The First Cause (Cosmological) Argument

The First Cause (Cosmological)
The Argument
• Famously put forward by St Thomas Aquinas in
his Summa Theologica
• It is an a priori argument
• He presented Five Ways to prove the existence
of God – this covers 3 of them
• The Way of Motion (everything we experience
‘moves’); The Way of Causality (all things are
caused to ‘move’); The Way of Potentiality (all of
these things we experience are contingent)
• He believed there had to be a First Cause which
was ‘necessary’ in order to start off the chain of
causes that resulted in the universe.
• This First Cause had to be a necessary being
who did not require a cause (God).
Origin of the Universe
Big Bang Theory
Big Bang Theory
• Scientists now believe that the universe had a definite
beginning, and it will have an end.
• The ‘best’ explanation for the existence of the universe is
currently the Big Bang Theory.
• The Big Bang is thought to be an explosion from a
SINGULARITY (a single point of density – where all
known space was compressed into an infinitely small
• This happened 12-15bn years ago (12,000,000,00015,000,000,000 years)
• They don’t really know what the singularity was or ‘how
long’ it had been there.
• Unlike Steady State Theory, the universe is not
‘filling up’ as it expands – the galaxies are
moving further away from each other, with more
space in-between.
• In the first second after the explosion, gravity
and electro-magnetism were ‘created’.
• In the first minute the universe had grown to
1million billion miles (1,000,000,000,000) across
• In the first 3 minutes, the heat (10 billion degrees
celsius) causes nuclear reaction with lightest
particles to make 98% of all matter in the
• The Big bang was thought to produce 2 main
types of particle: matter and anti-matter.
• Matter and anti-matter in equal quantities cancel
each other out. The surplus is what the universe
is made of.
• After 500,000 years, particles from atoms
• 500,000 years after that, atoms and molecules
start to gather together and form galaxies and
• Out of the first stars came H, He, C, O
• Our solar system is about 4.5 billion years old.
Evidence Supporting the Big Bang
1. Hubble’s Law: the speed of the galaxies
moving away from each other causes a
change in the light spectrum, ‘red shift’.
2. Background radiation: We can still detect
radiation from an explosion of this size – the
radiation is the same everywhere on earth (TV
static, etc).
3. Composition of Older Galaxies: Analysis of
light from galaxies towards the ‘outside’ of the
universe confirm theories about the early
universe. They are made up of approx 93% H,
7% He, and trace Li
1. Cosmologists cannot follow the evidence
right back to the origin of the Big Bang
2. There is observable evidence to count
for 90% of the explosion (10.5bn years) –
no light to be measured from other 10%
3. The other 10% is only ‘known’ through
hypothetical mathematical simulations –
they are only theoretical.
Religious Use of the ‘Gap’
1. As science is not 100% certain about the
cause of the Big Bang, it is reasonable to posit
God there (no evidence against this) – this is a
‘God of the Gaps’ approach
2. Some facts about the world might always be
beyond science – even if we do figure out all of
the processes behind how we got here, it still
does not answer why we are here. There
could always be an ultimate power behind it
all. This is an area of faith.
1. Spontaneously created from nothing (like
Quarks appear to be) – all natural laws
etc have developed randomly over time
2. There are basic laws / creative powers
‘behind’ nature that explain how it has
come do develop the way it has. This
creative power is the final explanation of
the universe (which some people also
call God)
Challenges of Big Bang Theory
to Religious Belief
& Responses to those
Challenges Big Bang brings to Religion
1. The world is older than Christianity thought –
evidence for Big Bang shows universe is
billions, not thousands, of years old.
2. The universe is bigger than is implied in
Genesis – if it is that big, then earth is not allimportant.
3. If we are just a tiny part of this big universe, then
we are not all that important either! Do we even
have a purpose?
4. Scientific theories present challenges as to how
Christians understand teachings on heaven and
hell / sin and suffering / the story of Jesus / etc
5. Some say the Big Bang theory removes all need
for God as an explanation for the universe.
Ockham’s Razor
• This is used by scientific materialists
• Therefore, when
• It states that the best and most truthful
talking about the
way to solve a problem is the most
origin of the
simple way
universe it is most
simple to stop with
For example, it is more simple to
the Big Bang than to
attribute the flu to germs, and to explain
add another level of
it will work it’s way out of your system
explanation by
naturally than it is to explain that you are
saying ‘God caused
sick because you upset God by doing
the Big Bang’
a,b,c and he is punishing you for this,
and if you want to get better you must
• The Big Bang alone
do x,y,z.
explains it, therefore
stop there!
• Therefore it is most logical to believe the
most simple explanation – germs cause • Adding God makes
the flu
it more complicated!
Responses to the Challenge of the Big Bang
Scientific theories say the universe had a beginning – with
the Big Bang. Christians who accept science see God as
the ‘author’ of the Big Bang.
