Folsom-Cordova Unified School District Folsom High School 2015-2016 Course Expectations Course: Biology Instructor: Mrs. James Phone: (916) 294-2400 x 415209 E-mail: Course Description: Biology is a laboratory science course exploring four life science core ideas: Ecosystems, Molecules to Organisms, Heredity, and Biological Evolution. Modern advances in cellular biology and biochemistry form the basis for an inquiry into life offered by this course. Students should take from this course an appreciation for all living things and an enhanced ability to evaluate information and form logical conclusions, and greater understanding of global environmental issues and the impact they make individually to those issues. This course meets the university laboratory science entrance requirements. Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and Global program studies (GPS) curriculum integration: Science courses at Folsom High will integrate Common Core math and literacy standards by emphasizing student-led inquiry of natural phenomenon and the authentic assessment of critical thinking skills. The NGSS focus on the big ideas in science and emphasize common practices such as planning investigations, developing models, and designing solutions. In addition, our science courses tie into the schoolwide GPS curriculum by highlighting the globally-important issues concerning water resources. Biology in particular will include studies of the biological importance of water in the physiology and chemistry of living systems as well as the investigation of aquatic ecosystems. Equal Opportunity: The Folsom High School Science program is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals. Activities shall be free from discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability or any other unlawful consideration. School Rules/Classroom Rules and Conduct: Campus rules and policies in the PAWS Port will be adhered to in this classroom; see appropriate pages for a detailed list. Remember that no food, drink, or gum will be allowed; all iPods, cell phones and accessories must be turned off and placed out of sight during class; and all staff will be enforcing the school dress code throughout the entire school day. Hats may be worn in class. Eyes and ears must be visible; no hoods or sunglasses. The following rules will apply, as well as those outlined in the PAWS Port Be Prepared: Clear desk of all materials not pertaining to the task at hand; have needed materials ready before bell. Be Productive: Participate in class work, activities and simulations. Be Positive: Avoid behavior that disrupts the learning process. Be Polite: Treat all students and the instructor with kindness. Also, I expect everyone to follow the 4 R’s for appropriate communication in the classroom: Respectful, Relevant, Reasonable, & Responsible Failure to abide by these expectations will result in detentions, parent contacts, class suspensions and administrative referrals. Attendance/Tardies Since this is a hands-on class, it is especially important that students are in class on time, ready to work each day. The seven-minute passing period is sufficient to take care of most personal needs. You will receive four hall passes each semester to use for personal reasons (ex. bathroom, drinking fountain). After you have used all four hall passes, any time you are out of the classroom for personal reasons will count as a tardy with consequences. Unused hall passes are redeemable at the end of the semester for 5 points each toward your academic grade. Hall passes may only be used by the student to whom they were issued. If a student has an ongoing health problem that requires them to leave class, parents should send a doctor’s note as soon as possible. Tardy = not in your assigned seat when the bell rings and materials ready to prepare for daily activity 1st and 2nd = warning 3rd = 50 minutes detention 4th = 50 minutes detention and parent contact 5th = one day class suspension for the period; parent contact and admin meets with student 6th = two day class suspension; parent contact and admin meets with student 7th = two day class suspension; parent, student, teacher and admin conference Failure to serve detention will result in class suspension. Policy is semester based and resets with the start of the second semester Citizenship Evaluation School and classroom rules are in your PAWSPORT. Consequences for inappropriate behavior in class may include rule reminders, verbal warnings, detention, parent contact, or class suspension depending on the circumstances. Evaluation of a student’s citizenship is based on two principles: The science class room is a place for students and teacher to explore and experience scientific ideas. Behave in a way that allows this to happen. People and their property have the right to exist unharmed. Please be respectful. Semester Citizenship Grades will be based on the following: O Student demonstrates outstanding attitudes and/or behaviors toward class, subject, teachers and fellow students. S Student demonstrates acceptable attitudes and/or behaviors toward class, subject, teachers and fellow students. N Needs improvement. Student sometimes behaves in ways that do not support the principles of the class. U Student’s attitude and/or behaviors seriously interfere with classroom instruction. *A key difference between Satisfactory (S) and Needs Improvement (N) is whether or not you correct inappropriate behavior with one or two gentle reminders. If you cannot do this, then you will receive an (N) or (U). Students who display any kind of unsafe behavior, especially during labs, will receive a class suspension and may possibly be excluded from any future lab activity. Cheating Cheating includes but is not limited to the following: copying another student’s test or assignment answers, printing and/or photocopying another student’s work, letting a friend copy your work, providing answers to a test, or printing two copies of work produced on a computer. and copying materials from media sources (plagiarism) without proper documentation. The providers of copied work and the receivers will