Academic Senate 2012-13 ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING Friday, September 14, 2012 Ka’a’ike 105 1:30-3:00 PM MINUTES Present: Linda Fujitani, Derek Snyder, Colleen Shishido, Kalei Kaeo, Keuhani Cook, Papaikaniau Kaiahui, Gwen MorinagaKama, Catherine A. Thompson, Liping Liu, Samantha Bowe (Schwartz), Kate Acks, Nancy Johnson, Maggie Bruck, Kim Wolter, Emma White, Amir Amirashi, Ben Marquez, Mary Farmer, Bruce Butler, Jung Park, Michael Takemoto, Morgan Andaluz, Marnie Masuda, M Jones, Cyrilla Pascual, Nikki Kinoshita, Laura Nagle, Thomas Hussey, Julie Powers, Elaine Yamashita, Ryan Daniels, Bert Kikuchi, Nani Azman, Melissa Kirkendall, Donna Haytko-Paoa, Gayle Early, Marti Wukelic, Jennifer Owen, Tim Marmack, Francine Ching, Brenda Tester, Sally Irwin, Julie Patao, Eric Engh, Carol Petith-Zbiciak, Kulamanu , Kahele Dukelow, Ann Coopersmith, Dale Nahoolewa, Joyce Yamada, Rosie Vierra, Crystal Alberto, Lisa Deneen, Donna Harbin, Daniel Kruse, Solange Alzamora. I. Call to order @ 1335 Consent items – please read reports and notify chair of items to be pulled from consent and moved to discussion: o Distance learning ad hoc committee: Deanna Reece: No Report o Policies and Procedures committee: Kulamanu Ishihara, Tim Marmack. No report. Welcome back to Mary Farmer, and welcome to new member Julie Patao. o Inspired Teaching Committee (ITC): Joyce Yamada. (see page 2) o Assessment: Jan Moore, Eric Engh. Degree Program Review Due Oct 26. Workshop done and templates sent out. o Budget and long-range planning committee: Sally Irwin, Refugio Gonzalas. No report at this time. o Safety: Ryan Daniels: No Report o WASC Accreditation: WASC executive director: 1-2:30 Thurs. open meeting Ka’a’ike. Transcript Evaluator – being looked at by System; Better access to STAR Social media policy – Morton has mixed feelings about “in loco parentis” Drop Policy – system wide (CC) policy may be examined II. Minutes from 8/16/12 – Mahalo to Ellen Peterson, approved without changes. III. Standing Committee Reports: Curriculum – Curriculum Central Assessment Linking process update. (Maggie and Kahele) Per Maggie Bruck- CC made changes to curriculum central to tie course SLOs to competencies, program learning outcomes; happy with changes. Per Kahele- handouts available, workshops will still be available, have help if need to work CC first time CC is system-wide, Manoa will be involved; looking at CC for matriculation Question about Kaslos, in grid. IV. Discussion items: General Education Policy (see page 2-5) o General Ed has to be “college level” 100+ for all Associate Degrees; if not Certificates WASC Jr has decided associate degree courses need to start at college level, must be 100 or higher. AAS and AS degrees impacted include: AJ, AG, ABRP, AMT, Culinary, FT, SUSC Recommend making changes to curriculum soon, need to have in place by fall 2013 Discussion about vocational programs (AMT), if 100 level English/math not required may have certificate rather than associate degree; concern then that students will not take any English, there has been push to have English in program but at 22 level now. Per Anne- if program Senate agenda 9/14/12 chooses to keep courses below 100 level could give certificate of achievement instead of AA or AAS. Per Anne- accreditors usually liberal arts, general background, not vocational, hence their values not same as 2 year voc ed programs Math- may be useful in voc; Bus 189, qualifies as over 100 but not high level math. Per Kate Acks- programs could create courses within their alpha, less conflict with math gen ed Per Maggie Bruck- could have special math courses for certain programs above 100 level; would like clarification from WASC Per Eric Engh- accreditors trying to have those with 2 year degrees meet some standard; benchmarks at sophomore level Per Catherine- need to see written directive, opposes making CTE programs all certificates instead of degrees. Per Dennis K- CA colleges do not all have math requirements? Maggie says they are similar to ours. This could have the opposite effect of what is desired by having students without degrees. Difference between AAS and AS is that AS courses are 100 or higher. John Morton here in October. 2 DOE Common Core Standards – Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. Seeking higher ed input? o Sept 21 Conference: Kahele, Nani, Eric, Sam, Kari- will report on this o Looking at having algebra 2(?) as level that HS students would graduate, which means the math level for HS graduation would be higher than our entry level; will see how long this sticks. 