-Consultant Selection How to conduct an ROI evaluation Senior Management support vs. Middle Manager resistance Project timelines • Benchmarking • Implementation Tools SCOR Overview April 2005 21 ATT Wireless – Fixed Wireless Operations Fixed Wireless Operations Management Rev isio n Y April 5 , 1 9 9 9 Program Management Plan Plan Infrastructure Se r vic e R e aliz ation Pr oc e s s Product Development and Configuration Management D oc ume nt R e le as e Softw ar e D e s ign R e le as e D oc ume nt A r c hive P0.2 R e c onfigure the Supply C ha in P0.1.2 Pe r for m M ake /B uy P0.2.1 R e c onfigur e the Supply C hain Pr oduc t R e aliz ation Pr oc e s s M e taphas e Pr oduc t Str uc tur e and D e s ign Har dw ar e D e s ign R e le as e D oc . 10888 (C 0.1.0) Pr oduc t R e le as e and C hange Pr oc e s s Softw ar e A r c hive P0.1 Pe rform M a ke /B uy D e c is ion M a king P0.3 Pe rform Long Te rm C a pa c ity a nd R e s ourc e Pla nning P0.3.1 L ong T e r m C apac ity P0.4 Pe rform B us ine s s Pla nning P0.4.1 Goals / Str ate gy P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P0.8 M a na ge Produc t Line M a na ge Pla nning D a ta Pe rform Supply C ha in M a na ge B us ine s s R ule s Pla ns B e nc h M a rking P0.5.1 M anage Fie ld Spar e s Plan 10533 P0.6.1 M anage Planning D ata P0.5.2 M anufac tur ing I nput to SR P P0.6.2 Planne r C ode A s s ignme nt and M ainte nanc e P0.3.2 Ope r ations Staffing P0.4.2 B udge t Planning P0.3.3 Supplie r C apac ity Plan P0.4.3 Standar d C os t P0.5.4 M anage Fie ld C onfigur ations P0.4.4 Pr oduc t C os t M anage me nt P0.5.5 Fie ld C hange M anage me nt D oc 10407 (C 0.1.1) Pr oduc t N umbe r ing P0.7.1 Pe r for m Supply C hain B e nc h M ar king P0.8.1 V alue s and Pr inc iple s P0.8.2 Ope r ations Polic ie s P0.5.3 M anufac tur ing I nput to the PR P P0.5.6 N PI Pr oc e s s 10093 Source M ak e So urce Infra structure S0.1 Es ta blis h N e w M a te ria l S0.2 Es ta blis h N e w Sourc e S0.1.1 Par t C r e ation Pr oc e s s for Pur c has e d C ompone nts S0.1.4 - R Supplie r Se le c tion and qualific ation S0.3 M a na ge Supplie r A gre e me nts S0.3.1 Supplie r PC N Pr oc e dur e S0.9.1 Str ate gy D e ve lopme nt S0.9.2 T e c hnology M anage me nt T e ams (T M T ) S0.1.5 Qualifie d Par t Pr oc e s s De live r Deliver Infrastructure Ma nufa cturing Infra structure S0.4 S0.9 M a inta in Sourc e D e te rmine Eme rging Pla nning a nd Exe c ution Supplie r Te c hnologie s D a ta S0.10 M a na ge M a te ria l Inve ntory M 0.1 M 0.2 M 0.3 C re a te /M a nge Site M a na ge Engine e ring/ M a inta in Equipme nt / R e c ipe s /Proc e s s Flow s R e c ipe C ha nge s Fa c ilitie s S0.10.2 Stoc k R oom I nve ntor y M gmt. M 0.1.1 C r e ate M anufac tur ing B ill of M ate r ial S0.10.3 Supplie r I nve ntor y M 0.2.1 M anage E ngine e r ing C hange I mple me ntation M 0.1.6 M e thods D is tr ibution S0.10.6 C yc le C ount M 0.3.1 Fac ilitie s M ainte nanc e M 0.4 C ontrol Produc tion Proc e s s e s M 0.5 M a na ge Produc tion M a te ria ls M 0.5.2 PC A Floor Stoc k M 0.4.4 E SD Pr oc e s s and A udit M 0.5.3 Sys te m A s s e mbly & T e s t Floor Stoc k M 0.3.2 M aintain & C alibr ate E quipme nt M 0.6 M onitor Produc tion Sta tus M 0.5.6 Ove r all M ate r