Safe Computing

Safe Computing
Bill Weyrick
Open Discussion of Wild and Open
Bill Weyrick
• Manager of Computer User Support at DHMC
• Parent, School Volunteer, Thetford Technology
Committee Member and Volunteer WebMaster
of Thet.Net
Topics of Discussion
Know What’s Out There
Review Some of the More Common Internet
• E-Mail • Browsing • Chat • News Groups • Multi-User
Filtering Technology
On-Line Strategies
It’s All About Education
Capturing information about you for target
Steeling Credit Card Accounts to Entire Identities.
Exposure to Inappropriate Material
Sexual or Vilolent in Nature
Harrrassing or Demeaning Email, Sites or Postings
Physical Safety
A Child Might Arrange an Encounter that Risks the
Safety of Themselves or a Family Member
Risk Factors
Age Groups
Peer Pressure
Thet.Net BlitzMail
Full Identity
Free E-Mail
Hot Mail, BigFoot, Yahoo Mail
False Identity
Virus Infections
The most common way of snooping is people
getting access to your computer.
Be sure to always sign off and close the kerberose
Some email programs like Netscape and Outlook
keep copies of your email on your computer even
after you have logged of the email system
• You would need to leave a copy on the server and delete
the downloaded one.
World Wide Web Site
From Very Useful ->Mis-leading, Violent and
Often the First Step to More Interactive
Cache Files in the System Folder Hold a
Copy of the Most Recent Pages and Images
What All WWW Sites You Visit
Know About You
What browser you are using
What Operating System is on your computer
(Mac, Windows ‘98 etc)
What page referred you to that site
The IP address of your computer (What
domain or company you are coming from)
Free ISP services track even more
information about you and have rights to
resell that information
Sites can build a profile of your
visit that includes:
Which pages you visited
How long you stayed there
Where you went from that site
Sites can put a piece of information on your
Normally a unique ID for you on their site.
Mostly used for return visits in order to
identify you and track your browsing patterns
and interests. uses cookies to make book
recommendations when you return to their
Yahoo will present you with your favorite
news or stock information
More Cookies
Some sites allow a separate company to
deliver cookies to your computer
These “Profilers” build comprehensive profile
of your surfing habits in order to place
individual adds that target your interests on
partners sites.
The profiler “Double-Click” just bought a
direct mail database (Abacus Direct) in order
to merge your other buying habits with your
web profile.
They now have access to billions of transactions
at stores such as Bloomindales
Surf Anonymously
Some sites ( can use
its server to mask your ID
They have a free service that delays your
surfing some
They have a faster “premium service” for
$5 /month
Control Your Cookies
Some Sites allow you to “Opt-Out”
Takes time to do this
Voluntary and not required
Center for Democracy & Technology (COT)
has a site to assist
Newer versions of Netscape and Explorer
allow you to turn off cookies
Can be limiting - some sites require cookies.
Internet Explorer’s Cookie
Be careful with Personal
Placing your child's name, picture, address, school,
phone number, or other information on the Internet
means that anyone visiting the site could easily
identify your child and possibly locate them
Key information like address, DOB, place of birth,
mother’s maiden name and SSN can be used to steal
identities and apply for credit cards in your name.
With enough information to uniquely identify a person,
their SSN can be purchased on line for about $25.
If you suspect a stolen ID -> Move Fast!!
Federal Trade Commission
Privacy Guidelines for Children
Here are some important things to know about surfing, privacy and your personal information:
Never give out your last or family name, your home address or your phone number in chat
rooms, on bulletin boards, or to online pen-pals.
Don’t tell other kids your screen name, user ID or password.
Look at a website’s Privacy Policy to see how the site uses the information you give them.
Surf the Internet with your parents. If they aren’t available, talk to them about the sites you’re
Talk about the site’s Privacy Policy with your parents so that you and your parents will know
what information the site collects about you and what it does with the information.
Websites must get your parent’s permission before they collect many kinds of information from
If a website has information about you that you and your parents don’t want it to have, your
parents can ask to see the information – and they can ask the website to delete or erase the
Sites are not supposed to collect more information than they need about you for the activity you
want to participate in. You should be able to participate in many activities online without having
to give any information about yourself.
