Name of presentation



Wendy Blount, DVM

Nacogdoches TX

Dr. Callan Video

ECG – What it Detects

Heart chamber enlargement

• Eccentric hypertrophy

– Dilation and growth of heart chambers

– Due to volume overload

• Concentric hypertrophy

– Wall thickening of heart chambers

– Due to pressure overload

Conduction Disturbances

ECG – What Doesn’t Detect

Type of Heart chamber enlargement

• Eccentric vs. Concentric hypertrophy

• Congestive Heart Failure

A Short ECG won’t detect many arrhythmias

• Arrhythmias can be intermittent

• 10 minutes is <1% of the day

ECG – When to Do

• Pulse deficits detected on exam

• Chaotic heart sounds (arrhythmia) detected on exam

• Tachycardia

• Bradycardia

• Episodes of weakness or collapse

• Pre-anesthetic in sick or geriatric animal

– Abdominal mass (especially spleen)

– Heart murmur

ECG – When to Do

Event Recorders

• Owner/witness starts recording during an event

Holter Monitors

• Continuously record ECG for 24 hours

• Can rent for Dr. Kate Meurs at Washington

State Vet School

• Can get interpretation of Holter Recording http://

ECG – Helpful Hints

• Always in right lateral recumbency

• Patient on a towel or rubber mat

• Metal tables are more problematic

• Limbs perpendicular to body

• Place leads at the elbow and knee

• No one moves while the ECG is being recorded

• Enhance lead contact with gel or alcohol

Alcohol is FLAMMABLE!!

ECG – Helpful Hints

Which lead goes where

• “Snow and Grass are on the ground”

– White and green leads are on the bottom (R)

• “Christmas comes at the end of the year”

– Red and green are on the back legs

• “Read the newspaper with your hands”

– White and black are on front legs

White – RF Green – RR (ground)

Black – LF Red – LR

ECG – The Cardiac Cycle

P wave

• SA node fires

1. Atrial depolarization


• HS4

2. Iternodal tracts

(shortcut to

AV node)

ECG – The Cardiac Cycle

PR interval

• Beginning of P wave to beginning of QRS

AV node

*most of the PR interval is here*

• Bundle of HIS

• bundle branches (R&L)

• Purkinje fiber network

ECG – The Cardiac Cycle

QRS complex

• ventricular depolarization


Q wave 1 st negative deflection

R wave 1 st positive deflection

S wave 2 nd negative deflection

ECG – The Cardiac Cycle

QRS complex

• HS1

AV valves closing

beginning of QRS

• HS2

Semilunar valves closing (AoV, PV)

end of QRS

• Pulse is generated

ECG – The Cardiac Cycle

T wave

• Ventricular repolarization


• HS3

Ventricular filling

if myocardium is stiff

ECG – The Cardiac Cycle

QT interval

• beginning of QRS to end of T wave

• ventricular depolarization & repolarization

• HS1, HS2, HS3

• Pulse generated

ECG – The Cardiac Cycle

ST segment

• Between S & T waves

• Between ventricular contraction

(depolarization – systole) and ventricular relaxation

(repolarization – diastole)

• Isn’t measured per se

• But it’s relationship with baseline is noted

ECG – 6 Leads

Bipolar leads

• I – LF+ RF-

• II – LR+ RF-

• III – RR+ LF-

Unipolar leads

• aVR – RF+ (summation lead III)-

• aVL – LF+ (summation lead II)-

• aVF - LR+ (summation lead I)-

ECG – Systematic Interpretation

1. Heart Rate and Rhythm

2. Measurements of the parts

• P wave - width and height

• PR interval - length

• QRS - width and height

• QT interval – length

• ST segment – relative to PR interval

• T wave - width and height

3. Mean Electrical Axis


ECG – Measurements

Take 3-5 measurements and average

All measurements done in lead II

Use calipers

Measure from the center of the line


ECG – Heart Rate

At 25 mm/sec, 150mm = 6 sec

• “Bic Pen Times Ten”

• Accurate within 10 beats per minute

At 50 mm/sec, 300mm = 6 sec

• A Bic Pen times Twenty

• Accurate within 20 beats per minute

ECG – Heart Rate


• Giant dogs 60-140

• Toy dogs 80-180

• Cats 100-240

Med-Lg dogs 70-160

Puppies 70-220

Get Baseline heart rates for individuals on every visit

ECG – Rhythm

Normal Sinus rhythm

• Regular heart rate

– Measure from one P wave to the next with calipers

• P, QRS and T waves in each complex

Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia

• heart rate regularly irregular

– Speeds up with inhale, slows with exhale (vagal tone variance, in a regular cycle)

