Young Carers Can… Full list of questions – FOR REFERENCE ONLY Please find below a list of the questions you will find on the online application form for the Young Carers Can… programme. This document is supplied for your reference only. Please DO NOT submit this as a completed application. All information must be submitted via our online application process, which can be found at . All applications must be received by the closing date, 12pm on 3 August 2012. Your organisation 1. About your organisation Your name: Company: Address 1: Address 2: City/Town: County: Post Code: Website: Email Address: Phone Number: 2. Legal status of your organisation Registered charity number: Registered housing association number: Scottish or Northern Irish charity number: Limited Company number: Location 3. Where will the work take place? (please select one of the following) Scotland Wales Northern Ireland England UK Wide 4. If you are based in England, please indicate the appropriate region (please select one of the following) North West North East South West South East Eastern London West Midlands East Midlands Yorkshire/Humberside Management 5. Do you have a Management Committee or Board of Trustees? (please select one of the following) Yes No 6. How many people are on the Committee or Board of Trustees? 7. How do people become Committee members? (please select one of the following) Elected Appointed 8. How many are have had a caring role? Your organisation 9. Tell us about your organisation and your experience of working with young carers Your Proposed Project This is your chance to tell us about your project. Firstly, please tell us your project title, incorporating the fund's name. For example, 'Young Carers Can... Dance!' or 'Young Carers Can... Jump!' 10. What is your project title? 11. How much are you applying for (Maximum £2,500)? In this section we would like to hear the details of your proposed project. Tell us, in 150 words or less, an overview of your project's activities, remembering to answer the important who, why, what, when, where and how questions. 12. Tell us, in 150 words or less, about your project. Key milestones Please list the key steps or milestones for the project, remembering all of the stages needed to successfully deliver your project on time. For example: Week commencing 2 October 2012 - Book venue and produce flyer Week commencing 9 October 2012 - Distribute flyer and advise current users of event by email notification Week commencing 30 October 2012 - Event Week commencing 2 November 2012 - Undertake monitoring and evaluation 13. What are the key milestones of this project? Service delivery 14. How many days of planning will you assign to this project? 15. How many days will the event take place over? About the young carers Please make sure when answering the following questions that you are referring to this particular project, and NOT the overall work of your organisation. 16. How many young carers will directly benefit from the event/activity? 17. How many of these do you anticipate will not have had contact with your organisation before? 18. How many young people will you work with from the following age groups? 5-7 years 8-12 years 13-15 years 16-18 years 19-24 years 19. Are you planning on targeting a particular community? If so, how many of your young carers will come from the following target groups? Please remember that some young carers may identify themselves with more than one equalities group. Young carers from rural communities Young carers caring for someone experiencing mental health problems Young carers caring for someone with learning disabilities Young carers from refugee/asylum seeking communities Young carers from lesbian, gay or bisexual communities Young carers from transgender communities Young carers from ethnic minority communities Young carers caring for someone experiencing substance misuse Young carers caring for someone with a physical disability or illness Young carers from travelling communities Young carers from other communities 20. If you have selected 'Young carers from other communities' please specify which communities you are targeting Evaluation 21. How will your organisation evaluate the project? What methods will you use to find out if your project made a difference? For example – young carer satisfaction survey, facilitator’s report. Budget 22. If the project budget exceeds £2,500, please explain how you will cover the difference Additional questions We would like to ask a few questions about the application process. We strive to make this process as user-friendly as possible and we would welcome all your comments. As we are trialling online application submissions it would be particularly useful to hear about how you found completing your application this way. Please be assured that your comments will NOT affect the assessment of your application. 23. Please tell us how you found out about this funding 24. Did you find this application easy to complete? Yes No 25. If you have answered 'no', please explain why. 26. Please provide any additional comments you would like us to consider when devising future application procedures.