Urban Resilience in MYANMAR Dr. Kyaw Thu, Programme Specialist United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) Myanmar kyaw.thu@unhabitat.org 30 January 2015 Yangon City Hall 1 Outline • Urban Scene in Myanmar • Extreme Climate Events and Disasters in Myanmar • Urban Resilience Initiatives in Myanmar • Conclusion Urban Scene in Myanmar • • Total Population– 51,419,420 Urban Population14,864,119 • % of the total population (29.6) • Highest urban proportion Yangon (70.1%), Lowest urban proportion Ayeyarwwady (14.1%) • Population of Yangon is 5.2 Million, while Mandalay is 2.1 Million – two big cities representing almost half of total urban population in Myanmar… 3 Source: Provisional Census Report 2014 Urban Growth – National & Yangon Urban and Rural population growth trend in Myanmar (Source: World Urbanization Prospects, 2011) 4 Population forecast for Yangon city with 2 scenarios (Source: Yangon City Development Committee) Climate Change Projections for Myanmar Climate change projections for Myanmar predict: • a general increase in temperature across the whole country, particularly from December – May with the Central and Northern regions experiencing the greatest increases; • a increase in clear sky days exacerbating drought periods; • an increase in rainfall variability during the rainy season including an increase across the whole country from March – November (particularly in Northern Myanmar), and decrease between December and February; • an increase in the risk of flooding resulting from a late onset and early withdrawal of monsoon events; • an increase in the occurrence and intensity of extreme weather events, including cyclones/strong winds, flood/storm surge, intense rains, extreme high temperatures and drought. (Source- NAPA, 2012) 5 Cyclone Nargis -2008 Extreme Events, Disasters and Development With Investment in Resilience Initiatives (DRR/CCA) Sustainable Development Without Investment in Resilience Initiatives Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Shocks & Stresses in Cities of Myanmar 8 Acute Shocks Chronic Stresses • Flooding/Urban Flood/Storm Surge/Riverine Flood • Cyclone/Storm • Earthquake • Urban Fire/Household Fire • Extreme Heat/Heat Waves/Heat Islands • Disease Outbreak • River/Bank Erosion • Landslide • Drought/Lack of Rainfall and • Tsunami and • Terrorism • Traffic Jam/Poor Urban Mobility • Inadequate public and/or multi modal transport • Inadequate drainage/sewage system/water supply • Pollution (noise/air) • Lack of affordable housing/policy • Environmental Policy/Leadership • Cultural and Heritage Strategy • Unemployment/Poverty/Inequality • Urbanization/Migration • Social Disorder • Insufficient Power Supply • Aging Infrastructure/Building Failures • Shifting Macro-economic trends and • Loss of Green Area Resilience (Definition from literatures) “Ability of an individual, a household, a community, a country or a region to 1) withstand, 2) adapt and 3) quickly recover from stresses and shocks… ” Urban Resilience “Capability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from significant multi-hazard threats with minimum damage to public safety and health, the economy, and security…" Legal/Policy Frameworks for Resilience • Government recognition for Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management issues o o o o o Myanmar Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction (MAP DRR 2012) Myanmar’s National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA 2012) Environmental Conservation Law (2012), Disaster Management Law (2013) and Other zoning, land use planning laws/policies/regulations • Other areas of improvements o o Affordable housing, low-cost housing projects are being undertaken Construction and Housing Development Bank (CHDB) has been set up Legal/Policy Frameworks for Resilience • Intervention in urban sector was very limited in the past but recently the government has taken measures to provide frameworks as cross-cutting issue o o o Ministry of Construction (proposed Urban Development Department, Myanmar National Building Code, Urban Development Plans/Laws, Spatial Development Plans/Laws, Housing Policy frameworks etc.) Plans from Yangon, Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw City Development Committees Other related sectors (Transport, Communication, Environmental Conservation and Forestry, National Planning and Economic Development, Energy and Electricity, Social Welfare and Relief and Resettlement, Home Affairs, Industry and Private Sector etc.) Legal/Policy Frameworks for Resilience An example of a resilient plan in Yangon from a green/environmental perspective.. • Proper town/city planning and a public transport plan for an environmentally friendly city with a good urban mobility… In Yangon, regulating the use of private cars, and planning for improvements in bus, circular rail and ferry (E.g., from the two Insein bridges to Ahlone, Chinatown and Bohtataung areas) would go far.. Urban Resilience Initiatives Promoting Safer Settlements – Land use planning o o o Guidelines for land use