If a site makes you uncomfortable or asks for more information than you want to share, leave the
Privacy Resources
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Center for Democracy and Technology
Electronic Privacy Information Center
The Federal Trade Commission
Social Security Administration
Hot Line - 800-269-0271
Simultaneous Conversation
Moderated -> Yahooligans • Freezone •
HeadBone • KidsCom
Un-Supervised -> AOL Instant
Messenger • ICQ
Chat Rooms vs. One on One
False Identities
Avitars, NickNames
Chat Windows
Chat Message from Anonymous
Yeah! I finally found your uin!!! Some days
ago you asked me about good adult site, here
it is: and best thing they dont have annoying pop-ups!
At the site There was X rated Nudity and this:
Want to meet REAL woman or man? Join
Adult Friend Finder - Membership is
More Chat
Chat also gives you the option of ignoring specific chatters, as well as
using a language filterMost chat areas have clearly stated rules and
guidelines for what is appropriate; failure to follow the rules may result
in negative responses from other users and, ultimately, a loss of
Clubs allow people with similar interests to interact in focused online
forums. Club members have the ability to post messages, take part in
chats, send email messages to one another, and even post pictures.
Clubs has an established set of rules that users must follow.
Message boards generally list the username of the person who posts
a message. Therefore, we encourage you to create an alias for your
child so that their true name is not visible on any posted message
News Groups
Email like “Threaded” Conversations
Moderated and UnModerated
From Very Useful -> Violence and
Pornographic Fetishes
Many “” groups
Most of the Worst Computer Viruses
were Introduced via News Groups
News Groups
All postings are archived in searchable
for at (DejaNews)
News Groups are frequently mined by
“spammers” for email addresses
An alternative is to get an anonymous
email account at sites like or
Multi-User Gaming
Many Gendres
First Person Shooters • Role Playing •
Casino • Board Games • Card Games •
Flight Simulation • Racing • Gambling
Can be Extremely Violent
Can be VERY addictive
Gaming Sites
The Zone -> Card and Board Games
there's usually about 25k People on any
given weeknight and as many as 60-65k
People on weekends
Game Center Spades Listing
Other Game Sites
Supervision Strategies
Talk to Your Kids
Watch Them on the Internet
Restrict their Activities
Similar to Restricting Movies (R, X, XXX)
and Discouraging them from Talking to
Stangers on the Phone??
Rating Organizations - rates web sites as appropriate for all children, older
children, and by a G, PG, web14, or for mature audiences only
Entertainment Software Rating Board - this independent board has
developed a standardized rating system for Internet sites. Provides info
on the age appropriateness of a site and the site's content.
Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) - establishes the specifications
on which many filtering and rating systems are based.
RSACi - independent, non-profit organization that provides information
about the level of sex, nudity, violence, and offensive language in
software games and Web sites.
SafeSurf - this organization is working to
create an Internet Rating Standard which will allow web browsers to
detect the content of web sites before displaying.
Filtering Programs
Restrictive Programs and Services
Inclusive Services
Comparison Table
Apple’s KidSafe • NetNanny • CyberPatrol •
Cyber Sitter • Guard One • Surf Watch •
Internet Explorer Ratings - Mac
Internet Explorer Internet
Options - Windows
Apple’s KidSafe
Apple’s KidSafe
Internet Explorer - Cache
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
and Interactive Services Association On-line Rules
Never Give Out Personal Information (Telephone# , address,
Parents Names, Location of School etc)
Inform Parents of any Information that Makes You Feel
Never Agree to Getting Together with Someone you met OnLine without Involving Parents
Do not Send Pictures or Other Items to Someone you met OnLine without Involving Parents
Do not Respond to Messages that are Mean or Make You Feel
Set On-Line Rules with Your Parents and Stick to Them
Federal Trade Commission - Safe Surfing On The
Internet - hints for safe traveling on the Internet.
I can go online —________ (Time of day) for _________ (How long)
It's ___ OK ___ not OK for me to go online without a parent.
I understand which sites I can visit and which ones are off limits.
I won't give out information about myself or my family without
permission from my parents.
My password is my secret. I won't give it to anyone.
I will never agree to meet an online pal, or send my picture, without
permission from my parents.
I know an advertisement when I see one. I also know that animated or
cartoon characters aren't real and may be trying to sell me something
or to get information from me.