Timescale and size do not matter if you take a symbolic
view of Genesis - it still gives a message as to importance
of human life
Science answers ‘how’ and religion answers ‘why’
Uncovering the ‘how’ shows God let some ‘openness’ for
human creativity etc – after all, Christians don’t want to be
The fact that this vast universe created us is amazing –
shows evidence of ‘Intelligent Design’ rather than
Some people just say science and religion are different and
should stick to their own areas without commenting on each
Others reject science all together as misguided
misinterpretation of the facts revealed to us by God!
The Design (Teleological)
This goes with the Origin of Life section, and
the First Cause Argument goes with the
Origin of the universe section.
The Design Argument
• Set out originally by William Paley in 1802 in a
book called Natural Theology.
• It is an a posteriori argument (meaning it is
based on sense experience).
• It is called the Teleological Argument because of
the Greek word telos, meaning design or
• It is based on the observation of the variety,
order and beauty in the universe, which
presupposes design and purpose in its’ creation.
Paley’s Watch Analogy 1
1. If you were walking and came across a stone, you would
presume it had always been there, requiring no purpose or
2. If you came across a watch (and you had never seen one
before), however, you would naturally ask what it was and
where it came from.
3. You would examine it and see that it is very complex –
glass, cogs, a chain, etc.
4. You would conclude that such an object could not have
just appeared randomly, or have just existed forever, but
that someone must have made it.
5. If you watched the watch working, you would also conclude
that it was made to carry out a purpose (to tell time).
6. Therefore, you could finally conclude that there had to be
an intelligent watchmaker who designed this object with a
purpose in mind.
Paley’s Watch Analogy 2
This argument is an analogy – comparing one thing with something
similar, so the second half of Paley’s argument compares the
watch with the universe.
• Similarly, if you look at the world we live in you will see how
complex it also is.
• You could examine it and see that it has very complex systems –
weather, gravity, etc. It also has so many complex organisms
living on it, perfectly suited to their environments.
• You would conclude that such complexity and harmony could not
have just appeared randomly, but that it must have been
designed somehow (like the watch was).
• You might also conclude that everything seems to be working
together to a similar end.
• Therefore, you could finally conclude that there had to be an
intelligent ‘world-maker’ who designed this universe and all of life
with a purpose in mind.
• This ‘world-maker’ must be God, as God is the only being outwith the universe, and is the only intelligent, powerful and loving
Traditional Criticisms of the Design
These criticisms come mainly from David Hume’s
book Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
(1801 – BEFORE Paley published his book!).
1. His first argument that any analogical
argument is weak – to say something is LIKE
something else, is not proof.
2. If the universe was designed, it is not
necessarily by God (the watch, for example,
could have been designed by a team, or by a
genius lunatic, etc so these possibilities should
also apply to god).
3. The universe is NOT like a watch! (One is
mechanical and ‘set’, the other is organic,
changing and growing).
4. Nature is NOT perfect, beautiful and
harmonious. There is just as much chaos and
disorder as order and beauty (disease,
disaster, war, etc) – either the designer is poor,
or perverse!
5. If there is design in nature, nature may be
providing it ‘herself’: “For all we know a priori,
matter may contain the source or spring of
order naturally within itself.”
[Some people argue that Hume’s criticisms of the argument are so
infallible, that Paley would not have published his book if he had
known about them!]
The Theory of Evolution
A Modern Criticism to the Design
Argument (NOT to the First Cause
Evolutionary Theory
The word ‘evolution’ means ‘gradual
Evolutionary ideas have been present
(although not widely known) throughout
It was not until the observations of Charles
Darwin (19th C) that a scientific theory of
evolution began to emerge.
Darwin’s original theory was written in his
Origin of Species in 1859.
Therefore, there was no theory of evolution at
Hume / Paley’s time.
The Science of Evolution - Darwinism
1. Charles Darwin studied biology and
geology, and was also interested in the
works of William Paley!
2. On a 5 year voyage that took him to the
Galapagos Islands he began to wonder
why God would have bothered making
different species for each different island.
3. He began to think that there was no ‘fixity
of species’, but that they might instead
be developing from a finite number of
‘original’ species.
4. On return home, Darwin began working on his
new theory and was influenced by several
writers (see p.46)
5. He liked the idea in Malthus of every being
‘fighting for survival’ where only the strongest
survive. This led to the idea we now know of
as natural selection (Darwin likened this to
artificial selection in animal breeders).
6. Darwin believed if the natural variation in
generations (longer legs, etc) were the traits to
‘win’ and develop, then over millions of years
there could be a completely different group of
animals / species from the original.
7. He later, in Descent of Man applied this
controversial theory to humans.
Summary of Darwinism
1. Life originates from a primeval ‘soup’ 3,5004,000 million years ago.
2. Initial species developed with the fittest
3. Competition amongst species lead to the fittest
offspring surviving (there are always more
babies than the environment can support – they
compete for resources to survive and best
adapted wins!)