planning for urban areas being developed in Myanmar. Proposed guidelines will address Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management to minimize exposure to disaster and climate risks. Synergies and linkages with other development tools such as Township Development Plan, Forestry Plan and encourage participation of communities in the planning process. Urban Resilience Initiatives Myanmar National Building Code (From provisional 2012 to 2015…) o Green/environmentally friendly design, construction and operation o Zoning requirements, environmental control and land law - integrating environmental sustainability o Energy conservation and efficiency (not much in Provisional 2012, to include in 2015) o Urban Aesthetics control o Structural integrity for disaster resistance o Accessibility for disable and elderly population, and o Building materials and services, carbon footprint of buildings, and water conservation Consideration on Current Buildings is needed.. Urban Resilience Initiatives Myanmar National Building Code (2015) o Legal and institutional framework being developed for enforcement and compliance o Linkage with Foreign Investment Law, Disaster Management Law, Environmental Conservation Law, Municipal Laws and sectors such as Insurance Learning to use the old colonial buildings and the possibility of solar electrification (renewable energy) to offset at least some power needs… Urban Resilience Initiatives Promoting Safer Settlements – Institutionalizing Safer Construction Practices o o o Working towards National Skill Standard Authority (NSSA) with certification (will help ASEAN Economic Community integration). Curriculum developed for Carpenter trainings with elements of environmental protection (saving woods, choosing the right location, protection from fire, etc.), Masons on-going. Adaptation of relevant section of MNBC into the construction trainings .. City Level Resilience Programs o o o Earthquake Risk Assessments of Cities (Bago, Sagaing, Taungoo, Mandalay, Pyay and Yangon) and action planning 100 Resilient Cities (pioneered by Rockefeller Foundation) Mandalay project can be replicated to urban resilience initiatives in all Myanmar Cities Formulation of Resilience Strategy for the cities linked with development and spatial plans – which will be aligned with national level development goals City Level Resilience Programs Indicators and Qualities of Resilience Urban Resilience Initiatives • City Development Strategies (CDS) where spatial and development planning of cities incorporate local climate and disaster information (for foreign/private sector investments, industrial zones, other zonings, and city extensions etc) • Myanmar Climate Change Alliance (MCCA) funded by EC implemented by UN-Habitat and UNEP is designed to address institutional and human capacity strengthening to effectively address climate change vulnerability and risks including urban sector Urban Resilience Initiatives • Urban Research and Development Institute Established in January 2012, URDI functions as a think tank for the Ministry of Construction (MoC) in the areas of urbanization, urban development, environment, climate change, housing and disaster risk reduction providing policy advice, capacity development and urban research. Urban Resource Centre - a central depository for all urban-related publications and information in Myanmar and houses Myanmar-specific information 20 Urban Resilience Initiatives (URDI) • Exposure trainings on Urban Planning, and Urban Management o o o Urban and regional planning (Urban Planning trainings for Yangon, addressing Urbanization Challenges, City Credit Worthiness etc.) Urban infrastructure and services (electricity, transport, water, waste management etc.) for cities across Myanmar and Housing policy and financing; • Transformation of Urban Management (ADB TA) o Prioritization of development needs and infrastructure, and the development of socioeconomic and spatial strategies in six cities in Myanmar (Yangon, Mandalay, Monywa, Lashio, Mawlamyaing, and Pathein) Urban Resilience Initiatives • Sensitizing Disaster Management and Climate Change Adaptation into State Region level decision makers and analyzing local priorities. • Advocacy workshops engaged Fourteen States and Regions government, (Chief Ministers, Mayors, Ministers, Parliament Members and regional level govt. agencies, and CSOs). • Gaps between national level and regional level agencies and linkages are identified… Conclusion • Needs clear policy, direction and funding/budget from government • Institutional as well as technical capacity needs to be improved (government and development partners can support) • Governance (transparency, accountability) needs to be improved • Coordination between different departments and stakeholders needs to be improved • National and regional/city level development planning need to take Green concept and urban resilience into account and • Engagement with private sector and community needs to be improved for investment and inclusiveness in the city planning.. Thank you 24