Vocabulary Unit 13

Vocabulary Unit 14
Learning Objective
Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding
of vocabulary words in Lesson 14.
Students will be able to develop a deeper understanding
from vocabulary lesson 14.
+ Learning Goal: Students will be able to gain a
deeper understanding of the words lesson 14.
Rate yourself!
4- I could take an assessment today and achieve an “A”!
 I COMPLETELY understand all the vocabulary words!
3- I could take an assessment today after receiving some
help and/or participate in activities to deepen my
2- I could not take an assessment today.
I understand most words but need more practice.
I understand a few words but need a lot more practice.
1- I do not understand any or most of these words.
Example Activity
Word: juxtaposition
Meaning: Juxtaposition is the act or an instance of
placing two or more things side by side
Where can I find this
Examples can come
from the following:
- Real world
- Literature
- Personal Experience
- Music/ Arts/ Drama
- Other
*Pick at least two.
Real World: A tycoon pushing his limousine (it has run
out of gas). Another example would be a billboard for a
church placed right next to one advertising nude
Draw one of the
- Symbol
- Picture
- Graph
Literature: Juxtaposition is a literary device that
William Shakespeare uses most commonly in his play
“Romeo and Juliet”. We notice the juxtaposition of “light
and “darkness” repeatedly. Consider an example from
Act I, Scene V: “O, she doth teach the torches to burn
bright!/It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night”
Example Activity
Mnemonic Devices:
Silly Sentence
Show its opposite
*Use Synonyms, Antonyms, or Related
Phrases to help you!
My bfg wanted me
to just position the
furniture side by
Word: juxtaposition
Meaning: Juxtaposition is the act or an instance of placing two or more
things side by side
Where can I find this word?
Real World: A tycoon pushing his limousine (it has run out of gas). Another
example would be a billboard for a church placed right next to one advertising
nude dancers.
Literature: Juxtaposition is a literary device that William Shakespeare uses most
commonly in his play “Romeo and Juliet”. We notice the juxtaposition of “light and
“darkness” repeatedly. Consider an example from Act I, Scene V: “O, she doth
teach the torches to burn bright!/It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night”
What does it look like?
Mnemonic Devices:
My bfg wanted me to just position
the furniture side by side.
Groups and Word Assignments
Group 1: Eclectic and Effete
Group 2: Efficacious and Effrontery
Group 3: Elicit and Elite
Group 4: Emaciated and Emanate
Group 5: Embellish and Eminent
Group 6: Empathy and Emulate
Group 7: Endemic and Enigma
Group 8: Enriching the Lesson
(Pick 2 from each section)
Group 9: Too Much of a Good Thing
All 3 from this section.
+ Learning Goal: Students will be able to gain a
deeper understanding of the words lesson 14.
Rate yourself!
4- I could take an assessment today and achieve an “A”!
 I COMPLETELY understand all the vocabulary words!
3- I could take an assessment today after receiving some
help and/or participate in activities to deepen my
2- I could not take an assessment today.
I understand most words but need more practice.
I understand a few words but need a lot more practice.
1- I do not understand any or most of these words.