Famous Cases
First Gov’t
Court at
Roles of the
-Name the famous case that established Judicial Review
Row 1---100 Question
-Marbury V Madison
Row 1---100 Answer
-Famous Case declared segregation to be legal across the nation.
Row 1---200 Question
-PLessy v Ferguson
Row 1---200 Answer
-Case that established the precedent of “clear and present danger” when determining what is free speech.
Row 1---300 Question
-Schenck v US
Row 1---300 Answer
-Famous case that declared segregation to be illegal in the public setting.
Row 1---400 Question
-Brown V Board
Row 1---400 Answer
-Case which was used to expand the right to an attorney to all felony cases.
Row 1---500 Question
-Gideon V Wainwright
Row 1---500 Answer
-Famous case which set exclusionary rules to the use of evidence found in police searches.
Row 2---100 Question
-Mapp V Ohio
Row 2---100 Answer
-Case which established the mandate of “one person, one vote” which forced states to have districts of equal population.
Row 2---200 Question
-Reynolds v Sims
Row 2---200 Answer
-Case which upheld the idea of implied powers?
Row 2---300 Question
-McCulloch v
Row 2---300 Answer
-Case which ruled that the imprisonment of Japanese
Americans during WW II was legal?
Row 2---400 Question
-Korematsu v US
Row 2---400 Answer
-Case which ruled declared daily school led Bible readings to be unconstitutional?
Row 2---500 Question
-Abington School v
Row 2---500 Answer
-Name the first national government of the nation?
Row 3---100 Question
-Articles of
Row 3---100 Answer
-How many votes did each state cast?
Row 3---200 Question
Row 3---200 Answer
-Name the law that created an efficient system of selling new lands in the west to settlers?
Row 3---300 Question
-Land Ordinance of
Row 3---300 Answer
-Name the law that created the process of statehood?
Row 3---400 Question
-NW Ordinance of
Row 3---400 Answer
-Name the rebellion over taxation that occurred in 1786 that led to a convention of states?
Row 3---500 Question
-Shay’s Rebellion
Row 3---500 Answer
-The Supreme Court uses only this type of jurisdiction?
Row 4---100 Question
-appellate jurisdiction
Row 4---100 Answer
-This is the power of the
Supreme Court to examine a law and determine its constitutionality.
Row 4---200 Question
-Judicial Review
Row 4---200 Answer
-This is the term for the written decision of the justices on the winning side on a Supreme Court decision.
Row 4---300 Question
-Majority Opinion
Row 4---300 Answer
-Name the term that for the written opinion of a justice(s) who agrees with the majority but may have slightly different reasons.
Row 4---400 Question
-Concurring Opinion
Row 4---400 Answer
-This is the term for the written opinion of a justice(s) who disagreed with the majority in a court decision.
Row 4---500 Question
-Dissenting Opinion
Row 4---500 Answer
-This is a term for orders given by the President in order to carry out his duties as Chief Executive and the orders have the same force as law?
Row 5---100 Question
-Executive Orders
Row 5---100 Answer
-Who must approve all treaties and appointments made by the
Row 5---200 Question
Row 5---200 Answer
-Name the speech given by the
President each year to describe the situation of the nation as required by the
Row 5---300 Question
-State of the Union
Row 5---300 Answer
-This is the process where famous or influential people give their support to someone who is seeking office?
Row 5---400 Question
Row 5---400 Answer
-Name the Presidential power to give a pardon to a large group of people.
Row 5---500 Question
Row 5---500 Answer