CM206 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT 4 SEMINAR October 19th term, 2011 Opening Poll Which type of bird are you? 1. Lark (early riser, early to bed) 2. Owl (late riser, late to bed) 3. Hummingbird (in between) 2 Agenda Welcome! Agenda Opening Student Questions Review Unit 3 View Unit 4 Preview Unit 5 Wrap Up 3 Minutes 5 15 5 25 5 5 Announcements • Reminder: First DB post does need to be made by Saturday, midnight, for full credit • Submitting late work 4 Student Preparation and Questions Prior to attending the live seminar, or reviewing the seminar recording, complete the following tasks: 1.Check your grades and think about your performance in the previous unit: • Where did you do well and where did you struggle? • What would help you do even better in the current unit? 2.Read the current unit Overview, Seminar, and Discussion pages. 3.Read the current unit recommended textbook pages. 4.Write down at least two questions you would like answers to in the seminar. CHAT: Type one of your questions into the chat window. 5 UNIT 3 Review: Influence of Perception on IC Overview (including Survey) Seminar Discussion A situation in your life where the guidelines for improving perception and communication could guard against misperceptions Lesson 1 Identify elements of the perceptual process in personal and professional situations 45-90 min. Lesson 2 Explain instances of effective and ineffective communication in terms of the principles of self-concept and perception 2-3 hrs. 6 CM206 Unit 3 Review: Survey Summary Between Week 1 and 3, on average for all sections: • The perceived value of the course increased slightly • Confidence remained the same • Positivity rose slightly = Unit 1 7 = Unit 3 UNIT 3 Review: Performance Summary • Discussion • Practice Completion • Time spent • Lesson 1 Scores • Lesson 2 Scores 8 UNIT 4: What is Verbal Communication? Overview Seminar Discussion Journal: Reflect on the process of achieving your week 2 goal and set a new interpersonal communication goal Lesson 1 Apply verbal communication principles to improve effectiveness of communication in personal and professional situations 1-1 3/4 hrs. 9 Unit 4 The World Of Words: Chapter 4 Google Images Symbolic Nature of Language • Words are symbols Google Images UNIT 4: Lesson 1 Prepare 1. Apply verbal communication principles to improve communication effectiveness 1. All language is symbolic, and therefore (p.95-97): • Arbitrary • Ambiguous • Abstract 2. Principles of verbal communication (p.98-103): • Language and culture reflect each other (e.g., linguistic determinism) • The meanings of language are subjective • Language use is rule-guided (e.g., constitutive and regulative rules) • Punctuation shapes meaning 3. Guidelines for improving verbal communication (p.112-116): • Engage in dual perspective • Own your own feelings and thoughts (“I” language) • Respect what others say about their feelings and thoughts • Strive for accuracy and clarity (e.g., use indexing; avoid static evaluation where an assessment suggests something is unchanging or fixed) 12 3 Characteristics of Symbols 1: Symbols are arbitrary - Words by themselves have no meaning - Changes over time? Goolge Images 3 Characteristics of Symbols 2: Symbols are ambiguous - Jeff was late to a meeting, which started at 3 PM; what time did he arrive? - Beck raked and bagged a lot of leaves; how many bags did you end up with? - Jennifer just graduated college and makes a good salary; how much does Jennifer make? 3 Characteristics of Symbols 3: Symbols are abstract - Words are not the things they represent “You misunderstood. Our ad says that we can help you get out of debt.” 4 Principals of Verbal Communication • Language & culture reflect each other - • The meanings of language are subjective Google Images 4 Principals of Verbal Communication • Language is rule –guided: - Regulative Rules: specify when, how, where, and with whom to talk about certain things - Constitutive Rules: Specify how to interpret different kinds of communication • Punctuation shapes meaning: Demand/withdraw pattern Google Images 5 Symbolic Activities •Language Defines - om/watch?v=iLpwW UKm6KA •Language Evaluates •Language Organizes Perceptions •Language Allows Hypothetical Thought •Language Allows Self- Reflection UNIT 4: Lesson 1 Prepare 1. Apply verbal communication principles to improve communication effectiveness Wood describes 5 ways that symbolic abilities impact our lives: Definition: Focusing attention on certain aspects and not others. We tend to perceive and interact with people according to our definition of them. Totalizing occurs when we respond to people as if how we define them completely represents who they are. Evaluation: Labeling people and things to shape perceptions. Words are laden with values. The particular words we use reflect our values and positively or negatively impact our perceptions and those of others. Hate speech is an extreme example of evaluation. Organization: Organizing everything into categories. This allows us to think abstract thoughts and generalize. Stereotyping involves thinking in broad generalizations about a whole class of people or experiences. Hypothetical thought: Thinking about experiences and ideas that are not part of our immediate and concrete situation: we plan, dream, remember, set goals, consider alternative courses of action, and imagine possibilities. Self-reflection: Looking at our self and adapt our behavior. When we turn our attention back on our self, we can monitor our communication and adjust it to be effective in particular situations. 19 UNIT 4: Lesson 1 Practice 1. Apply verbal communication principles to improve communication effectiveness Watch Item 1 video: “Ed Misses the Banquet” Ed’s rule: doing his job shows commitment to the company. Manager’s rule: attending an important event shows commitment to the company. Ed’s rule: new employees should be given time to learn company expectations. Manager’s rule: set expectations for new company employees immediately. Ed’s rule: an R.S.V.P. demonstrates the importance of an event. Manager’s rule: sending a formal invitation communicates the importance of an event. Ed’s rule: family obligations have to come first. Manager’s rule: family obligations are secondary to professional obligations. 20 Guidelines for Improving Verbal Communication • Engage in dual perspective • Own your thoughts and feelings • Respect what others say about their thoughts and feelings • Strive for accuracy and clarity - The law of abstraction - Qualify language UNIT 4: Tips for Success • The Practice and Perform activities are open book and untimed. So, consult the textbook and online information in a separate browser window or tab as you do them. • Read the Practice and Perform item questions carefully to help you select the best answer. • If you don’t understand the feedback in a Practice item, ask me about it and I will try to explain it. • Use the transcripts of the Lesson 4 video scenarios to help you complete the items: - For the Practice, see Ed Misses the Banquet: p. 117 - For the Perform, see Meg and Trevor: p. 296 • Complete your Unit 4 work early and get a head start on Unit 5, which will require a greater time commitment. 22 UNIT 5 Preview: What is Nonverbal Communication? Overview Seminar Discussion Journal: A situation in your life where the guidelines for improving nonverbal communication could guard against misinterpretation. Lesson 1 Identify verbal and nonverbal elements in personal and professional situations 1-2 hrs. Lesson 2 Identify nonverbal communication principles in personal and professional situations 1-2 hrs. Lesson 3 Explain instances of effective and ineffective communication in terms of how verbal and nonverbal elements work together 2-4 hrs. 23 Wrap Up Poll Question How many of you still have questions? Yes No Post your questions in “Course Questions” discussion board (Link in Course Home menu) 24 Agenda Minutes Opening 5 Student Questions 15 Review Unit 3 5 View Unit 4 25 Preview Unit 5 5 Wrap Up 5