2 HS degrees available, DOE and BOE, one includes algebra 2; per Sallie after this year all students required to have higher level to grad. Per Eric- this rewards teachers to use formulaic testing. More high stakes testing. Per Dennis- problem with HS grads not ready to take 100 level classes when they arrive. The Finland phenomenon movie- per Sally Irwin, they are high scoring but don’t teach to the test. Maybe can arrange showing. Prior Learning Assessment – Colleen Shishido Represents campus on prior learning assessment committee, started discussion in April, charged with UHCCP HB 2639, calls for college level credit for military experience Steering committee to create PLA policies- what is college level credit? Outlined means for granting of external credit; non credit model- Kapiolani CC, credit model- Leeward CC, using these as our samples, would roll forward in fall 2013 Implications- PLA portfolio course on every campus, would need review, lots of work; not sure about grading. Vermont state college has unit that only does PLA, huge deal; need resources put together. Would like Leeward to put course online for system-wide access. CCCFSC o Complete College America (only 18% freshman graduate BA, BS in 4 years) Debt issue, worse if don’t graduate o Reverse Transfer – if leave CC early – get AA automatically (gives CC credit for having that student). o No possible for students to earn BA/BS in 2 years after completing AA/AS at CC o Jump Start – HS students do senior year at CC; credits transfer back for HS graduation; KCC pilot, DOE pays college tuition, can still attend HS grad and prom Senate agenda 8/16/12 o o o Running start, HS students take one course here- must have at least one course at HS, student must pay college tuition AP courses in HS gives students higher GPA, but not if they take courses here, being worked on Part time students – 1 class 8 semesters per year- CEC o o Solution to Dental Clinic fiscal issues: Faculty Position? To be discussed in department chair meeting Oct 26 John Morton visit: G-fund inequality for UHMC compared with other campuses V. Announcements ITC workshop following this meeting today – Kalama Jane Jarrow visit Sept 19th -10-12, 1:30PM? Marty Jean’s office area, Workshop Ka’aike afternoon SIGN UP! Fair booth – Angela VI. Next meeting – October 12, Ka’a’ike 105 1:30-3:00 PM Drug Court presentation Food Innovation Center Meeting adjourned at 1455. ITC report The Inspired Teaching Committee (ITC) session is today, Friday, September 14, 2012, after the Academic Senate meeting (3:00 pm), Hale 217. Eric Engh, Derek Snyder, Robin Tasaka, and Neil Stotts will give brief presentations (ten minutes each) on using summary and paraphrase assignments to prepare students for Research Writing. The presentations will focus on learning activities that can be incorporated into any class in any discipline that involves reading assignments or research. Join us for an afternoon of relevant tips on preparing our students for research writing and camaraderie! General Education Requirements Hi, I understand that this is a requirement for general education classes for the AS or AAS degree. I reviewed our catalog and have drafted a copy of the impact to our campus and it is attached. I believe the biggest impact would be to: 1. change the math requirement - this may require some creativity to look at math redesigns for Math 50 C and H and other Math pathways than algebra 2. ECON 18 - I don't believe we have taught this course in a long time and we should delete the course from our catalog 3. PHYS 50 - course will require an upgrade 4. ENGLISH - I see no way around requiring ENG 100 for all AS/AAS degrees. John - should we meet to discuss? I know this is on the agenda for tomorrow's academic senate and want to be somewhat prepared to address. Do we know a timeframe as designated by John Morton for this required change? Mahalo. Maggie General Education Classes below 100: 1. ECON 18 2. ENGLISH 19,21,22,55 3 Senate agenda 8/16/12 3. MATH 50C,50H 4. PHYS 50 AAS and AS Degrees Impacted: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AJ – MATH 18 AG – ENG 21,22,55 and MATH 18 ABRP – ENG 19 or higher, MATH 50 C, PHYS 50 AMT – ENG 22,55, MATH 50C, PHYS 50 CULINARY – MATH 50H FT –ENG 55, ENG or SPEECH elective, MATH 18 or BUSN 189 SUSC – ENG 22 or 55, MATH 18 General Education Associate in Arts Associate in Science Associate in Applied Science Student Learning Outcomes and Common Core Standards Executive Summary Report July 2012 Catalogs from the following colleges were reviewed: San Diego Community Colleges (City College, Mesa College, and Miramar College), Foothill College, De Anza College, Lane Community College, Seattle Central Community College. The table below summarizes the data gathered. The columns headed “College-level Math required” and “College-level English required” refer to degree requirements for AS and AAS. College San Diego CCs Foothill De Anza Lane Seattle Central Degrees Offered AA,AS AA, AS AA, AS AA, AS, AAS AA, AS, AAS College-level Math required No Yes No No Yes College-level English required Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Explanatory Notes California: 1. San Diego community college system colleges, City, Mesa, and Miramar, offer both the AA and AS degrees. However, within these degrees, there are four gen ed options. Options 2 and 3 are for students who plan to transfer to a baccalaureate institution. Options 1 and 4 are not for transfer students. For Options 1 and 4, based on the course numbering system which identifies college courses as above 100, the math requirements are Math 50, Math 84 (Practical Geometry), 85 (Practical Career Mathematics), 96 (Intermediate Algebra), 98 (Technical Intermediate Algebra). However, the descriptions of those 4 Senate agenda 8/16/12 courses include topics such as statistical methods, geometry, right triangle trigonometry and finance math. On the other hand, their English course requirements are at the college level, English 101 (Reading and Composition), 105 (Composition and Literature), or 205 (Critical Thinking and Intermediate Composition). 