Understanding Economics Part II

#53- Describe the phases of the business cycle
#54- Explain the concept of gross domestic product
#55- Explain productivity and its effects on
individual businesses and the economy as a whole
Recurring changes in economic activity
 History shows that sometimes an
economy grows (expansion) and
sometimes is slows down )contraction)
 Economies have followed the patterns
 Sometimes called “Economic Cycle”
 Four patterns: Expansion, Recession,
Trough-Depression, Recovery
Economy is flourishing
Sometimes referred to as “prosperity”
Nationwide low unemployment
Increase in output of goods and services
High consumer spending
Good time for new businesses to start
Expansions continues until it reaches a “Peak”
“Peak” ends expansion and begins “recession”
Period of economic slow down
Lasts for at least two quarters (or 6 months)
Businesses reduce work force
Consumers have less money to spend
Producers make fewer goods and services
Research and development is cut back/
business expansion put on hold
Can end quickly or last a long time
End is signified by “trough”- lowest point in
the recession
Lowest point in business cycle
Marks transition from recession to recovery
Economy stops slowing and shows signs that
recovery is near
Prolonged recession
Nearly impossible to
find a job
Businesses shut down
Spending is very low
Unemployment very
Poverty results from
high unemployment
Great Depression of
1930’s is example
Period of renewed economic growth
Follows recession or depression
GDP begins to increase
Business picks up
People are finding jobs
Increased consumer spending
Moderate expansion by businesses
Work with a partner to complete this class
Create a chart that compares and contrasts the
4 phases of the business cycle.
Then, identify the phase that you think the
United States currently is experiencing and
justify your answer.
E-mail to mbelote@lcps.org for 50 point
Standard of Living- The level of wealth, comfort,
material goods and necessities available to a certain
socioeconomic class in a certain geographic area
Inflation- Sustained increase in the general price level
of goods and services in an economy over a period of
Unemployment Rate- The percentage of the total labor
force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment
and willing to work
GDP- output of goods and services produced by labor
and property within a country over a specified period
of time
Gross Domestic Product
Output of goods and services
produced by labor and property
located within a country
Indicator of economic health of a
Serves as measure of county’s
Used as gauge of country’s standard of
Output per worker hourmeasured over a defined period
of time
Business investment in new equipment
or facilities
Additional training
Financial Incentives
Reduce work force and increase
responsibilities of other workers who
Higher productivity improves company
Business Cycle
Economic Indicator
Standard of Living
Ways to Increase
Students will work independently or with a partner to
complete this assignment
Select a company and research how that business has
increased productivity over recent years.
Prepare a breif PPT presentation to deliver to the class that
outlines the following:
100 Points
Company Overview
Strategies Used to Increase Productivity
Investment Required by the Company
Results and Impact on the Company