Energy speaker bios

ICSU Science Forum – Energy
Thursday, 14 June, 14:00 – 18:00
Participant Biosketches
Nebojsa Nakicenovic
Deputy Director of the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Professor of Energy Economics at the
Vienna University of Technology
Among other positions, Prof. Dr. Nakicenovic is member of the United Nations Secretary General
Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change; Member of the Advisory Council of the German
Government on Global Change (WBGU); Member of the Advisory Board of the World Bank
Development Report 2010: Climate Change; Member of the International Council for Science (ICSU)
Committee on Scientific Planning and Review, and Member of the Global Carbon Project; Member of the
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) Expert Panel on Sustainable Energy Supply,
Poverty Reduction and Climate Change; Member of the Panel on Socioeconomic Scenarios for Climate
Change Impact and Response Assessments; Member of the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the
21st Century (REN21) Steering Committee; and Chair of the Advisory Board of OMV Future Energy
Fund (Austrian oil company).
Prof. Dr. Nakicenovic holds bachelor's and master's degrees in economics and computer science
from Princeton University, New Jersey, USA and the University of Vienna, where he also completed his
Ph.D. Among Prof. Dr. Nakicenovic's research interests are the long-term patterns of technological
change, economic development and response to climate change and, in particular, the evolution of energy,
mobility, and information and communication technologies.
José Goldemberg
Professor Emeritus, University of São Paulo
Dr. Goldemberg recently served as Secretary for the Environment of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and is
currently a Professor Emeritus at the University of São Paulo, from which he earned his Ph.D. in Physical
Science. He has also served as Rector and full Professor of the University of São Paulo from 1986-89.
From 1983-86 he was Director of the Energy Company of the State of São Paulo and from 1990-92
served the federal government in various capacities: as the Secretary of State for Science and Technology;
as interim Secretary of the Environment, where he administered Brazil’s participation in the 1992 Earth
Summit in Rio de Janeiro; and as Minister of Education. He has authored many technical papers and
books on nuclear physics, environment, and energy and has served as president of the Brazilian
Association for the Advancement of Science. Jose Goldemberg also served as Chairman of the Editorial
board and a lead author of the World Energy Assessment. In 2008 he was awarded the Blue Planet Prize
2008 of the Asahi Glass Foundation (Japan).
Speakers and Panelists
Vijay Modi
 Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia
 Member, Earth Institute Faculty, Columbia
 Director, Modi Research Group
 Infrastructure Sector Coordinator, Millennium
Villages Project
Prof. Vijay Modi received his PhD from Cornell University in 1984 and worked as a post-doc at MIT
from 1984 to 1986 before joining the faculty at Columbia University. He earlier led the UN Millennium
Project effort on the role of energy and energy services in reaching the Millennium Development Goals.
Currently, he is focused on three projects: leading the infrastructure team for the Millennium Villages
Project (10 countries, 14 sites across sub-Saharan Africa); developing planning and decision-support tools
for infrastructure; and looking at the food-energy-water nexus in Indian agriculture.
Prof. Modi’s areas of expertise are energy sources and conversion, heat/mass transfer and fluid
mechanics. In addition to the projects above, he leads projects in: Energy technologies for sustainable
development; energy infrastructure, design & planning; solar energy; energy, food & water nexus;
technology & intervention; adoption, diffusion and impact assessment. His primary geographic regions
are India and Africa. Prof. Modi also works on projects in CO2 sequestration, fuel cells, distributed
sensing/control of flow, and heat transfer.
Roberto Schaeffer
 Associate Professor of Energy Economics,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Prof. Roberto Schaeffer holds a Ph.D. in Energy Management and Policy from the University of
Pennsylvania, USA, an M.S. in Energy Planning from UFRJ, Brazil, and a degree in Electrical
Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. His main interests are in the fields of energy
efficiency, energy economics, renewable energy and global climate change.
Dr. Schaeffer has frequently contributed to reports and assessments of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), including the recent Working Group 3, Fourth Assessment Report on
Mitigation(AR4, WG3, 2007), for which he was a lead author. Currently, he is a member of the
Methodology Panel on Baseline Emissions and Monitoring of the Clean Development Mechanism of the
United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC CDM Meth. Panel), and associate editor of
two international scientific journals: Energy: The International Journal and Climate Policy.
