Stat Generic Syllabus 2014-2015 Semester 2

Annapolis High School
Course Title: Statistical Analysis
Phone: 410-266-5240 Ext: 255
Teacher: Carrie Duncan
Course Title: Statistical Analysis
Phone: 410-266-5240 Ext: 243
Teacher: Greg Lindsey
Planning periods: A Day: 1A
Time: 7:17 – 8:55
Time: 12:35 – 2:05
B Day: 4B
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young
people who help to create a better more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and
This International Baccalaureate Middle Years (IB MYP) course covers the AACPS curriculum
and is taught and assessed using IB methodology. The IB’s student-centered philosophy, with its
focus on inquiry, action and reflection, empowers students for a lifetime of learning, both
independently and in collaboration with others. An IB education centers on learners, develops
effective approaches to teaching and learning, and explores significant content within global
Course Overview (Semester 2)
The purpose of Statistical Analysis is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting,
analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes:
1. Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns
2. Sampling and experimentation: Planning and conducting a study
3. Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation
4. Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses
AACPS Unit Title
Randomness, Probability, & Simulations
Random Variables
Probability Models: Binomial and Geometric
Hypothesis Tesing
Chi-Squared Testing
Confidence Intervals
MYP Unit Title
Topic 8
Topic 9
Topic 10
Topic 11
Topic 12
Topic 13
Topic 14
Annapolis High School
IB MYP Course Aims
1) Enjoy mathematics and to develop curiosity as
well as an appreciation of its elegance and
2) Develop an understanding of the principles and
nature of mathematics
3) Communicate clearly and confidently in a
variety of contexts
4) Develop logical, critical and creative thinking,
and patience and persistence in problem
5) Employ and refine their powers of abstraction
and generalization
6) Apply and transfer skills to a wide range of
situations including real life, other areas of
knowledge and future developments
7) Appreciate how developments in technology
and mathematics have influenced each other
8) appreciate the moral, social and ethical
implications arising from the work of
mathematicians and the applications of
9) appreciate the international dimension in
mathematics through an awareness of the
universality of mathematics and its
multicultural and historical perspectives
10) Appreciate the contribution of mathematics to
other disciplines, and as a particular “area of
Course Objectives
1) Knowledge and understanding: Recall,
select, and use their knowledge of
mathematical facts, concepts, and
techniques in a variety of familiar and
unfamiliar contexts.
2) Problem-solving: Recall, select, and use
their knowledge of mathematical skills,
results, and models in both real and
abstract contexts to solve problems.
3) Communication and interpretation:
Transform common realistic contexts into
mathematics; comment on the context;
sketch of draw mathematical diagrams,
graphs, or constructions both on paper and
using technology; record methods,
solutions, and conclusions using
standardized notation.
4) Technology: Use technology accurately,
appropriately, and efficiently both to
explore new ideas and to solve new
5) Reasoning: Construct mathematical
arguments through use of precise
statements, logical deduction, and
inference, and by the manipulation of
mathematical expressions.
6) Investigative approaches: Investigate
unfamiliar situations involving organizing
and analyzing information or
measurements, drawing conclusions,
testing their validity, and considering their
scope and limitations.
Formative: In-class graded assignments, Homework, Quizzes, Groupwork/Projects
Summative: Unit Tests or Unit Quizzes
Students will be informally assessed throughout each unit, and formally assessed at the end of each unit.
We will utlize subject specific criterion rubrics when assessing. These rubrics will be shared with all
students in advance of assessments.
Annapolis High School
Required materials
Students are expected to bring the following materials to every class every day.
