Shoreline Community College French 123 Spring Quarter 2013

Shoreline Community College
French 123
Spring Quarter 2013
Instructor: Valérie Goudarzi, MA
Office hours: Tues-Thurs. 11:30-12:00 in the FOSS building, office 5380.
If necessary you may leave a message with the Social Sciences Division at 546-4565 and it
will be delivered it to my mailbox.
Class time and location: 10:30-11:20, M-F, in room 1802
Materials required:
1. Vis-a`-vis, 5th edition: Textbook, (bring to class daily)
2. Student workbook (workbook), (bring to class on Chapter Test days).
Web Resources: Please check the back of the textbook for the Via-a`-vis website address.
There are a multitude of activities designed for students to enhance the study of French
using this textbook.
3. Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, available at the Shoreline CC bookstore. We
will be reading selected passages from this book with follow-up discussion and question
assignments. Note: this book can also be found on the web (get address in class),
however it is wonderful to have a real paper copy of this delightful tale for all ages!
Classroom blog web address:
Text Schedule:
French 121: Chapters 1-4
French 122: Chapters 5-9
French 123: 9-13, selected points of 14.
Course Description
The goal of this course is to develop the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening to a
basic level of proficiency so that the student can communicate basic ideas in French and
understand the cultural context of the language. The class is taught through an experiential
methodology, which encourages extensive use of French in the classroom, emphasis on
communicative skills, interactive presentations of grammar, and daily practice outside of
class. The major topics and themes of French 123 are: imparfait tense, subjunctive mode,
pronouns (lots!), pronominal verbs, and the simple future, and varied vocabulary themes
(history, the arts, technology, and media.)
Course Grade
Tests 50% (chapter tests 30%, final 20%)
Oral performance 25% (oral activities 15%, daily participation 10%)
Homework 25% (composition 10% [each one graded out of 100%], workbook, lab manual,
assigned homework and reading 15%).
Class work and attendance
Attendance is mandatory! Language learning is a cumulative process and regular
preparation is essential for steady progress and good performance. You are allowed a
maximum of three absences for 123, beyond that, you will lose 2 points per each absence
for your participation grade, in addition to missing important material.
Students are responsible to keep track of daily assignments and turn them in on time.
Homework will be checked off rather than graded. Students will complete the
corresponding chapters of the workbook/lab manual and turn them in the day of the
chapter test. Students will be expected to correct their own answers using the answer key
in the back of the Workbook. PLEASE use an alternate color to highlight mistakes (don't
erase!) so you (and I!) can monitor your progress. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED
excepting qualified and excused absences or extraordinary circumstances.
Students may turn in Extra Credit assignments (check with me first), however Extra Credit
will only apply to the homework and oral activities/participation portion of the grade.
Extra Credit assignments do not apply to test scores (i.e. improving percentage) or replace
missed tests.
Final Exam
The final exam will be comprehensive, covering chapters 9-14 for French 123, composition
Oral Grade
Students will be doing an in-depth research project culminating in a final presentation.
Details will be given in class. In addition, we will be doing other group in-class oral
activities. There are no make-ups for missed oral activities, however please speak to me if
you have exceptional circumstances.
Daily evaluation will be made in class on oral performance.
Chapter tests will be marked on the course schedule. There are no make-up tests unless
there are special circumstances and you arrange with me prior to the day of the test.
Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Appropriate measures will be taken in accordance with Policy 5033,
Dishonesty in Academics, the policy established by the Faculty Senate regarding the consequences of cheating and
Amusons-nous bien et parlons français!