Oedipus Character Mask Project

RL.11-12.3. Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or
drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed).
Oedipus Character Mask Project
You learned about Greek theater at the beginning of the Oedipus the King Unit and how three actors would
use various masks to play many different characters.
Step 1: In your daybook, write a detailed description (minimum 300 words) of Oedipus that includes:
Strengths of the character
Weaknesses of the character
How Oedipus is an archetypal character
You must include 6 quotes from the text. An online version of the text is at
Step 2: Draw a mask shape on a blank piece of paper (on shelves-do not use notebook paper).
Decorate your mask in a way that shows the major personality traits of Oedipus. The mask is not to be an exact physical
likeness. The mask is to SHOW the personality strengths and weaknesses of Oedipus (cannot use words). The mask
should be emotional.
Step 3: Write a 5-sentences minimum description of your mask explaining why you chose particular symbols, images,
and/or decorations.
Step 4: Copy the detailed description of your character from your daybook onto the paper under the mask.
Character Mask Project Rubric
Component of Mask
Character description
Character mask description
Student _______________________________
Includes adequate information
about character’s looks,
behaviors, thoughts, words,
and fears.
Includes 6 exact quotes from
the play.
Clearly and creatively depicts
major personality traits of the
character. Conveys emotions.
Describes each personality trait
depicted on the mask.
Explains why a particular
decoration was chosen to
represent a trait.
Written component contains
less than three
grammatical/spelling errors.
Character Description is a
minimum of 300 words.
Written work is displayed
neatly and creatively with the
Must receive checks for each component in the Complete column in order to receive credit for the project.