both earn a zero on the assignment, and a deduction in citizenship. A second offense will be dealt with by administrative intervention and a zero on the assignment. Having a cell phone or other electronic device out during testing will result in a zero on the test and a class suspension. All students at Folsom High School are held accountable to the school wide Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the PAWSPORT. Please consult the policy for a detailed list of what constitutes cheating and consequences for each step. A single instance of cheating counts as a Step 1 Offense and follows a student throughout their entire class schedule and through all of their years at Folsom High. The next instance (even if in a different class or years later) counts as Step 2. Method of Academic Evaluation This grading scale will be used in biology class: 99% = A+ 88% = B+ 78% = C+ 68% = D+ Below 59.9% = F 93% = A 83% = B 73% = C 63% = D 90% = A80% = B70% = C60% = D Grades will be based on the total points accumulated throughout a semester divided by the total points possible to obtain the grade and percentage. No extra credit will be offered. Grade checks can be obtained every Friday if you provide a form to be filled out at the beginning of the period. Please have your name and schedule filled out. Late work will be accepted for half credit if turned in by the next class meeting. Homework Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. Homework will consist of reading assignments, lab preparations and write-ups, written assignments and special projects. All homework must be completed by the due date to receive full credit. The instructor will accept late work if turned in by the next class meeting with 50% taken off the assignment. Tests Quizzes or other assessments of progress will be administered during a unit of study. A major test will be given at the end of each unit and/or chapter. A comprehensive final exam will be administered at the end of each semester. Open-binder tests/quizzes will be administered at least once a quarter. Make-ups Students that have missed assignments due to excused absences must check the make-up assignment binder and file upon their return. Make-up assignments must be turned in no later than one week after returning from the absence. Some make-up work (such as labs) must be completed at PAWS. Test and quiz make ups must be completed within one week of date originally administered. Unexcused absences are not eligible for make-up work. Materials needed Students are to have in their possession every day that this class meets: their PAWS-PORT, a pencil, a pen (blue or black), a metric ruler, a calculator and a three ring binder with plenty of ruled paper (minimum of 1 inch thick; it may be shared with other classes). All daily agendas, class notes, completed assignments, homework, reports, tests, and hand-outs must be kept in this binder. At least once a quarter, an open binder test/quiz will be given. Keeping a complete and well organized binder will ensure a good grade on these binder tests. Textbooks & class materials All students will be issued a textbook for at-home use. Students will be held financially responsible should the textbook be damaged or lost. Replacement cost for this textbook is $96.00. This class will involve lab activities using materials that will enhance the student's learning experience. Many of these materials are expensive and/or difficult to replace. Additionally, some of these materials may present a hazard to the student or others if misused. Students who intentionally abuse any classroom materials, equipment, furnishings or personal belongings of others will be responsible for the replacement or repair costs should their abuse cause damage, and may face additional disciplinary action depending upon the severity of the abuse. Communication Maintaining clear lines of communication between teachers, students and parents is a vital part of effective learning. Should a student or parent/guardian have any questions or concerns regarding class policies, expectations, subject matter and/or student performance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are welcome to arrange private meetings at school at any time that is mutually convenient. Parent/guardian meetings are best made by appointment. I may be contacted by phone at (916) 294-2400 x 415209 or by email at The Power School Parent Portal is a wonderful resource for finding classroom information, including grades, attendance, upcoming test dates and important news. I’ve also included helpful curriculum links and course documents. Students: Please file the course expectations in the front of your binder. Hint: You may see questions related to this document on your open binder BARK tests or quizzes! Folsom Cordova Unified School District Course Expectations Signature Sheet Folsom High School 2015-2016 Course: Biology I Instructor: Mrs. James Dear Parents and/or Guardians: Please read the Biology Course Expectations and Lab Safety Contract and discuss it with your student. It includes a description of the biology course as well as academic and behavioral expectations in my classroom. I want both students and parents to be aware of these policies in order to facilitate student success. To help me get to know your student and make Biology a better learning experience, could you please make one comment on the bottom of this sheet about your student that you think would be useful for me to know? (Examples include "John is artistic and likes to draw" or "Sue needs to sit at the front of the class so she can see the board".) Thank you, Mrs. James Folsom High School Please sign below indicating that you have reviewed the Biology Course Expectations and grading policies. STUDENT NAME (PRINT): ____________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:_________________________________________________________________ Best Parent/Guardian Contact Information Parent e-mail address: _______________________________________________ Parent phone number:________________________________________________ Do you have internet access at home? Comment: yes / no