Rules and Expectations

Welcome to Mrs. Jansky’s American Literature Class!
Class Rules:
Me…each other…my classroom!
Pen and/or pencil every day
Notebook paper
Small notebook or folder with brads and pockets
Wide rule spiral notebook for journal writing
Jump Drive or Flash Drive
According to school policy, all classes at HHS will use a 60/40 grading
system -60% for tests and projects and 40% for class and homework
including journals.
Late Grade Policy:
Homework and papers are due at the beginning of the class period to
get full credit. The next day, the grade starts at a 70. After the
second day, the grade is a zero. This does not include journals. They
are due every Friday.
Hall Passes:
Two color-coded hall passes will be given each six-weeks. They may
be used to go anywhere except the library. You can go there without
a hall pass. If you do not use your passes, they may be turned in for
extra AR points. You must have at least 5 regular points to turn in
your hall passes. You may turn them in each six-weeks or accumulate
them, but you can only turn in passes one semester at a time…first
semester passes cannot be used second semester.
Journal topics will be on the board every day. On Monday it will
always be SAT/ACT vocabulary words. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday there will be a topic that can pertain to your life in some way
or the piece of literature that we are reading at the time. Each of
these will be one page long to get full credit. On Friday you will take a
vocab quiz in your journal. Each day will count as 20 points for a total
of 100. Journals are due as soon as the quiz is finished. They may
not be turned in for a late grade on Monday.
Accelerated Reader:
The following is a breakdown of AR points and their grade equivalents.
All English classes will be required to have 12 points each six weeks.
You may only read one book three points or less each six weeks. AR
counts for one daily grade. Students must have a total of 25 points to
be able to exempt their English Semester or Final Exam. Your points
are due the Thursday one week before the end of the six-weeks.
12 POINTS – 100
11 POINTS - 95
10 POINTS - 90
9 POINTS - 85
8 POINTS - 80
7 POINTS - 70
6 POINTS - 60
5 POINTS - 50
4 POINTS - 40
3 POINTS - 30
2 POINTS - 20
1 POINT – 10
Novel Project
All students will be required to complete a project over a novel of their
choice each six weeks. I will provide you with a list of projects, which
you may choose from, to present to me and/or the class. You will have
to present at least once to the class. You will schedule your
presentation at least one week in advance. The final due date is the
Monday of the last week of the 6 weeks.