Challenges of Big Bang Theory

Challenges of Big Bang Theory to
Religious Belief
& Responses to those
Challenges Big Bang brings to Religion
1. The world is older than Christianity thought –
evidence for Big Bang shows universe is
billions, not thousands, of years old.
2. The universe is bigger than is implied in
Genesis – if it is that big, then earth is not allimportant.
3. If we are just a tiny part of this big universe, then
we are not all that important either! Do we even
have a purpose?
4. Scientific theories present challenges as to how
Christians understand teachings on heaven and
hell / sin and suffering / the story of Jesus / etc
5. Some say the Big Bang theory removes all need
for God as an explanation for the universe.
Ockham’s Razor
• This is used by scientific materialists
• Therefore, when
• It states that the best and most truthful
talking about the
way to solve a problem is the most
origin of the
simple way
universe it is most
simple to stop with
For example, it is more simple to
the Big Bang than to
attribute the flu to germs, and to explain
add another level of
it will work it’s way out of your system
explanation by
naturally than it is to explain that you are
saying ‘God caused
sick because you upset God by doing
the Big Bang’
a,b,c and he is punishing you for this,
and if you want to get better you must
• The Big Bang alone
do x,y,z.
explains it, therefore
stop there!
• Therefore it is most logical to believe the
most simple explanation – germs cause • Adding God makes
the flu
it more complicated!
Responses to the Challenge of the Big Bang
Scientific theories say the universe had a beginning – with
the Big Bang. Christians who accept science see God as
the ‘author’ of the Big Bang.
Timescale and size do not matter if you take a symbolic
view of Genesis - it still gives a message as to importance
of human life
Science answers ‘how’ and religion answers ‘why’
Uncovering the ‘how’ shows God let some ‘openness’ for
human creativity etc – after all, Christians don’t want to be
The fact that this vast universe created us is amazing –
shows evidence of ‘Intelligent Design’ rather than
Some people just say science and religion are different and
should stick to their own areas without commenting on each
Others reject science all together as misguided
misinterpretation of the facts revealed to us by God!