1. 3” Binder (with dividers) (A folder will be provided in class for students to keep notes)
2. Lined Paper
3. Pencil and/or Pen
4. Agenda (given out on Day 1, kept in binder)
Textbooks and Resources
Students will be using the textbook “Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data and the Graphing
A (89.5-100%) - Outstanding level of achievement
B (80-89%) - High level of achievement
C (70-79%) - Satisfactory level of achievement
D (60-69%) - Low level of achievement
E (59% -50)- Failure
0 – If student does not attempt the work
Grades will be assessed in the following weighted categories:
70% - Assessments (This includes Unit tests and other graded in-class assignments)
10% - Groupwork/Projects
20% - Homework/Classwork
Minimum: A minimum grade of 50% will be given for all assignments or assessments for which the
student made a good faith effort, as determined by the teacher. If a student does no work on an
assignment or assessment, the teacher shall assign a grade of zero.
Approximate expectations for assignments and assessments:
Homework- daily
Classwork- every other day
Major Projects- once per unit (every two weeks)
Major Unit Tests- once per unit (every two-three weeks)
Parent Notification:
Parents will be notified at least three weeks prior to the end of a marking period if a student is currently
earning a failing grade. At any time, parents may check to see their student’s
grade. Please contact the guidance office if you do not already have a login.
Late Work/Redo’s:
Late Work:
Please endeavor to turn all work in when due. If you have a reason that the work must be late please meet
with me.
Annapolis High School
Students shall have ONE additional chance to improve their score on a major test or assessment (as
designated by the teacher). In order for this to happen the student MUST have submitted the original
assignment ON TIME and set up a time with the teacher for re-teaching within 5 days of getting the
graded assignment back. After the re-teaching, the student will have 10 days to resubmit the assignment.
The higher grade will be the grade of record.
Work that will be reassessed includes:
Unit Tests, Quizzes, Exit Tickets, and collected Drills
Work that will not be reassessed includes:
Homework, Midterm, Final Exam, and certain Classwork items (such as Groupwork or Projects)
All student re-teaching will take place after school Tuesdays. Please endeavor to schedule this meeting in
advance so that we both are prepared.
Lindsey at to receive your make up work.
All effort will be made to facilitate students when absent. Please make prior arrangements, if
possible, to collect work from the instructor for days that are to be missed.
It is the Annapolis High School expectation that all students will be on time. The policies for the
tardy table will be followed.
Academic Integrity:
In order to promote the pursuit of academic excellence and learning, Anne Arundel County Public
Schools expects its students to conform to specific standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity is
an integral part of promoting self-respect, trust, student achievement, and positive relationships among all
stakeholders in our school community. Academic integrity means exhibiting honesty in all academic
exercises and assignments. Academic dishonesty refers to any form of misconduct that occurs in relation
to all formal academic exercises.
Cell Phone Expectations:
Teachers need to outline the green/red expectations in their class using positive language
Annapolis High School
Behavioral Expectations:
Annapolis High School students, staff, and visitors will make a pledge and commitment to their school
and its mission. In doing so, students show respect for themselves, learning, others, and property.
Be prepared
Use appropriate school language
Have respect for yourself
Try your best!
Have a “Can Do” Attitude!
Listen when others are talking
Participate in class activities
Use language appropriate for school
Avoid conflict in class
Offer and accept constructive criticism
 Come to class daily and on time
 Bring all required materials
 Participate in class
 Study for tests and quizzes by doing
practice problems
 Ask for help when needed
 Follow instructions and stay on task
 Complete all assignments on time
 Keep an organized notebook complete
with quality notes
 Keep your space clean
 Stay in your seat and keep the desk
Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understood the course syllabus for Statistical
Student (print name): __________________________________________________________
Student signature: __________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian (print name): __________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature: __________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian daytime phone number: ________________________________________________
Annapolis High School
We have read the course syllabus for Statistical Analysis and understand the expectations
and policies.
Student Name:__________________________________Date:______________
Student Signature:_______________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:___________________________________Date:_____________
Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________
Phone number: ___________________________
Email: ___________________________________
If applicable, please include a second parent/guardian’s contact information:
Phone number: ___________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Is there any particular information that would be helpful for me to know as we begin the
year to support your student’s success this semester?
Do you have any questions or comments?