LE PETIT PRINCE un roman Antoine de Saint

un roman
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Unit Portfolio Presentation
Denise Southwick
Unit Summmary
• You are about to read a novel written in
French. Come fly with me to the year 1942 to
discover who is the Little Prince. Enrich your
knowledge of the French language with a
review of verbs (literary past). Discover who
you really are by reading the adventures of an
aviator whose plane has broken down in the
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question:
What is the true meaning of friendship?
Unit Questions:
• 1. Choose a danger that menaces our life on the planet. Parallel that to a
danger you have read about in the text.
• 2. Discuss how we can personally change our ways of thinking to better
understand and appreciate others.
• 3. Agree/Disagree with this statement and explain your reasoning: You are
responsible always for that which you tame(care for)
4. If you were faced with eminent death, about what would you think?
What would you believe was important in life?
Content Questions
• 1. Define these symbols in the story: baobabs, the rose, the snake, the
volcanoes, the glass globe.
• 2. What were the first and second drawings of St. Exupéry?
• 3. Why did he make the second drawing?
• 4. Where is St. Ex and in what condition do we find him?
• 5. What did the young man ask St. Ex to do?
• 6. What does St. Ex mean when he said he fell from the sky?
• 7. Who is the only person to have sighted the planet of the Little Prince?
• 8. How did the Turk finally convince everyone of his discovery of B612?
• 9. What fact do we learn about the Little Prince when we read the first
lines about St. Ex’s preferences in Chapter 4?
• 10. Find two verbs in subjunctive (present), five verbs in the future, two
verbs in the preterite and two verbs in the imperfect tense in the first five
chapters of the book..
Le Petit Prince Project
• This project will help my students develop 21st
century skills by:
• Communicating in French
• Collaborating on mini projects
• Analyzing the story content and showing
understanding through discussions, journals
and using technology to answer the
Curriculum Framing questions
Gauging Student Needs Assessment
• Purpose: To gather information about what
the students already know about French
literature and what they wonder about the
story of Le Petit Prince.
• What I want to learn from my students:
Using the Unit questions, I would like my
students to think and analyze the story
and characters and not just answer
comprehension questions.
Gauging Student Needs Assessment
• Have I tried to promote higher-order thinking?
Through the use of open-ended questions and mini projects, the students will
have to use all seven levels of Bloom—for example: Comparing and
Contrasting characters is under the category Analysis.
• How will the assessment info help me and my students plan for the rest of
the literature study ? If students don’t understand the grammar, we can
review formation of the past tenses. If they are not familiar with the
historical background , we can search on the internet for information.
Gauging Student Needs
• What feedback or additional ideas I
would like:
• I would like help on the integration of more
technology into this book study. It would be great for
some ideas as to specific times in the study to
smoothly transition into technology.
My Goals for the course
Find ways to integrate different kinds of technology
in the literature study for both students and myself.
Share and gather ideas for teaching .
Sharpen my computer skills.