GaDOE Charter Board Training Requirements (TCSG

GaDOE Charter School Board
Training Requirements
TCSG’s Office of College & Career Transition
Specialized GCCA Board Trainings
Dr. Lynn Plunkett
January 23, 2015
Required Board Training
New Law (Adopted 11.4.14):
O.C.G.A. 20-2-2072
The members of the governing board of the nonprofit organization of each
charter school shall participate in initial training for boards of newly approved
charter schools and annual training thereafter, conducted or approved by the
state board. The state board shall provide for or approve such initial and annual
For charter schools that are college and career academies, as defined in
subsection (b) of Code Section 20-4-37, the state board shall provide or approve
such training in conjunction with the Technical College System of Georgia.
Required Board Training Cont.
New Law (Adopted 11.4.14):
O.C.G.A. 20-2-2072
The training shall include, but not be limited to, best practices on school
governance, the constitutional and statutory requirements relating to public
records and meetings, and the requirements of applicable statutes and rules and
Annual training will be from a provider selected by the governing board
Similar to the governance training required for LBOEs
Topics include:
Roles and Responsibilities
Open Records and Open Meetings Law
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
Other Applicable Law
TCSG as Training Provider
TCSG - only training provider focusing solely on GCCA Board Training.
Those “specialized” areas include:
Governance 101
Working within Joint Venture Partnerships to Maximize Workforce/Eco Dev
Strategic Planning
Public School Finance and Funding: Training for Boards College and Career Academy Boards
of Directors
TCSG (limited resources) - focus will be specialized training modules.
Exceptions include:
NEW Academy Boards
Existing Academy Board that require a RESTART
Other Training Providers
When selecting GaDOE Charter Board Training Providers other
than the TCSG OCCT, be sure that they have
experience/knowledge of the operation, purpose, mission of
College and Career Academies in GA and have a good
understanding of joint venture partnerships.
A comprehensive list of Charter Board Training Providers can be found here –
GaDOE Charter Board Training
Required Hours
New Members:
15 hours within 1 year of taking office. Must include 3 hours in finance/budgeting (&) 3
hours in best governance practices
Existing Members:
9 hours annually (topic based on needs assessment) and can include 3 hours of whole
board training
All Board Members
3 hours of whole board training based on GaBOE adopted, “Standards for
Effective Charter School Governing Boards”
***Training guidelines may be revised in April, 2015***
Ensuring a Successful Board Training
Conduct Needs Assessment / SWOT Analysis
Strengths – areas you do well or advantages of your organization
Opportunities – external factors that may contribute to your organization
and can build up your strengths
Weaknesses – areas to be improved
Threats – potential problems/risks caused by external factors that your
organization may face.
Participants should include:
Academy CEO / Superintendent
Technical College partner President (and other high ed. partners)
High School Principals along with the Academy Board of Directors
Ensuring a Successful Board Training
Participants could also include:
Academy Teachers
Feeder High School Leaders
Post-secondary partner Dual-Enrollment Instructors
Community’s Organizations: Chamber of Commerce, Economic and
Workforce Development Sector
Joint Training: CCA Board and Board of Education
In Charter Systems: CCA Board and other School Governance Teams
Wrap Up Discussion
Additional Training Modules to be Developed?
Alternate Training Delivery:
video training
web-based training
Regional training for any CCA Board/Member (Periodically/Annually)?
Training Requirements Revisions?
To Request TCSG Charter Board Training Specific to GCCAs, please contact:
Frank Pinson / / 706-252-0011
Jenny Williams / / 404-679-5830
Glossary of Terms
CPI Report:
Complication of data generated by each local, state, and charter school system that
reports both classified and certified personnel to the Georgia Department of Education
College and Career Readiness Performance Index
T & E:
Training & Experience factored into allotment for teacher salaries in QBE
Highly Qualified Teacher(HQT):
Federal mandate that all teachers must be certified in the content area they are teaching
Professional Standards Commission
Full Time Equivalent
Glossary of Terms Cont.
Memorandum of Understanding
QBE Charter System Funds:
Additional funding given to charter systems. (approximately $87/FTE)
School Governance Teams:
Required by law for Charter Systems. Must have some decision-making authority over people,
time, money at the school level.
Governor’s Office of Student Achievement
State Office of Planning and Budget
Georgia State Finance and Investment Commission
Glossary of Terms Cont.
Flexibility Options:
Ga districts required by law to declare one of 3 governance models by 6/30/15
IE2 School System-contract with LBOE, GOSA, SBOE; school targets; some waivers
Status Quo School System-No waivers
Charter System School System-requires local school governance participation in decisions;
contract with LBOE and SBOE; blanket waivers
Broad Flexibility:
Waivers from most of Title 20, rules and guidelines
Title 20:
Ga law governing education
M and O:
Maintenance and Operations
State Allotment Sheet:
Issued annually to give LEAs the amount of state funding coming to the district.