Kuwait University College of Administrative Sciences Department of Finance and Financial Institutions Portfolio Management: FIN 420 Fall 2013 Instructor’s Name: Dr. Fahad Almudhaf Email: fmudhaf@cba.edu.kw http://www.cba.edu.kw/fmudhaf Office Hours: Sun, Tue and Thurs (10 AM – 11 AM), Mon and Wed (1:30-2 PM) or by appointment. Prerequisite: FIN 320 (Principles of Investments) Course Description: The objective of this course is to help students learn how to manage their money. We will cover several investment philosophies and learn how to construct and manage portfolios. The students will learn some hands-on experience using Excel. Required Textbook: Analysis of Investments and Portfolio Management by Brown and Reilly, 9th ed., South-western Cengage. Investment Philosophies: Successful Strategies and the Investors Who Made Them Work by Aswath Damodaran, 1st ed.,Wiley. Other Textbooks and journal articles: You will be assigned several articles from Journal of portfolio management, Financial analysts journal, Journal of asset management and Journal of investing. We will also read and discuss some research reports published by KAMCO, MARKAZ and Global investment house. In addition, you will be assigned some parts from other textbooks and resources such as Morningstar. Grading: Exam I 20% Project/Research paper 25% Valuation Assignment 10% Attendance & Participation 5% Final Exam 40% Bonus (Trading game) 5% Cheating: I have a zero tolerance policy for cheating of any kind. If you cheat, you will fail the course and may face further disciplinary actions. Plagiarizing in the assignment or project is considered as a form of cheating. Excel Assignments: We will have several assignments using Excel to calculate basic descriptive portfolio statistics, the Variance-Covariance Matrix, estimate betas and SML, and produce an efficient frontier. We will also cover portfolio optimization. Project / Research paper: Each student is going to choose an investment strategy and apply it to Kuwait stock exchange. The final report is going to be due on Dec 2. Several students are going to be chosen to present their results to the class. Chapters and Topics from Brown and Reilly: Ch 11: An introduction to security valuation Ch 14: Company analysis and stock valuation Ch 16: Equity portfolio management strategies Ch 7: An introduction to portfolio management Ch 25: Evaluation of portfolio performance Chapters from Damodaran Ch.8: Graham’s Disciples: Value Investing Ch.9: The Allure of Growth Small Cap and Growth Investing Ch. 14: A Road Map to Choosing an Investment Philosophy Readings from CFA: To be assigned during the semester. The instructor has the right to change parts of the syllabus during the semester.