• P, QRS and T waves in each complex

• Variable P wave – wandering pacemaker

• Heart rate less than 200


ECG – Rhythm

Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia

ECG – P Wave Measurements

• Atrial depolarization


• Normal Dog:

<0.4 mV x <0.04 sec

<0.5 sec in giant breeds

– 4 boxes tall (10mm=1mV)

– 50 mm/sec 2-2.5 boxes wide

– 25 mm/sec 1-1.25 boxes wide

• Normal Cat:

<0.2 mV x <0.04 sec

– 2 boxes tall

ECG – P Wave Measurements

• Wide P wave (Sometimes Notched)

– 50 mm/sec > 2.5 boxes wide

– 25 mm/sec > 1.25 box wide

– LA enlargement

• Tall P wave (often spiked)

– Dog > 4 boxes tall, cat > 2 boxes tall

– RA enlargement

• Variable P wave – normal variation

– “wandering pacemaker” – increased vagal tone

• Lack of P wave

– Atrial standstill

ECG – P Wave Measurements

Wandering pacemaker

ECG – PR Interval

Conduction from atria to ventricles (AV node)

Establishes the ECG baseline

Normal Dog: 0.06-0.13 sec

• 50mm/sec – 3-6.5 boxes

• 25mm/sec – 1.5-3.25 boxes

Normal Cat: 0.05-0.09 sec

• 50mm/sec – 2.5-4.5 boxes

• 25mm/sec – 1.25-2.25 boxes

ECG – PR Interval

• Short PR Interval (tachycardia)

– AV node is bypassed

– “Accessory pathway” (Wolff-Parkinson-White)

– Congenital or acquired

– Treated in people by radioablation of the pathway

– Sudden onset of tachycardia in a dog

– Can try calcium channel blockers

• Diltiazem SR (Plumb dose)

– If you don’t treat right away, the myocardium will poop out & rapidly progressive CHF will ensue

ECG – PR Interval

Normal Dog: 0.06-0.13 sec (3-6.5 boxes)

Normal Cat: 0.05-0.09 sec (2.5-4.5 boxes)

• Long PR Interval

– Slow conduction through abnormal AV node

– AV Blocks

ECG – PR Interval

Normal Dog: 0.06-0.13 sec

• 3-6.5 boxes

Normal Cat: 0.05-0.09 sec

• 2.5-4.5 boxes

1 st degree AV Block

• Every P wave is followed by a QRS

• Due to increased vagal tone

• Non-pathogenic

50 mm/sec

ECG – PR Interval

ECG – PR Interval

2 nd degree AV Block

Some P waves not followed by a QRS

• Mobitz type I – PR progressively longer until QRS dropped (Wenkebach Phenomenon)

ECG – PR Interval

2 nd degree AV Block

Some P waves not followed by a QRS

• Mobitz type 2 – no pattern

• PR interval does not change

• P-P interval is consistent, so SA node is working fine

• PR interval may be prolonged and may be normal

• Occasionally, a P wave is not followed by a QRS

• Not necessarily pathogenic

Physiology Cardiac Pacemakers

Automatic cells in the heart

• Depolarize on their own during phase 4 of the cardiac cycle (escape beat)

• Rate of depolarization affected by autonomic nervous system

– SA node (

60-180 beats/min dog

) (100-240 cat)

– AV node (40-

60 beats/min dog

) (80-130 cat)

– Purkinje fibers (20-40 beats/min


– Bundle of HIS (20-40 beats/min


– Ventricular myocytes (20-40 beats/min)

Physiology Cardiac Pacemakers

Automatic cells in the heart

• The fastest functioning pacemaker in the heart takes over, by default

• The closer to the AV node, the more the escape beat will resemble normal QRS

• The closer to the ventricle, the more wide and bizarre the QRS will appear

Escape rhythm – pacemaker other than

SA node takes over, because SA node fails to fire

ECG – PR Interval

3 rd degree AV Block (complete AV block)

No relationship between P waves and QRS

• P waves have their own rate (faster), determined by the normal

SA node

• QRS has its own rate (slower), determined by the automaticity of the fastest remaining functioning pacemaker

• Treatment

– Pacemaker, if escape rhythm rate doesn’t support normal activity

• Prognosis

– Cats – without anesthesia, potentially very good, as they usually escape from the AV node