ial Flow M 0.6.2 L abor T r ac king S0.5.2 I nbound Fr e ight M anage me nt S0.6 M a na ge Supplie r C e rtific a tion S0.7 M a na ge Sourc ing B us ine s s R ule s D 0.3 Manage Order R ules D 0.4 Manage D eliver Inventories M 0.9 M a na ge Short-te rm C a pa c ity M 0.10 M a nufa c turing Tra ining M 0.7.1 M onitor Pr od. E quipme nt M 0.8.1 C L C A Pr oc e s s M 0.9.1 Shor t T e r m C apac ity Plan M 0.10.1 T e c hnic al T r aining D 0.1.1 M anage I ndic ative D ata D 0.3.1 C L E Pr ovis ioning D 0.4.1 Fie ld I nv. C yc le C ount - M 0.7.2 A s s e t T r ac king M 0.8.2 N on C onfor ming M ate r ial M 0.10.2 T e am B uilding D 0.1.3 Outbound E D I Pr oc e s s D 0.3.2 B as e Station Pr ovis ioning D 0.4.2 E &O M ate r ial Pr oc e s s ing D 0.1.5 Pr oduc t B ar c ode D e live r y D 0.3.4 Fie ld R e tur ns D 0.4.3 Fie ld I nve ntor ie s M 0.6.3 B OM V ar ianc e at B ac kflus h P0.9.2 D e te r mining Staffing R e quir e me nts M 0.8.3 R e c alle d Pr oduc t S0.8 A uthoriz e Supplie r Pa yme nt M 0.8.4 Ope r ations Quality M anage me nt D 0.4.4 Finis he d Goods M 0.8.5 M e as ur ing of B as e Faultle s s I ns talls D 0.4.5 C ons ignme nt Finis he d Goods D 0.5 Manage W arehouse N etw ork D 0.6 Manage W arehouses D 0.6.1 C ons ignme nt W ar e hous e Pr oc e s s D 0.7 Manage D elivery Quality D 0.8 Manage D elivery C ontracts D 0.9 D 0.10 E stablish N ew D elivery Manage Outbound C hannels Transportation D 0.9.1 N e w C ity I ntr oduc tion D 0.7.1 M anage D e live r y Quality D 0.10.1 Outbound L ogis tic s D 0.10.2 I n T r ans it T r ac king M 0.8.6 M e as ur ing of R U Faultle s s I ns talls S0.8.1 A c c ounts Payable S0.6.4 Supplie r Pr e fe r e nc e D 0.2 Manage C hannel B usiness R ules M 0.8 M a na ge Produc tion Q ua lity Polic ie s S0.6.3 Par t Pr e fe r e nc e S0.5 M a na ge Inc oming Fre ight D 0.1 Manage P roduct and P rocess D ata M 0.7 M onitor Equipme nt Sta tus M 0.8.7 Out of B ox A udit Pla nning P3 "Pla n Ma ke" Pla nning P4 "Pla n Deliv er" P3.1 Ide ntify & A ggre ga te Produc tion R qmts D 4.1 Ide ntify, Prioritiz e a nd A ggre ga te D e live ry R e quire me nts P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 Ide nt.& A ggre ga te B a la nc e R e s ourc e s W ith Es ta blis h D e ta ile d Produc tion R e s ourc e s Produc tion R qmts Produc tion Pla ns P3.2.1 Pr oduc tion M anage me nt P3.1.1 V olume D e ployme nt P3.3.1 C r e ate M PS P3.3.2 R e vie w and B alanc e M PS D 4.1.1 A ggr e gate R e quir e me nts S2.1 Sc he dule M a te ria l D e live rie s S2.2 R e c e ive & V e rify M a te ria l D 4.3.1 B alanc e R e s our c e s w ith R e quir e me nts D 4.4.1 E s tablis h D e taile d Plans Ex ecutio n M3 "Ma ke to Order (Discrete Ma nufa cturing )" S2.3 Tra ns fe r M a te ria l M 3.1 Sc he dule M a nufa c turing A c tivitie s M 3.2 Is s ue M a te ria l M 3.3 M a nufa c ture a nd Te s t M 3.4 Pa c ka ge Deliv er D2 "Deliv er Ma ke to Order Pro ducts M 3.5 Sta ge Produc t D 2.7.1 Outbound L ogis tic s Ke vin M onahan M 3.1.1 Pr oduc tion Sc he duling S2.2.1 Stoc kr oom and R e c e iving Pr oc e s s P2.4.1 Pr ovis ioning D 4.2.1 A ggr e gate R e s our c e s P3.4.1 C r e ate M R P Or de r R e c omme ndations So urce Ma ke to Order Ma teria l Pla nning P2 "Pla n So