Business Statistics QM 120 School of Business and Economics BBA-H Program Semester Credit Hours Pre requisites (if any) Resource Person 3 QM 110 Contact information BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION: Important decisions are rarely made by intuition alone. We need to use the data to develop our insights and to support our analysis. Quantitative analysis includes the tools and techniques with which we seek to replicate reality mathematically. Quantitative Techniques are applied in all the functions of business like Operations, Marketing, HR, Finance etc. The aim of this course is to learn when a technique is appropriate and what it can achieve. The emphasis throughout the course is on concepts and reasoning rather than technical details. You should acquire some basic data analysis skills but most importantly, become a more informed and critical producer and user of business Statistical analyses. Sr# 1. Course Learning Objectives Link with Program Learning Objectives To understand the basic concepts and principles To inculcate business knowledge and used in Business Statistics. analytical skills in graduates to think decisively in order to develop innovative solutions to problems in a business environment Organizing qualitative and quantitative data into a frequency table, displaying the data through charts and graphs, describing and exploring data through different numerical measures. 2. To inculcate business knowledge and analytical skills in graduates to think decisively in order to develop innovative solutions to problems in a business environment To provide a progressive and structured framework to graduates that enables them in developing and applying knowledge set of critical and ethical evaluation To know and understand probability and its To craft graduates’ expertise in order different rules. to increase their resourcefulness To clearly identify and understand statistical To inculcate business knowledge and concepts helpful for decision making, like analytical skills in graduates to think estimation and hypothesis testing. decisively in order to develop innovative solutions to problems in a business environment 3. 4. To craft graduates’ expertise in order to increase their resourcefulness RECOMMENDED TEXT: Business Statistics: By Groebner, Shannon, and Fry (8th Edition) SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT: Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics (13th Edition): By Douglas A. Lind and William G. Marchal Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel: By Anderson and Sweeny (3rd Edition) WEB LINKS: MOODLE.UMT.EDU.PK CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: Positive and constructive class participation will be monitored for each class. Particular emphasis will be given during the presentation sessions. The manner in which the question is asked or answered will also be noted. Your behaviour, as business executive will contribute to the class participation marks. EMAIL ADDRESSES Participants should establish their email accounts on the UMT email system, and use this address for all communications during this course MOODLE Participants should regularly visit the course website on MOODLE Course Management system, and fully benefit from its capabilities USE OF MOBILE PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES 1. Use of mobile phones and similar devices is prohibited during the class 2. Your phone should not be heard or visible during the class 3. All mobile phones should be turned-off (or at least in the “silent” mode) and secured in pockets or bags during the class time, and may not be used for ANY purpose, including calculations, time-keeping, etc. In case you are anticipating an emergency call, you need to discuss this matter with the resource person BEFORE the start of the class ENTERING AND LEAVING THE CLASSROOM You are requested to seek permission from the resource person while entering or leaving the classroom during the session USE OF UNFAIR MEANS Participants are expected to do their own work in their assignments, quizzes and exams. They are always encouraged to discuss with each other but the assignments, quizzes and exams should be their own work reflecting their own effort and intellect. The School of Business & Economics is VERY STRICT against any action of plagiarism, copying and cheating. So don’t put yourself in any embarrassing position that may mar your career. In summary, any or all of these actions may be taken against you in case of cheating. 1. Zero Point for the assignment/quiz/exam 2. Case would be sent to UMC Committee PARTICIPANT RESPONSIBILITIES: The learning process is based on independent work with texts, textbook, and cases supported by lectures and assignments/cases. You are supposed to have read the text chapters under discussion in advance. Questions answered to these text chapters, will contribute to the class participation marks. CLASS PARTICIPATION 1. You are required to attend the classes regularly and with punctuality. 2. You should come fully prepared in each class, and participate actively in class activities. REQUIRED MATERIAL FOR QM-120 You are required to bring the following to every class: 1. Textbook 2. Calculator 3. Ring file (for notes) 4. Lead pencil (and accessories) (OPTIONAL) NOTE: Failure to bring any of the first three things or being absent or late in a class, may result in a loss of marks in your class participation, and may adversely affect your final grade. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Mid-Term Final exam Class Participation Project & Presentation Quizzes Assignments Total 20% 35% 05% 10% 20% 10% 100% Calendar of Activities Sr. # Topics to be covered in the course Learning objective of this topic Teaching method Assessment criteria Class Participation What is Statistics? Know the key data collection methods. Know the difference between population & sample and different sampling methods. Lectures and real life situations. 2. Tabular and Graphical Representation of Data Students should be able to construct frequency distribution both manually and with computer. And also be able to construct and interpret a frequency histogram. Class participation Lectures + Videos + Assignments + class tests 3. Describing Data using Numerical Measures Compute the mean, median, mode and weighted average for a set of data and understand what these values represent. Lectures Class participation + Assignments + class tests Introduction to Probability Understand the three approaches to assess probabilities. Lectures Class participation + Assignments + class tests 1. 4. 5. Discrete Probability Distribution Be able to calculate and interpret the expected value of discrete random variable. And also be able to apply the binomial distribution to business decision-making situations. 6. Continuous Probability Distribution Sampling Distribution 7. Lectures Class participation + Assignments + class tests Calculate values of random variable associated with specified probabilities from a normal distribution. Lectures Class participation + Assignments + class tests To learn how the manufacturing companies can know in advance the increase in cost, revenue and ultimately profit by taking help from their marginal functions and can make effective decisions. Lectures Class participation