
Before we start how are we doing?
Current recycling rate (waste diversion rate) at Chateau Lake
Louise is 17%.
How do we stack up?
-Fairmont Royal York (Toronto) 67%
-Fairmont Waterfront (Vancouver) 82%
Industry average across all flags/hotel types that Keystone
has audited in Western Canada is 61%.
The Goal
The hotel produces tons of recyclable plastic, glass and metal each year. The
following objectives will be achieved by implementing a comprehensive recycling
1)Divert approximately 2500 cubic metres of recyclable materials from landfill per
2)Train and educate staff to ensure maximum diversion and minimum confusion;
3)Develop and install clear, standardized signage to minimize contamination of
recycling bins;
4)Develop efficient internal systems for collecting and transporting recyclable
materials within the hotel;
5)Monitor program performance to ensure waste diversion and ROI goals are
being met.
Second Life
-Very common
recycled material.
-Made into new
food tins.
-Used extensively
in auto industry
(lower cost than
virgin steel).
-Labels can be left on
-Best practice is to remove both ends and flatten.
-Please rinse.
-Includes olive oil, Lilly coffee tins, any non refundable metal tin.
Second Life
- Cement plant
(Lafarge) uses
glass as an
additive to
concrete as a sand
-Labels can be left on
-Please rinse.
-All non refundable jar (pickles, relish, pickled beans, etc.)
-All broken dishes including crockery, glasses, etc.
Second Life
-Recycled into
-Recycled paper.
-The most
common recycled
product in the
- all types of paper, no need to sort!
-Newspapers, magazines, office paper, all paper products.
-Paper recycling color is green however existing blue bins in offices will stay.
-Cardboard is separate from paper.
Second Life
-Recycled plastic
(recycling bins,
-Latest technology
is converting
plastic back to oil.
- non refundable plastic containers (buckets, plastic food containers
- Soft plastic is not accepted (plastic wrap and plastic bags)
-Rinsed and clean is best practice
Second Life
-Reused (beer
-Made into new
cans (beer and
soda cans).
-Carpet and
textiles (plastic
- plastic bottles (water, soda, vitamin water)
-All aluminum cans (soda and beer)
-Beer and wine bottles
-Milk jugs and cartons
-Whipping cream cartons
-Coffee cream cartons
-No egg cartons
Second Life
•The most
recycled item.
•Recycled into
new boxes.
•Cardboard can be
recycled multiple
- Boxes of all types and sizes.
-Baled at the Main loading dock.
-Cardboard collection bins by kitchen areas
and collected by stewarding.
Please breakdown boxes before
placing in collection bins.
- All food waste
-Coffee cups
-The last choice if items don’t fit into any of the recycling streams.
-Computers, Televisions, Keyboards, Printers and Laptops
-Two drop off points at the Chateau – Main Recycling Room and
-Don’t put e-waste in dumpster by grounds building!
-Dry and clean styrofoam can be recycled.
-Fish boxes, computer and electronic packaging.
-Drop off bins at Main Recycling Room and Recycleland
-CFL, Halogen and Standard Bulbs
-Collected primarily by housekeeping and maintenance.
-Stored by maintenance for recycling.
-CFL bulbs contain mercury, they should not be disposed in garbage or
Other Recycling Programs – Department Specific
-Soap and amentity recycling from all rooms (shampoo, lotion, conditioner).
-Diverts thousands of kgs of amenties per year.
-Collected by maintenance and at Collegue Services (by uniform counter).
Internal System at Chateau
80 recycling bins
All materials placed in “big bags”
Collected by Stewarding and
Transported to RecycleLand (Bay 1)
Recycler (Flying Pigs)
Picks Up Weekly
There are no recycling super heroes… Everyone has to
do their part by rinsing, sorting and recycling!!
Questions? Confused? Got a Suggestion to Make the
Recycling Program Better?
Ron “The
Recycling Bear”
Ron “The Recycling
Chateau Lake Louise Recycling
Gives tips and encouragement!
Loves well sorted recycling and
rinsed jars/cans!
Questions? Confused? Got a Suggestion to Make the
Recycling Program Better?
Ask your supervisor
Check the Recycling
Guidelines Signage
Use your
smartphone to ask
Keystone a question!
Posted through out the hotel and available for download from Keystone.
Goal: Divert approximately 2500 cubic metres of
recyclable materials from landfill per year.
That is 208 cubic metres per month.
Thank You For Your Time and Attention!