urce" P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 P2.4 Prioritiz e a nd A ggre ga te A s s e s s a nd A ggre ga teB a la nc e R e s ourc e s W ith Es ta blis h D e ta ile d M a te ria l R e q. R e s ourc e s M a te ria l R e quire me nts Sourc ing Pla ns D 4.2 D 4.3 D 4.4 Ide ntify, A s s e s s a nd B a la nc e D e live ry Es ta blis h D e ta ile d A ggre ga te D e live ry R e s ourc e s w ith D e live ry D e live ry Pla ns R e s ourc e s R e quire me nts S2.3.3 Pr ogr am Par ts D 2.7 Se le c t C a rrie rs & R a te Shipme nts M 3.1.2 Pr oduc tion Sc he dule R e vie w D 2.8 Pic k Sta ge d Produc t M 3.1.3 M odify Sc he dule and E xe c ute M 3.1.4 D e live r R e por ts to C us tome r s M 3.2.1 Kitting and I s s uing M ate r ial M 3.3.1 PC B A s s e mbly M 3.3.10 PC A T e s t M 3.4.1 Pac kage M e nlo D 2.8.1 Pic k Stage d Pr oduc t M 3.5.1 Stage Pr oduc t D 2.6 R oute Shipme nts S2.1.2 V alue A dde d D is tr ibutor (V A D ) D 2.5 Pla n & B uild Loa ds D 2.9 D 2.10 Loa d V e hic le R e c e ive & V e rify G e ne ra te Ship D oc s & Produc t a t C us tome r Site Ship D 2.9.1 L oad V e hic le Ge n. Ship D oc s & Ship M 3.3.2 B as e A s s e mbly and T es t M 3.3.3 R U A s s e mbly D 2.5.1 Plan, B uild, and C ons olidate L oads Ke vin M onahan M e nlo L ogis tic s D 2.10.1 R e c e ive & V e r ify Pr oduc t at W ar e hous e s D 2.10.2 R e c e ive & V e r ify Pr oduc t at C us tome r Site D 2.4 C ons olida te O rde rs D 2.11 Te s t & Ins ta ll Produc t D 2.3.1 Sale s Or de r Pr oc e s s Ke vin M onahan D 2.3 R e s e rve R e s ourc e s a nd Se t D e live ry D a te s D 2.2 V a lida te O rde r D 2.12 Invoic e & R e c e ive Pa yme nt Legend D 2.11.1 T e s t and I ns tall CL E s D 2.11.2 T e s t & I ns tall B as e s 5. D oc ume nt ac c e pte d by R A C I te am and bas e line d 4. R e vie w by M anufac tur ing E ngine e r ing c omple te and doc ume nt s e nt out for R A C I appr oval of final doc ume nt D 2.12.1 T r ans fe r A s s e t to I ns talle d B as e A c c ount M 3.3.12 RU T es t 3. Pr oc e s s ow ne r is finis he d w r iting doc ume nt. D oc ume nt is aw aiting M anufac tur ing E ngine e r ing r e vie w . M 3.3.5 I nte r nal R e tur n Pr oc e s s S2.1.3 A utoR e ple nis h Pr oc e s s M 3.3.6 Pr oduc tion Ope r ations R e tur n C e nte r S2.2.4 Fie ld D is c r e pant R e c e ipts S2.1.4 E xte r nal D r op Ship Pr oc e s s SCOR Overview April 2005 Information Systems Inputs and Outputs Firm Purc ha s e O rde rs M fg Pro Inve ntory Tra ns a c tion M fg Pro 2. Has a Pr oc e s s Ow ne r , B ut the Pr oc e s s is N ot D oc ume nte d M 3.5.2 Stage Pr oduc t Outs ide W ar e hous e s S2.2.5 R e c e ive and V e r ify M ate r ial M in M a x M a te ria l Input M fg Pro Pla nne d O rde r R e port M fg Pro Inve ntory Tra ns a c tion M fg Pro Se t C ha nge Effe c tivitie s M fg Pro Pla nne d W ork O rde rs M fg Pro Fore c a s t Loa de d M fg Pro Sa le s O rde rs M fg Pro M ove M a te ria l to Floor M fg Pro M a te ria l A lloc a te d M fg Pro R e le a s e d W ork O rde rs M fg Pro M a te ria l Pic k Lis ts M fg Pro 22 W IP M a te ria l M ove s a nd Q ua lity D a ta Sys te m M itron B a c kflus h A fte r Te s t M fg Pro D 2.1 Proc e s s Inquiry & Q uote M ove to Finis he d G oods M fg Pro M ove to Finis he d G