2. Foothill College has four associate degrees—AA, AS, AA-T(transfer) and AS-T(transfer). All four degrees require math and English courses at the college level—Math 1A, 1B, 1C, 10, etc. and Engl. 1A, 1AH, 1S, etc. Courses numbered 99 and below are college-level courses. 3. De Anza College has two associate degrees—AA and AS. For both, their math requirements are at the not at college level, e.g., Math 104 (for applied technologies majors). However, their English requirements are at the college level, e.g., EWRT 1A. De Anza states that courses number 1-99 are transferable; 1-199 are AA/AS degree applicable. Oregon and Washington: Lane CC in Oregon and Seattle Central CC in Washington have AA, AS, and AAS degrees. 4. Lane CC, for the AAS degree, requires below college level math course, Math 025(Basic Mathematics Applications) which includes topics such as budget and retirement, simple and compound interest, health formulas. Their English requirement is WR 115, college level. At Lane CC, courses numbered 100 and above are college-level courses. 5. Seattle Central CC requires Math and English at the 100 or above level but the course descriptions were impossible to find. At Seattle Central, courses numbered 100 and above are college-level courses. Certificates of Achievement have gen ed requirements at San Diego system, Foothill, De Anza, and Seattle Central; however, the pre-requisites and requirements vary from certificate to certificate. UHCC Math 50 series and English 21 Student Learning Outcomes and Hawaii Dept. of Education Common Core Standards Based on a review of SLOs for the UHCC Math 50 series and English 21 and the HIDOE Common Core Standards, the following can be ascertained: The MATH 50 series SLOs align with the HIDOE Common Core standards for Grades 6-8 ENG 21 SLOs align with the HIDOE Common Core standards for Grade 7 The HIDOE Common Core Standards include the four components: Domain, Cluster, Code, and Common Core State Standard. Math 1. Examples of the HIDOE math common core standards for grades 9-12 include: Domain: The Real Number System; Cluster: Extend the properties of exponents to rational exponents, state standard… 5 Senate agenda 8/16/12 Explain how the definition of the meaning of rational exponents follows from extending the properties of integer exponents to those values, allowing for a notation for radicals in terms of rational exponents. For example, we define 5^(1/3) to be the cube root of 5 because we want [5^(1/3)]^3 = 5^[(1/3) x 3] to hold, so [5^(1/3)]^3 must equal 5. Domain: Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities; Cluster: Solve systems of equations, state standard… Prove that, given a system of two equations in two variables, replacing one equation by the sum of that equation and a multiple of the other produces a system with the same solutions. 2. Examples of UHCC Math 50 series SLOs include: a. Calculate ratios and percents b. Solve proportions c. Calculate weights, measures, metric conversions, bake formulas, portion sizes, yields, food, labor, and recipe costs. 3. Examples of HIDOE Common Core Standards for grades 6-8 include: Grade 6: Domain: Ratios and proportional relationships; Cluster: Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems, state standard… Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations Grade 8: Domain: Geometry; Cluster: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres; state standard… Know the formulas for the volume of cones, cylinders and spheres and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems. English 1. The HIDOE Common Core Standards for Grade 12 include such topics as: Domain: Reading Literature; Cluster: Key Ideas and Details; state standard… Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). Domain: Reading Informational; Cluster: Integration of knowledge and ideas, state standard… Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem. 2. UHCC English 21 SLO’s include: : a. Use a variety of study skills necessary for success in college b. Increase vocabulary, focusing on context clues and word construction c. Identify main ideas and supporting details, as well as locate specific information 6 Senate agenda 8/16/12 d. Analyze ideas, make inferences, and recognize analogies e. Recognize literary elements in both fiction and nonfiction works 3. Example of HIDOE Grade 7 Common Core Standards. Domain: Reading Informational; Cluster: Key ideas and details, state standard… Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. 7 Senate agenda 8/16/12