I will follow these same rules when I am at home, in school, or at the
library or a friend's.
FBI's Safety Tips for Kids on the Internet
safety tips from the Federal Bureau of Investigations which all kids should know and follow
while online.
Never give out identifying information such as Name, Home Address, School Name, or
Telephone Number in a public message such as at a chat room or on bulletin boards. Never
send a person a picture of you without first checking with your parent or guardian.
Never respond to messages or bulletin board items that are:
Suggestive, Obscene, Belligerent, Threatening, Make You Feel Uncomfortable
Be careful when someone offers you something for nothing, such as gifts and money. Be
very careful about any offers that involve your coming to a meeting or having someone visit
your house.
Tell your parent or guardian right away if you come across any information that makes you
feel uncomfortable.
Never arrange a face to face meeting without telling your parent or guardian. If your parent or
guardian agree to the meeting, make sure that you meet in a public place and have a parent
or guardian with you.
Remember that people online may not be who they seem. Because you can't see or even
hear the person it would be easy for someone to misrepresent him- or herself. Thus,
someone indicating that "she" is a "12-year-old-girl" could in reality be an older man.
Be sure that you are dealing with someone that you and your parents know and trust before
giving out any personal information about yourself via E-mail.
Get to know your "online friends" just as you get to know all of your other friends.
Yahooligan’s Rules
Time online: Discuss how much time they are allowed to spend online, and
whether their computer use is dependent on conditions such as finishing their
homework, doing chores, etc.
Location/Supervision: Decide whether there are restrictions or guidelines on
the physical location where the kids can go online. Can they go online at school? In
the library? At a friend's house? Are they allowed to be online when no adult is
Personal information: Kids should never give out personal information, such
as their full name, address, phone number, school, or picture, to anyone they meet
Web sites: Talk about which kinds of web sites are okay, and which ones are
off-limits. Are they limited to sites related to their schoolwork? Sites that are designed
especially for kids? Only sites that are listed in the Yahooligans! directory?
Meeting online friends: Kids should never arrange to meet an online friend in
person without an adult present.
Chat rooms: Explore a few chat rooms together while discussing your
guidelines. What is your comfort level with this method of communication? Do you
want your children to chat in monitored chat rooms only? Are your children allowed to
send personal messages to people they've only met online? Check out the "Chat"
category on Yahooligans! for an up-to-date listing of links to moderated chats for kids.
More Yahooligan’s Rules
Inappropriate material: Kids should never respond online when they feel
uncomfortable or scared by something they've seen or read. If they have any doubts, they
should find an adult immediately and show them the inappropriate material.
The Golden Rule: Remind your kids to behave towards other kids as they would like
people to behave towards them. Something that could hurt another child's feelings on the
playground will still hurt when received by email or in a public chat.
Web sites: Remind your child of the use of the "back" button. If they come upon a site
that isn't what they'd expected, he/she should click "back" immediately and then come tell
you what happened. If a web site is misrepresenting itself, complain to the creator of the site.
Email: If your child receives an email message from an unfamiliar address, they
shouldn't read it and should tell you about it. If it's something inappropriate and unsolicited,
request of the message's source that they delete your child's email address from their
database. If this becomes an ongoing problem, complain to your Internet service provider.
Chat Rooms: We strongly recommend that you actively monitor your children while
they participate in online chats (more so than any other online activity). Yahoo! Chat users
have the ability to Ignore specific chatters, which helps to prevent any one chatter from
becoming an ongoing problem for your child. Additionally, you can control the language your
child sees with the Language Filter.
Other Resources
US Department of Education Parents' Guide to the Internet - learn about
the Information Superhighway: what it is, how and why to get on, and what
to do while you're there
Federal Trade Commission Privacy Policy Site
Rules to Protect Children - Adults
The Law in English
Its all about Education
Interactive Learning -> Work with Your
Teachers and Buy a CD
Educational Software Catalog
The Web is About Research
Natural Language Search Engine
Ask Jeeves
Paste that Picture
Drill down sites
The Web is about Communication
Berits Best
Links to a number of monitored chat
rooms, Interactive games and games
about safe internet practices
The Web is about interaction
10 cool sites:
Bill Nye
Mission to Mars
The Web Does Have Educational Resources