resume - Andrei Schaffer

Andrei Serban Schaffer
Industrious and dedicated engineering professional with multifaceted knowledge of engineering practices seeks career opportunity within your dynamic organization. Offering adaptability to fast-paced
environments and comprehensive and thorough understanding of processes and procedures. Blends
excellent technical abilities with strong interpersonal skills to consistently meet the challenges presented in business environments.
Offers Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering; Master in Computer Science; and Avionics Engineering
Degree. Strong background in numerical methods, applied mathematics, and software engineering.
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa USA
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, December 2005
• GPA: 3.88
• Fields of Study / Research: Parallel and sequential numerical methods for multibody dynamics,
sensitivity analysis, differential-algebraic equations.
• Courses included: Topics in Numerical Analysis, Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods, Control Theory, Computational Methods in Dynamics, Advanced Topics in Numerical
Analysis (Butcher tree theory for Runge-Kutta methods, Runge-Kutta methods for DifferentialAlgebraic Equations), Advanced Topics in Multibody Dynamics (Workspace Analysis, Design
Sensitivity Analysis)
• Academic Advisors: Edward J. Haug, James Cramer, L. D. Chen
M.S., Computer Science, May 2003
• Fields of Study / Research: Computer Graphics and Numerical Analysis.
• Courses included: Advanced Computer Graphics, Optimization, Advanced Operating Systems,
High Performance Computer Architectures, Graph A l g o r i t h m s a n d Combinatorial Optimization
• Academic adviser: James Cramer
Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Aeronautical Engineering Degree, Facultatea de Aeronave, June 1992
• Fields of Study / Research: Aircraft Aerodynamics and Control, Onboard Computer Systems,
Aircraft Structural Design.
• Courses included: Aerodynamics, Structural Mechanics, Control Theory, Numerical Methods,
Advanced Numerical Topics, Aircraft Electronics.
• GPA: 9.25/10
• Dissertation Topic: “Astronomical Navigation t h r o u g h Pattern Recognition”
Honors and
GM Scholarship Awar d , 2001
Polytechnic University of Bucharest Scholarships 1991, 1992
Professionally authored the following technical articles and book:
Stability of the Adjoint Differential-Algebraic Equation of the Index-3 Multibody System Equation of
Motion, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 26 (4), 2005.
Stabilized Index-1 Differential-Algebraic Formulations for Sensitivity Analysis of Multibody Dynamics, J. Multibody Dynamics, vol. 220 (K3), 2006.
On the Adjoint Formulation of Design Sensitivity Analysis of Multibody Dynamics: The Piecewise
Adjoint Method for Design Sensitivity Analysis (DSA) of Non-centroidal Multibody Dynamics with
Euler Parameters for Orientation, VDM Verlag, 2008.
Bloomberg LP, New York, New York, USA
C++/C Senior Software Developer
2010 - present
• In charge with developing back and front-end software for Commercial Mortgage Backed
Securities Applications (C++/C/Javascript/Python).
MSC Software, Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
Computational Mechanics Engineer
2005 - 2010
• In charge with numerical methods for differential-algebraic equations and linear / nonlinear
solvers for MSC Adams (C++). Successfully implemented a suite of differential-algebraic
integrators, for the Dynamic analysis in MSC Adams, which show increased efficiency and
more robust and stable behavior in the presence of non-smoothness and very small stepsizes. Implemented nonlinear solvers with global convergence strategies that improve the
Static Equilibrium solution in MSC Adams. Improved efficiency of MSC Adams linear solvers
through NVIDIA GPU parallel development (CUDA / Cublas).
Gamma Technologies, Inc., Westmont, Illinois USA
Mechanical Engineer
2004 - 2005
• Researched and implemented global optimization method based on Dividing Rectangles (DIRECT) algorithm (Fortran 90) that enhanced the optimization solver of the GT-Suite. Successfully implemented and deployed Savitzky-Golay 2D Filter (Fortran 90) that improved the
neural networks algorithms involved in the GT-Suite engine simulation.
National Advanced Driving Simulator Center, Iowa City, Iowa USA
Graduate Research Assistant
1998 - 2004
• Researched and implemented sequential and parallel algorithms for the Vehicle Dynamics Simulation (VDS) suite (OpenMP, m fork) in order to achieve real-time simulation of multibody
dynamic systems comprising up-to 14 bodies. Developed terrain generator with Cubic Spline
patches (C++/ OpenGL) for the driving simulator image system. Implemented input parsing
features for VDS (C++/lex/yacc) that enlarged the complexity of the models that VDS could
handle. Extended the functionality of VDS to include scripting capabilities in Python.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California USA
Summer Intern
June, 2003 - October, 2003
• Successfully implemented XS4C, an automatic code generation program for complex step
method in SUNDIALS integration package (C++/ROSE), which made the process of obtaining finite-differenced Jacobians faster and more robust.
General Motors, Warren, Michigan USA
Summer Intern
2002, 2001, 2000, 1999
• Implemented Parsing and Code Generation features for DIRECT Optimization code (Tcl/Tk,
C, awk) used by the Powertrain GM group. Wrote iSIGHT code for driving structural design
analysis in LS-DYNA, Hypermesh, Sofy. Successfully implemented tools for the GM Robust
Engineering group, using Statistical Inference and Monte Carlo method to perform simulation
of Nastran FEM models (iSIGHT, MiniTab, Excel). Added 4-wheel steering capabilities to
ground-based vehicle simulation software (C++) used by GM Controls group.
Crinsoft SRL, Bucharest Romania
Software Engineer
• Developed and deployed modules for an inventory database project (Visual Basic, MSSQL
Siveco S.A., Bucharest Romania
Software Engineer
1996 - 1998
• Implemented and managed CALC project (Visual Basic, MS Access) for Coca-Cola Company,
(MS Access ’97 and MS Excel 97) for Cost of Ownership (Life Cycle Costs) analysis. Implemented Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) modules for COSWIN CAM software (Visual
Simultec S.A., Bucharest Romania
Research Engineer
1992 - 1996
• Implemented and deployed Active Radar Simulator (C++/80x86 Assembler) for Windows/ XWindows for Romanian Air Force. Developed and integrated an aircraft mathematical model
for Division Bell image system based simulator. Developed and deployed a rain fall monitoring
software and database (MS Access). Researched and implemented hidden surface elimination
algorithms (C++) for aircraft simulation.
Technology Skill Advanced C++ knowledge (design patterns, generic programming: STL, boost, traits and policies,
C++ software engineering idioms), Javascript, Parallel programming (p-threads, m fork), NVIDIA
GPU programming, Matlab, Mathematica, Fortran, OpenGL, BMRT, Java3D, Lex, Yacc, ROSE,
Tcl/Tk, Python, iSIGHT, Hypermesh, LS-Dyna, MSC Adams, MiniTab, LaTex, MS Excel, Visual
Basic, Raima, MSSQL Server, MS Access.
Available upon request.