
Названия 5-2009 англ
Akopyan A.O., Pankov V.A., Trishkin E.S. Methods for characteristic errors
correction in powerlifting competition movements
1. IPF
2. Vorobjov A.N. Weightlifting: Sketches on physiology and sports training.
- М.: Fizkultura i sport, 1977. - 255 pp.
3. Medvedev A.S. System of long-term training in weightlifting: studies.
The manual for trainers. - М.: Fizkultura i sport, 1986. - 272 pp.
4. Kholopov V.A. Planning of training loadings in micro- and mesocycles at
a base stage of a year cycle of elite powerlifters preparation // Bulletin of
sports science. - 2007. - N4. - pp. 62-64
5. Pavlov V.I. Experimental model of selection and preparation of beginners
powerlifters among students of high school // Bulletin of a sports science.
- 2009. - N 3. - pp. 48-51.
Artyshina M.N. Personally oriented learning as a basis of development of
professional tourist education
1. Zorin I.V. Scientific bases of professional tourist education. // In:
Actual problems of tourism-2004-2005: Collection of scientific
works/Russian international academy of tourism. - М.: Soviet sports,
2005. - 312 pp.
2. Slastenin V.A., Kashirin V.P. Psychology and pedagogics: Studies.
The manual for high school students. - 2 stereotype ed. - М.:
"Academy" Publishing center, 2003.
3. Arsenev J.N. Problems of education and preparation of the manager of
tourism in uniform educational space // In: Actual problems of tourism
2004-2005: Collection of scientific works / Russian international
academy of tourism. - М.: Soviet sports, 2005. - 312 pp.
4. Kosogova A., Shisharina N. Personal and career growth of the student
in a context of education// Scientific and pedagogical magazine of the
Ministry of Education and a science of the Russian Federation # 12/05.
5. Kochetova A. Education in high school on the basis of collective
activity // Scientific and pedagogical magazine of the Ministry of
Education and a science of the Russian Federation, # 4/06.
Belik J.N. Influence of physical health on readiness for school training
preschool children of a kindergarten of a compensating kind in conditions of
Middle Ob region
1. Abrosimov L.I. Improving aspect of physical training of preschool
children // Hygienic aspects of health protection of children and teenagers: the
Collection of proceedings / Ed. A.A.Troshkina. - М.: VNI, 1984. - pp. 85-94.
2. Bezrukhikh M.M. Is the child ready to school? - М.: Ventana-Graph
publishing center, 2005. - 263 pp.
3. Bertsfai L.V., Zakharova A.V. feature of schoolboys estimation in
process of the tasks solution // Questions of psychology. - 1975. - 6. - pp.59-67.
4. Bojovich L.I. The selected psychological works: Problems of formation
of the person/ed. D.I.Feldshtejn. - М.: Internat. Pedagogical academy, 1995. 212 pp.
5. Vygotsky L.S. Collected works. In 6 vv./ed. A.V.Zaporozhets. - М.:
pedagogics, 1984. - v.4.: Problems of age and dynamics development. - 432 pp.
6. Vygotsky L.S. Collected works. In 6 vv. V.4. Children's psychology / ed
D.B.Elkonin. - М.: Pedagogics, 1984. - 432 pp.
7. Doskin, V.A. Health of the child and his readiness for school: the manual
for parents / V.A.Doskin, L.G.Golubeva; V.A.Doskin. - М.: Education,
2007. - 146 pp.
8. The Comment to Typical regulations about preschool educational
establishment / comments by V.V.Nadvikova, M.V.Sytinskaja, V.I.Shkatulla;
ed. by V.I.Shkatulla. - М.: AST Astrel, Tranzitkniga, 2006. - 574 pp.
9. Likh S.A. Formation of is emotional-strong-willed readiness of children
for training at school means of physical training: the dissertation of the candidate
of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.04. - Krasnodar, 2000. - 207 pp.
10. Loginov, S.I. Physical activity: methods of an estimation and
correction. - Surgut: Publishing house SurGu, 2005. - 342 pp.
11. Development of the child and health-saving technologies of training in
conditions of a sanatorium kindergarten. Materials of scientific and practical
conference. / ed. S.I.Loginov. // Surgut: the Hyphen, 2000. - 139 pp.
12. Solenova R.I. Preparation and adaptation of children of 6-8 years to
training in a comprehensive school means of physical training: the dissertation
of the candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.04. - Krasnodar, 1999. - 235 pp.
Belova E.L., Rumyantzeva N.V. Interrelation of parameters of a rhythm of
heart and some characteristics of training and competitive loadings of the elite
1. Agajanyan N.A. Competition stress in representatives of various kinds of
sports on parameters of variability of an intimate rhythm // Theory and practice
of physical training. - 2006. - 1. - pp. 2-4
2. Aganjants E.K., Berdichevskaja E.M., Trembach A.V. Notes on sports
physiology: the Manual for higher educational an institution of physical training
/ ed. by Aganjants E.K. - Krasnodar: Ecoinvest, 2001. – 204 pp
3. Batalov A.G. Modelling way of construction of the sports preparation in elite
athletes in winter cyclic kinds of sports (the second article) // Theory and
practice of physical training. - 2001. - 2. - pp. 8-13.
4. Vyalbe E.V. System of competitions and structure of a stage of direct
preparation for the main start of elite skiers-racers: Autoref. PhD. thes. Moscow. - 2007. - 24 pp.