– Dogs – eventual asystole is likely, if no pacemaker implanted, as they escape from Purkinje fibers, HIS or ventricles

ECG – PR Interval

3 rd degree AV Block (complete AV block)

• Pacemaker above bifurcation of bundle of


• Pacemaker left ventricle

ECG – QRS Complex Measurements

Normal Dog:

<40 lbs: <0.05sec x <3.0 mV

• 30 boxes tall

• 50 mm/sec 2.5 boxes wide

• 25 mm/sec 1.25 boxes wide

>40 lbs: <0.06sec x <3.0 mV

• 50 mm/sec 3 boxes wide

• 25 mm/ sec 1.5 boxes wide

Normal Cat:

<0.04sec x <0.9 mV

• 9 boxes tall

• 50 mm/sec 2 boxes wide

• 25 mm/sec 1 box wide

ECG – QRS Complex Measurements

R wave measured from baseline to top

• Tall R wave, wide QRS

– LV enlargement

– Left Bundle branch block

• Deep S wave in leads


– RV enlargement

ECG – Bundle Branch Blocks

• Depolarization wave through myocardium rather than through Purkinje network on affected side

– takes longer

– “appears bigger” on ECG

• Can be persistent or intermittent

– Intermittent often precipitated by increased heart rate (delayed refractory period)

• Left side, right side or both

– Bilateral BBB looks like 3 rd degree AV block

ECG – Bundle Branch Blocks

Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB)

• Causes:

– primary conduction system disease

– Disruption of moderator band

– RV enlargement

– Congenital (especially beagles)


– Deep S wave leads I, II, III, aVF

– Wide QRS

• May cause a split S2

ECG – Bundle Branch Blocks

Left Bundle Branch Block (RBBB)

• Causes:

– primary conduction system disease

– Widespread LV myocardial disease

– Unlike RBBB, not usually benign


– Tall R wave

– Wide QRS

– Looks like a VPC, but follows normal PR interval

Ventricular Premature Complexes

• Depolarization wave through myocardium rather than through Purkinje network on affected side

– takes longer

– “appears bigger” on ECG

Ventricular Premature Complexes

• VPCs are like escape beats in that they both originate from the ventricular myocardium

• VPCs are abnormal due to primary LV pathology or secondary to metabolic disease

• Escape beats are the normal life saving response to a failure of upline pacemaker

• VPCs can be persistent or intermittent

– Intermittent often precipitated by increased heart rate (delayed refractory period)

• Multiform VPCs are more serious

– Multifocal areas of LV pathology

ECG – ST Segment

ST segment depression or elevation

• >0.2mV between baseline and ST

• hypothermia

• hypokalemia

• Digitalis toxicity

• Bundle branch block

• Myocardial infarction

– Rare in dogs

– Can be seen in feline HCM

ECG – Mean Electrical Axis (MEA)

• when a wavefront spreads toward an electrode, the largest possible deflection will occur

• When a wavefront spreads perpendicular to a lead, the smallest or no deflection occurs

• ECG shows the sum of all wavefronts relative to the lead being used to measure (MEA)

• Isoelectric lead

– lead with the smallest deflection

– Perpendicular to the MEA

ECG – Mean Electrical Axis (MEA)

• The normal MEA is 40 o to 100 o in the dog

• Lead II is most perpendicular to the normal MEA

– largest deflections

– best for measurements

• aVL is most often the isoelectric lead

– Approximates MEA in normal dogs

ECG – Mean Electrical Axis (MEA)

Calculating MEA by graph

• Calculate the net deflection in lead I

– Graph on “x axis”

• Calculate net deflection in head aVF

– Graph on “y axis”

• Draw the vector between the two (MEA)

ECG – Mean Electrical Axis (MEA)

+3 - 5 = -2

+10 -1.5 = +8.5



MEA = 105 o

ECG – Mean Electrical Axis (MEA)

Estimating MEA

• Find the isoelectric lead

– NOT the lead with smallest deflections

– Lead with smallest NET DEFLECTION

• MEA is perpendicular to that, in the direction of net deflection

ECG – Mean Electrical Axis (MEA)

Estimating MEA

Isoelectric lead = aVR



















MEA = +120 o

Right Axis Shift

ECG – Mean Electrical Axis (MEA)

Normal Canine MEA

40-110 o

Normal Feline MEA

0-160 o

ECG – Mean Electrical Axis (MEA)

Right Axis Shift

• Right ventricular enlargement

– RV hypertrophy or dilation

• Right bundle branch block

Left Axis Shift

• HCM in cats

• hyperkalemia