Daniel Hugo Bouille
Vice President, Institute of Energy Economics (IDEE/FB)
Foundation Bariloche, Argentina
An economist by training, Dr. Bouille’s academic background includes post-graduate studies in Energy
Economics at the University of Cologne in Germany. His professional background presently focuses on
research and technical assistance related to climate change issues. Professor Bouille was National
Coordinator of the Argentine Report on Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in the Energy Sector. He has served
as Coordinator of numerous projects including, "Study on Flexibility Mechanisms within the Context of
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol;" "Study of the
Andean Pact: the Benefits of the Integration on Greenhouse Gas Emissions;" Technical Assistance to the
First Mitigation Study for El Salvador; and Energy Study to fix the Argentine Voluntary Commitment.
Professor Bouille is also a member of the expert roster of the GEF, and Lead Author of the IPCC
Working Group III Third Report.
Suzana Kahn Ribeiro
Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Suzana Kahn Riberio is professor of transportation engineering at the Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro (UFRJ) in Brazil. She has been a convening lead author of IPCC Working Group III, responsible
for the chapter on transport. She has held a number of consultancies with international organizations,
including the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodology panel and the International Institute
for Sustainable Development (IISD). She holds degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of
the State of Rio de Janeiro (1981), master of Program Planning for Energy Coppe (1988) and Ph.D. in
Production Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1995).
Ashok Khosla
Chairman, Development Alternatives
Ashok Khosla is one of the world’s foremost experts on the environment and sustainable development.
He set up and headed the first national environment agency in India and was then Director of Infoterra in
the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). He is Founder and Chairman of the Development
Alternatives Group, the major environmental NGO and of TARA, the first Social Enterprise to innovate
and market commercially viable, environmentally friendly technologies for rural economies.
Concurrently, he is President of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), CoPresident of the Club of Rome and Co-chair of the International Resource Panel (IRP).
He has advised the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank, the
World Resources Institute, the International Council of Scientific Unions, and India’s Ministries of the
Environment, Science and Technology and Rural Development.
Ashok has served on the boards of numerous global environmental organisations, including the
Worldwide Fund for Nature, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, the Stockholm
Environment Institute, the Centre for Our Common Future and several major civil society organizations
in India.
Dr Khosla has authored numerous professional papers, articles and reports. He earned an MA at
Cambridge University and a PhD in experimental physics at Harvard University. He has been awarded an
OBE by the UK Government, the Sasakawa Environment Prize by the UN, the Duke of Edinburgh Medal
by WWF and the Nehru Prize for Science Communication by the Indian Science Congress.
Ellen Williams
Chief Scientist, BP
Director, Materials Research Science and Engineering
Professor, University of Maryland
Ellen Williams serves as the Chief Scientist at British/Beyond Petroleum. BP is the third largest oil
company and the fifth largest corporation on the planet, and as BP’s Chief Scientist, Ellen will play a role
in determining how developments in science and technology can contribute to sustainable, secure and
environmentally responsible energy. She is on leave from the University of Maryland where she is
Distinguished University Professor of Physics and director of the Materials Research Science and
Engineering Center. Among her special interests are surfaces at the atomic scale, thin films, lowdimensional interfaces and graphene. In 2005, she was elected a member of the National Academy of
Sciences; two years earlier, she was selected as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
She has been honored with the David Turnbull Lectureship for career contributions from the Materials
Research Society, and has received from the American Physical Society both the David Adler
Lectureship Award for work in materials and the Maria Goeppert-Mayer Award for outstanding
achievement as a young researcher. She has been committed to encouraging the involvement and success
of women and minorities in physics and related fields.
Jacqueline McGlade
Executive Director, European Environment Agency
Jacqueline McGlade is an expert in environmental policy and research. Executive Director of the
European Environment Agency, she routinely addresses academic and parliamentary audiences on
environmental policy and social-environment interactions. She co-chairs the steering group on the United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s Convention Assessment of Assessments for the State of the
Environment, and is a Board Member of Earthwatch International. She is also a jury member for the
Volvo Environment Prize.