4. No single act of creation needed for each
5. Humans are different by ‘degree’ not kind.
• This is the type of evolutionary theory we have today. It is
based on the original ideas of Darwin, but revised with more
scientific evidence.
• Darwin’s original theory did not account for emergent
species, just adaptation to environments.
• Gregor Mendel came up with a mathematical formula that
became the basis for evolutionary biology.
• Then, Francis Crick and James Watson worked out the
structure of DNA, and how genes are passed on through
generations – half DNA from each parent to make NEW
• This natural variety, and random mutations (when something
‘goes wrong’ in someone’s genes and leads to disability or
an advantage), make up the changes we see in species over
long periods of time. The best changes survive.
• Life itself started with the first molecule of DNA, although
scientists do not know how atoms managed to form living
cells, and developed through mutations.
We now ‘know’ that:
Life probably started 4000 million years ago, although
2000 million years of this would have been mostly
1000 million years ago, simple multi-celled (visible) life
would have appeared, with plants and animals soon to
Variation in life is caused by gene mutations. These
survive if they allow best adaptation to environment.
This process of change happens over many
Evolution by natural selection therefore rules out the
need for God.
Christianity: Science and Belief
Revision – things you may not
have picked up on…
Revelation and Scientific Method
• Make sure you know the similarities and
differences between the methods of both
revelation and science (both use
observation, draw conclusions from
evidence, have an element of bias, require
interpretation, etc BUT one is extremely
personal and religious experiences cannot
be re-enacted to confirm they were real,
experiments can)
• Creationists – These are extremely fundamental Christians who
take the Bible literally (young earth theory, rejection of modern
science, God would not lie).
• Progressive Creationists – These are fundamental Christians who
are making an attempt to reconcile the ‘facts’ in the Bible with modern
science. They may accept some fossils as evidence of Fixity of
Species (not evolution), and may believe the 6 days are 6 time
periods, but they still believe the Bible is fact and God wouldn’t lie.
• Liberal Christians – Those who are ‘regular’ Christians in Britain
today who use the Bible to give meaning and purpose to life, but
would accept scientific evidence as showing the way God ‘got things
• Scientific Materialists – ‘Hard line’ scientists who give no room at all
to belief. Truth is in the proof.
• Other scientists – not all scientists are scientific materialists. You
get open minded scientists who are not religious, but may believe
there are limits to what science can find out. You also get religious
scientists (in the past many major scientific breakthroughs have been
by scientists motivated by wanting to find out how their God did
things, or to understand the world God had given them)
• Take note of the differences between Genesis 1
& 2 – 2 different stories from different times,
cultures, and naturally with different emphases.
• Used for origin of universe, origin of life, and
purpose of life arguments – creationists believe
it is literally true, liberal Christians take it in
context of the history and draw meaning from it.
• Remember the Bible is a collection of books (not
one book by one person, more of a complex
First Cause Argument (Aquinas)
• To be used for Origin of Universe essays
• If asked KU on Cosmological / FC A then
try and explain it using the Three Ways
from Summa Theologica (Motion,
Causality, and Potentiality, all drawing
conclusion of God as First Cause /
Unmoved Mover)
• Remember objections and possible
Big Bang Theory
• It was NOT an explosion in space – there
was no space to explode in!
• The ‘explosion’ contains all space and
time – we don’t even know if there is an
‘outside’ or what it would be like, just that it
is not space and time as we experience it.
• Remember words like singularity,
expansion and cooling, 12-15 BILLION
years, etc
Design Argument - Paley
• Fits with Origins of Life essays
• Remember for KU on Teleological / D A to
give in-depth step-by-step account
• Paley used human eye as evidence of
• Know criticisms and replies
• No need to discuss development in detail (e.g. bacteria in sea,
oxygenation etc)
• Explain life developed from simple single celled organisms to
more and more complex ones
• The ones best adapted to environments survive
• Also competition for resources gives a regime of ‘survival of
the fittest’
• The ones that are best adapted and survive the best have
differences that make them better – these differences happen at
a genetic level in DNA.
• Random genetic mutations give an organism an advantage or
disadvantage that can be passed on to offspring.
• Over thousands of years these changes ‘take hold’ and
species can change and survive, or change and die out.
• Not all members of a species will change, so evolution happens
with ‘branches’ and is not linear (so we have not descended
directly from primates!)
More on Creationists
• Bible = 100% true as comes from God and God
would not lie (response is the contents of Bible
interpreted by fallible humans)
• Reject BBT = it says billions of years, young
earth theory says 10,000 ish (response –
evidence in light etc)
• Reject Evolution = God created a Fixity of
Species, not changing ones (Response –
explain new strands of viruses etc)
• Reject Evolution = says we came from animals
and are not special, Bible says we are special,
image of God, soul so cannot be (is there
evidence of a soul, or some other explanation?)