5. Gorbunov S.A. Dynamics of a functional condition of the qualified skiers in
the competitive period // Theory and practice of physical training. - 2005. - 11. pp. 37-43.
6. Zhelyazkov C. About essence of the sports form // Theory and practice of
physical training. - 1997. - 7. - pp. 58-61.
7. Kondrashov A.A. Reforms in cross-country proceed. Vergard Ulvang
continues to attack // Skiing. - 2007. - 37. - pp. 80-85.
8. Melnikov A.A. Physiological basis of sports preparation: educational
manual.-Yaroslavl: publishing house K.D.Ushinsky’s JAGPU, 2006. - 180 pp.
9. Slimaker R., Browning R. Serious endurance training - Murmansk: Tuloma
Publishing house, 2007. – 328 pp.
10. Physiology of adaptable processes / ed. by O.G.Gazenko, F.Z.Meerson. - М.:
Science, 1986. - 635 pp.
11. Shishkin A.V. Planning of preparation macrocycle of a skiers-racers // News
of the Ural state university. - 2007. - 50. - pp. 31-35.
12. Yakimov A. M. About crisis of a "official" technique of training in cyclic
kinds of sports. // Theory and practice of physical training. - 1990. - №2. - pp.
Gorelov A.A., Malahov V.A., Sobjanin F., Sokorev V.V. Combined
influence of the dosed starvation and the moderate physical activities as means
of improvement of men of middle age
1. Ким, M.D.characteristic of some parameters of lipid metabolism
depending on physical activity and meal: PhD. Theses. M., 1979. - 174 pp.
2. Kustarev, T.I. influence of short-term abstention from food on a level of
development of physical qualities: PhD theses. - Malakhovka, 1978. - 214 pp.
3. Kenneth S. Jaffrey. How to Fast. - Sydney, 1967. - 148 p.
4. Sinclair Upton. The Fasting Cure - California, 1963. - p. 9-12
Ippolitov J.A., Mishin A.A., Novikov A.A., Tarasova L.V., Shamilov G.S.
Innovative technologies of athletic preparation
Akopjan A.O., Pankov V.A., Tonevitsky A.G. To a issue of the final stage
preparation organization of combat sports athletes to Beijing // Bulletin of a
sports science. - 2006. - 4. - pp. 2-4.
Kuznetzov V.V., Novikov A.A.. Basic orientation of theoretical and
experimental researches in modern system of athletic preparation // Theory and
practice of physical training. - 1971. - 1. - pp. 66-68
Novikov A.A. Basics of sports skill. М.: VNIIFK, 2003. - 208 pp.
Novikov A.A., Ippolitov Ju.A. Development of the system-structural
approach to management of preparation of sportsmen in VNIIFK // Bulletin of a
sports science. - 2008. - №4. - pp. 32-35
Ermakova J.N. Characteristic features of football game elements mastery in
children of the senior preschool age
1. Wein N. How to learn to play football: School of technical skill for
young. М.: Terra-sports, Olympia Press, 2004. – 244 p .
2. Kuznetzov A.A. Football. The Reference book of the children's trainer. 1
stage (8-10 years) - М.: Olympia, 2007. - 112 pp.
3. Mosjagin S.M., Godik M.A., Shvykov I.A. By-the-lesson program of
preparation of young football players of 6-9 years. // Theory and a
technique of football. Edition of the Russian football union. "Olympia",
2007. - # 28.
4. The Psychomotor organization of the person: the Textbook for high
schools / E.P.Ilyin. - SPb.: Peter, 2003. – 384 pp.
Kylasov A.V. Religio athletae, or cultural and religious essence of
Likhachev D.S. From past – to future. Papers and essays. L., Science,
1985. – p. 87.
Coubertin, Pierre de. Olympic memoirs. Kiev, Olympic literature, 1997.
– 400 pp.
Coubertin, Pierre de. Comment conçoit les Jeux Olympiques, par
Fernand Lomazzi, «LAuto» // Jean–Marie Brohm. Le Mythe Olympique,
1946. – P. 431.
Teichler, Hans Joachim. Coubertin und das Dritte Reich //
Sportwissenschaft. 1982. N 12. – P. 29.
Hein, Peter. The Politics of Sport and Apartheid. In: Sport, Culture,
Ideology. Ed. Jennifer Hargreaves. London: Rutledge, 1982. – P. 233.
Arvin-Bérod, Alain. Les enfants d’Olympie. Paris, CERF, 1996. – P. 27–
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8. MacAloon, John. This Great Symbol: Pierre de Coubertin and the Origins
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Leonova Valentine. Influence of sports aerobics complexes on physical
readiness in children of younger school age
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pp. 72-75
Prisyazhnuk S.I. Statements on physical training in Ukrainian
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Orlov V.A., Strizhakova O.V., Fetisov O.V. Unification of a quality
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2. Grigorev A.I., Orlov V.A., Fetisov O.B., Shavyrin I.B. Pre-nozologic
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5. Orlov V.A. scientific basis of an estimation and forecasting of health of
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Parfenov A.N., Jashin T.A., Portugalov S.N. Use of new probiotic
metabolism regulators in elite sports (on an example of a preparation «Bilactin»)
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Volkov N.I., Nesen E.N., Osipenko A.A., Korsun S.N. Biochemistry of
muscular activity. - Kiev, the Olympic literature, 2000. - 509 pp.
Kobalava Z.D. Modern problem of arterial hypertension. A metabolic
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