oods M fg Pro M a te ria l R e c e ive d E M a il D D TS 1. N o Pr oc e s s Ow ne r and the Pr oc e s s is N ot D oc ume nte d B ill of La ding & M a nife s t M fg Pro 0. W ill N ot B e U s e d T his Y e ar and W ill N ot B e D oc ume nte d U ntil N e e de d M ove to Truc k M fg Pro C LEs Ins ta lle d M fg Pro Sa le s O rde rs M fg Pro B as e Sta tion C ommis s ione d M fg Pro Intel As-Is Modeled in Easy SCOR Suppliers Supplier Suppliers Assemble/ Package Distribution Centers Americas---> Europe---> Asia---> SCOR Overview April 2005 23 Geo Ports of Entry Gold’n Plump Supply Chain Planning Exec utive Gold'n Plump Supply Chain Planning Process Map Updated Annual Business Plan w/ action plan Leadership Review Sale s Process Inquiry & Quote Receive, Enter, & Validate Order Strategy, Goals, Annual Business Plan Reserve Inventory & Determine Delivery Date Mark etin g Plan Supply Chain (P1) 30-90 Aggregate Demand Supply Balance Daily Orders Plan Source (P2) 0-30 Material Requirements Resources Balance Plan ning 0-30 day Outsource Needs Plan Make (P3) 0-30 Production Requirements Resources Balance Plan Deliver (P4) 0-30 Fulfillment Requirments Resources Balance 0-30 day Inventory Plan Logi stics Consolidate Orders Man ufact urin g Plan & Build Loads Route Shipments 30-90 demand forecast & supply plan Actual Order History 0-30 day Expected Receipts Select Carriers & Rate Shipments Receive Product Pick Product Load Vehicle, Generate Ship Docs & Ship Manufactcure & Test Package Stage Product Release Product to Deliver 0-30 day Master Production Schedule Issue Material 0-7 day Schedule Receive & Verify Manufacturing Activities0-30 Material Material Transfer Material Requirements Plan Live 0-7 day Schedule Material Deliveries Sup plier 0-7 day Schedule Material Deliveries SCOR Overview April 2005 24 Invoice & Receive Payment F404 Engine HP Rotor Assy NADEP DSC 25% OnTime Fairchild Fasteners 60% of Requireme nt Accepted, 90% of that Completed on time Self Locking Nut D2 S1 D1 NAS CV NAVICP 77%SMA S1 M2 D2 S1 D1 S1 S2 F/A 18 Serviceable Modules 188% of Requirement, Svc Engines 112% of Requirement Serviceable Rotor Assy (carcass) 164 Days 32 Days 98 days Unserviced Engine Module S2 (carcass) DR2 SCOR Overview April 2005 25 M2 Unserviceable Rotor Assy SR2 Svc Engine D1 Carter Holt Harvey – Focus on Best Practice / Change Management Practice not yet adopted B es t Prac tic e Bus in ess Ru les B es t Prac tic e P1 P2 S1 Best practice achieved Practice adopted P4 P3 M1 D1 M2 COTS / Consultant Evaluations SCOR Overview April 2005 26 B es t Prac tic e D2 USMC SRAC – IT Gaps and Redundancies SCOR Overview April 2005 27 SCOR Projects – A Wide Range of Adoption SCOR Overview April 2005 Consumer Foods • Project Time (Start to Finish) – 3 months • Investment - $50,000 US • 1st Year Return - $4,300,000 US Electronics • Project Time (Start to Finish) – 6 months • Investment - $3-5 Million US • Projected Return on Investment - $ 230 Million US Software and Planning • SAP bases APO key performance indicators (KPIs) on SCOR Model Aerospace and Defense • SCOR Benchmarking and use of SCOR metrics to specify performance criteria and provide basis for contracts / purchase orders 28 www.supply-chain.org info@supply-chain.org