Previously, Dr McGlade was Director of the UK’s NERC Centre for Coastal and Marine
Sciences, and Director of Theoretical Ecology in Germany. She has also served as co-chair to the heads of
European Environmental Protection agencies and on the scientific committee of the Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment. She was the Coordinator of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and
co-chaired UNEP’s GEO-5 Intergovernmental Advisory Panel.
Dr McGlade’s research pursuits include analysis of risk and uncertainty in complex systems,
development and implementation of enviro-informatics, ecological economics, environmental forecasting,
and development of a governance theory for natural resources. She serves on the editorial boards of
Dynamical Systems and the International Journal of Biosciences and the Law. McGlade earned a PhD in
aquatic sciences and zoology from the University of Guelph in Canada and an MA from the University of
Cambridge, UK.
Johan Rockström
Professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Executive Director, Stockholm Environment Institute
Executive Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Johan Rockström is a Professor in natural resource management at Stockholm University, and the
Executive Director of the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Stockholm Resilience Centre.
He is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, where he, e.g., led the
recent development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current
era of rapid global change. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, and strategies to build
resilience in water scarce regions of the world, with more than 15 years experience from applied water
research in tropical regions, and more than 100 research publications in fields ranging from applied land
and water management to global sustainability.
He serves on several scientific committees and boards, e.g., as the vice-chair of the science advisory
board of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact research (PIK) and he chairs the visioning process on
global environmental change of ICSU, the International Council for Science.
Rockström was awarded the title "Swede of the Year" in 2009 for his work on bridging science
on climate change to policy and society. He was ranked the most influential person on environmental
issues in Sweden 2011.
Keywan Riahi
Energy Program Leader, IIASA
Visiting Professor, Graz University of Technology
Keywan Riahi is leading the Energy Program at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis
(IIASA, Austria). In addition he holds a part-time position as Visiting Professor in the field of energy
systems analysis at the Graz University of Technology, Austria. Prof. Riahi is member of the Editorial
Board of the Journal of Energy Economics, and serves on the Executive Committee of the Global Energy
Assessment (GEA) and the Scientific Steering Committee of the Integrated Assessment Modeling
Consortium (IAMC) and a number of other international and European scenario activities. His work
within international modeling comparison projects, such as the Stanford-based Energy Modeling Forum
(EMF), focuses on the spatial and temporal characteristics of technology diffusion and the path-dependent
development of the energy system under alternative policy configurations. Since 1998 he has served as a
Lead Author and Review Editor to various Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), including the IPCC's Third and Fourth Assessment Reports, the IPCC's Special
Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES), the Special Report on CO2 Capture and Storage (SRCCS), and
the Special Report on Renewable Energy (SRREN). Recently he has been appointed also a Lead Author
of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report. Prof. Riahi’s main research interests are the long-term patterns of
technological change and economic development and, in particular, the evolution of the energy system.
His present research focuses on energy-related sources of global change, and on future development and
response strategies for mitigating adverse environmental impacts, such as global warming and
Francisco Romário Wojcicki
Deputy-Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and
Francisco Romário Wojcicki is an Electric Engineer, graduated in 1983 from the Pontifical Catholic
University in Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) and expert in Electrical Power Systems from the Itajuba’s
Federal School of Engineering(UNIFEI). He has MBA on Business and Finances from the Superior
School of Government Management (ESAG) and Master’s Degree in Electrical Power Systems from
UNIFEI. He is of the staff of ELETROSUL, a company from the Eletrobras Group. He was Manager of
the Regional Transmission of Mato Grosso do Sul (1999-2002), Technical Director of CEAM – Amazon
Electrical Company (2002-2003) and also Superintendent for Technical Management of Contracts at
CBEE – Brazilian Trader of Emergency Energy (2003-2004). From 2005 to 2007 , he served as Deputy
Secretary of Planning and Energy Development in the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil when,
among other responsibilities, was in charge for OLADE’s Regional coordination, and also, President of
the Committee for Strategy and Programming of the Organization. From 2007 to 2010 he was appointed
as Deputy Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy. In 2010, he was Chief of Staff for
the Minister, and from January 2011 until now, he has again assumed the position of Deputy Executive