sample Detailed lesson plan



I. Objectives

To determine a resistors value by examining its color bands.

To determine if the resistors as within tolerance.

II. Subject mater

Topic: Resistance Measurement

Reference:, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and

Materials: Colored Resistors, Calculator

III. Activities

1. Review a. What is resistor?

Resistors are Electronic components that are designed to have a specific amount of resistance. b. Types of resistor? Meaning?

There are two types of resistors; Fixed and Variable Resistors. o Fixed Resistors the value cannot change. o Variable Resistors can change their value over a specific range. c. Kinds of Fixed Resistors?

There several kinds of fixed resistors such as composition carbon, metal film, and wire – wound.

2. Motivation

Have you seen resistor? o Yes.

What have you notice to the Resistor? o It has different colors.

3. Presentation

A. Discussion

Teacher’s Activity a. What Is Resistance? b. What are the three most important characteristics of a resistor are? c. How the Resistance of the Resistors

Measured? d. How do we know which color corresponds to which number? e. What is Resistor Color Code?

Student’s Activity

Resistance (R) is the amount of opposition to the flow of electrical current.

Resistance is measured in units called ohms, named after German scientist and mathematician Georg Simon Ohm

(1787-1845), and it is symbolized by the

Greek capital letter omega (W).

1. Resistance Nominal Value

2. Tolerance

3. Power Rating

Trough it’s color bands.

By using the Resistor Color Code.

Resistor Color Code f. Which side of a resistor do I read from?

Converting the Nominal Resistance and

Tolerance into the Color Code.

4-Band Resistors

1. Resistors with

5% and

10% Tolerance will have 4-bands

2. Convert nominal value to ohms (


3. 1 st digit (from left to right) of nominal value =

1 st color band

4. 2 nd digit of nominal value = 2 nd band

5. Number of zeros remaining = 3 rd (multiplier) band

6. Tolerance = 4 th band

5-Band Resistors

1. Resistors with

1% and

2% Tolerance will have 5-bands

2. Convert nominal value to ohms (


3. 1 st digit (from left to right) of nominal value =

1 st color band

4. 2 nd digit of nominal value = 2 nd band

5. 3 rd digit of nominal value = 3 rd band

6. Number of zeros remaining = 4 th (multiplier) band

7. Tolerance = 5 th band

Tolerance Bands

To calculate tolerance range

1. Determine the resistors stated resistance

In order to identify the nominal resistance and the tolerance of a resistor, manufacturers typically use a color band system known as the resistor color code.

For 4-band resistors a gold or silver band is always the last band.

If the resistor has 5 bands or if there is no tolerance band (±20%), then the first band is the one located closest to a lead.

from the color bands.

2. Multiply the stated resistance times (x) the tolerance percentage.

3. Add and Subtract your tolerance figure from the stated resistance to identify the acceptable range.

Example 1.

Determine the nominal resistance value and the tolerance for the resistor shown below.

10 x ± %

Calculate the Tolerance.

Example 2.

10 x

± %

Example 3.

10 x

± %

2 2 10 x 2 ± 5%

2,200 Ω x .05 (or 5%)

= +/- 110 Ohms tolerance


2,200 Ω + 110 Ω = 2310 Ω


2,200 Ω – 110 Ω = 2090 Ω

4 7 10 x 3

or 47K

± 5%

47 K Ω x .05 (or 5%)

= +/-

2.35 K Ω tolerance


47 K Ω + 2.35 K Ω = 49.35 K Ω


47 K Ω – 2.35 K Ω = 44.65 K Ω

4. Application

The teacher will group the student into three.

The teacher will provide the colored resistors.

Each group will get five colored resistor.

They will calculate the resistance and get the maximum and minimum tolerance of the colored resistors.

They will write their answer with solution to

1 0 0 10 x 1 ± 2%


Ω x .02 (or 2%)

= +/- 20 Ω tolerance




Ω + 20 Ω = 1,020 Ω


Ω – 20 Ω = 980 Ω one whole sheet of paper.

5. Evaluation


Calculate the Stated Resistance for the Resistor

1. What is the stated Resistance and tolerance percentage?___________ Ω (2 pts.)

2. What is the Tolerance of the resistor?___________

Ω (3 pts.)

3. The resistor is working properly if it measures between ___________

and ___________ Ω of resistance. (5 pts.) (show the solution)


Calculate the Stated Resistance for the Resistor

1. What is the stated Resistance and tolerance percentage?___________ Ω (2 pts.)

2. What is the Tolerance of the resistor?___________ Ω (3 pts.)

3. The resistor is working properly if it measures between ___________

and ___________

Ω of resistance. (5 pts.) (show the solution)


Calculate the Stated Resistance for the Resistor

1. What is the stated Resistance and tolerance percentage?___________

Ω (2 pts.)

2. What is the Tolerance of the resistor?___________ Ω (3 pts.)

3. The resistor is working properly if it measures between ___________ Ω

and ___________

Ω of resistance. (5 pts.) (show the solution)

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