UNICEF Ukraine TERMS OF REFERENCE NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT Harmonization of the new financial mechanism for social services with budget related legislation and budget reform process Country Office: Ukraine Duration: 30 consultancy days Start date: 3 November 2015 End date: 11 December 2015 1. Background System reforms, which are currently on-going in Ukraine, in particular decentralization, require new mechanisms of financing of social services, new approaches to planning, control and monitoring. Social services play an important role in provision of social development of society, resocialization, and support to vulnerable families and children, prevention of vulnerability for substantial part of Ukrainian citizens. A critical constituent of the social services provision system reform is ensuring on the community level: - Efficient of budget funds spending, which are used to finance social services in communities; Defining priorities in provision of social services as the basis of budget planning at the local level; Distribution of authority and levels of financing of certain social services; Involvement of non-government providers of social services for improvement of quality and expanding list of social services; Creation of market of social services at the both community and state levels. 2. Goal Development of relevant legislative environment for the regulation process for financing social services (Budget Code of Ukraine, laws and normative acts) in order to integrate the new mechanism for financing social services - established under the framework of the project " Development of a mechanism of financing of social services for vulnerable population (children)" 3. Objectives - - Review of the normative-legislative framework for regulating questions regarding the financing of social services, taking into account in particular the existing reform process under decentralization and transfer of accountability for financing social services to the local level. Identification of legislative barriers (within the framework of budgetary legislation) for implementation of the new mechanism for financial social services. Development of recommendations for changes in the normative-legislative environment for budgeting finances for social services. Development of recommendations for the local authorities in regards to opportunities for financial social services within their communities. Review of Performance Programme Budgeting, as a monitoring mechanisms for effective use of budgetary resources by communities for financing social services at the local level. Technical expertise provided in the development of normative-legislative documentation in regards to the budgetary issues of financing within the project “ Development of a mechanism of financing of social services for vulnerable population (children)” 4. Main Recipients / Users The main recipients / users will be ministries and other agencies that work with children and families with children- specifically: - Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Finance; Local self-government; Specialists in the area of social policy, economy, state finance, social services; Civil society, including NGOs, non-commercial organizations; International donor and development/ human rights organizations, including UNICEF. 5. Cooperation with UNICEF: The Contractor shall work in close contact with Child Protection Specialist of UNICEF, Social Policy Officer, Social Services Officer, and other experts of UNICEF and consultants. UNICEF has the ownership of all data / information / conclusions, collected data bases, analysis, prepared recommendations. The use of data / information / conclusions for publications or any other form of presentation / dissemination could be performed only upon agreement with UNICEF. 6. Scope and deliverables: Objective Preparation of work plan Collecting and analysis information on budget related legislation and existing recommendation on amendments (meeting with the key partners). Analysis legislative area on identifying Output Work plan Report and recommendations. Sort summery (3-5 pages). PowerPont Presentation (3-5 pages) Number of days 1 15 the bottlenecks for the new financial mechanism implementation. Recommendations to the local authorities on possible ways and methods for socials services financing. Participation in developing legislative acts for piloting of the new financial mechanism for social services. Participation in developing training materials (in terms of budget issues) for the new financial mechanism implementation. Total days Recommendations. PowerPont Presentation (3-5 pages) Comments and Recommendations. 6 4 Коментарі та рекомендації к 4 проектам документів 30 8. Performance indicators for evaluation of results: Performance will be assessed based on the following criteria: Quality of the deliverables (quality of methodology of research, data collection, report); Accountability (timeliness of implementation of all stages of research, timeliness of reporting to UNICEF) Qualification and professionalism of experts participating in the research. Apart from the indicators above, such areas as work relations, accountability and communication will be taken into account for assessment. 9. Qualifications/specialized knowledge/experience required to complete the task: An expert to be selected for this Consultancy should meet the following requirements: University degree At least 10 years experience in expert work at budget policy (local and state level) At least 5 years work with the regions for improving local budgets effectiveness and transparency. Proficiency in Ukrainian budget system, inter-budgets relationships, budget cycle, treasury system, budget related legislation. Proficiency in Performance Based Budgeting (PBB) at the local level. Experience in PBB implementation in Ukraine. Experience in development of regulatory documents related budgeting issues. Experience in developing training materials, instructions, manuals e.t.c. on PBB and budget process at the local level. Experience in analysis and monitoring of state and local budgets execution. Have good analytical and writing skills. Knowledge of English will be beneficial, but not required. 10. Definition of supervision arrangements: UNICEF Child Protection Specialist will be the direct supervisor for the contractor. 11. Description of official travel involved: No travel is envisaged by this assignment. 12. UNICEF recourse in the case of unsatisfactory performance: In the event of unsatisfactory performance, UNICEF will terminate the Agreement. In case of partially satisfactory performance, such as serious delays causing the negative impact on meeting the programme objectives, low quality or insufficient depth and/or scope of the assignment completion, UNICEF will decrease the payment by the range from 30% to 50% of the contract value as decided jointly by the Contract Supervisor and Operations Manager. 12. Support provided by UNICEF: UNICEF Social Policy Officer, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, as well as other experts and consultants of UNICEF will provide technical assistance and consultations. The deadline for submission of applications is 3 November, 2015. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Applicants that fulfil the above requirements are requested to complete a United Nations Personal History Form (P. 11) which is available at a web-site www.unicef.org/employ and submit it together with a CV and a cover letter describing your professional interests in working for UNICEF. Please, indicate National Individual Consultant Harmonization of the new financial mechanism for social services with budget related legislation and budget reform process in the subject. E-mail: recruitment_kiev@unicef.org UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.