Name: Poetry Portfolio Rubric Poem Criteria Total Points (2.5) 1

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Poetry Portfolio Rubric
1. Sonnet
2. Song Sonnet
3. Six Word Memoir
4. Confronting Fear
5. Memory
6. Tribute
7. Elements #1 (hyperbole,
onomatopoeia, simile, metaphor, or
8.Elements #2 (assonance,
consonance, or alliteration)
9. Overall Creativity
10. Presentation
[ ] Poem is exactly 14 lines
[ ] Poem includes exactly 10 syllables per line
[ ] Rhyme scheme follows pattern of ABABCDCDEFEFGG
[ ] Includes figurative language
[ ] Content is clear and organized
[ ] Poem is exactly 14 lines
[ ] Poem includes exactly 10 syllables per line
[ ] Rhyme scheme follows pattern of ABABCDCDEFEFGG
[ ] Content is clear and organized
[ ] Song title and artist are cited
[ ] Exactly six words are used
[ ] Content focuses on one topic
[ ] Chosen words are specific
[ ] Chosen words are meaningful
[ ] Memoir is unique to student
[ ] Poem is focused on one fear
[ ] Poem includes specific details about the fear
[ ] Content is clear and organized
[ ] Poem is 12 lines or more
[ ] Poem is written in free verse
[ ] Poem is focused on one memory
[ ] Content is clear and organized
[ ] Poem is 12 lines or more
[ ] Poem incorporates imagery
[ ] The mood of the poem is clear
[ ] Content is clear, focused, and organized
[ ] Poem is 12 lines or more
[ ] Poem includes a distinct rhyme scheme
[ ] Poem includes one metaphor
[ ] Poem incorporates imagery
[ ] Poem is focused on one single idea
[ ] Content is clear and organized
[ ] Poem is 12 lines or more
[ ] Selected poetic device is used once
[ ] Selected poetic device is used twice
[ ] Poem is focused on one single idea
[ ] Content is clear and organized
[ ] Poem is 12 lines or more
[ ] Selected poetic device is used once
[ ] Selected poetic device is used twice
[ ] All poems are typed
[ ] Poems are displayed in a way that is neat and organized
[ ] Each poem includes a creative title
[ ] Poems are bound together in some way (stapled, in a book, etc.)
[ ] There is clear evidence of effort and originality
[ ] Student reads one poem aloud in class
NOTE: The following points will be deducted from your project, if necessary:
-2 points if printed in class on due date
-2 points if rubric or checklist is not attached
-1 point if stapled/assembled in class on due date
-1 point for errors in spelling/grammar
-15% points per day late
Total Points (2.5)
TOTAL POINTS: _________ / 25