Semester 2 Final Review Sheet

Survey of Literature
Study Guide
2nd Semester Final Exam
“A&P” by John Updike
- General Plot, Theme, Motif, and Symbolism
“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor
- General Plot, Theme, Motif, and Symbolism
“Elena” by Pat Mora
- End-Stopped Line
- Speaker, Theme, and Symbolism
“First Hour” by Sharon Olds
- Speaker, Theme, and Symbolism
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
- Vocabulary:
assail, asphyxiate, beguile, bland, chide, courted, enmity, gulch, idolatry, inauspicious, inundate, jocund, pernicious,
portentous, prodigious, profane, rancor, sachet, sepulcher, valise
- Allusion
- Alliteration
- Personification
- Hyperbole
- Metaphor
- aside
- soliloquy
- dramatic irony
- foreshadow
- light vs. dark imagery
- individual vs. society
Zeitoun by David Eggers
- Vocabulary:
feigned, ubiquitous, fusillade, contraflow, levee, dabble, renounce,
succumb, presumption, nepotism, conviction, harlequins, legions, concede, infraction
“Nelson Mandela’s Speech Upon His Release from Prison” by Nelson Mandela
- Speaker, Theme, Symbolism
- Tone
“There Will Come Soft Rains” by Sara Teasdale
- Speaker, Theme, and Symbolism
“Poem by a Yellow Woman” by Sook Ryu
- Speaker, Theme, and Symbolism
- Colons
- Semi-Colons
- Commas: compound sentences, appositives, equal adjectives, and other various uses
- Punctuation
- Parenthesis
- Possession