VHDL Structured Logic Design School of Electrical Engineering University of Belgrade Department of Computer Engineering Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net Veljko Milutinovic vm@etf.bg.ac.yu Table of contents HDL Introduction Structured Design Concepts Basic Features of VHDL Design Process Highlights Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 2/29 HDL Introduction Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 3/29 HDL Introduction Modern chip design aspects Modern chips became too complex The number of transistors in a modern chip is over a 100 M Transistor count per chip and chip speed rise up to 50% per year Estimated time needed for manual implementation (100 M transistor, 10 sec/transistor) – 135.5 years!!! Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 4/29 HDL Introduction Modern ASIC design approach ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuit Modeling system should be designed and described in the highest abstraction level possible Simulation and testing at high abstraction level Conversion of the modeled system into the low abstraction level model (gate, circuit, silicon level) using sophisticated synthesis tools Key point – CAD (Computer Aided Design) Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 5/29 HDL Introduction Modern ASIC design approach Design RTL Model Description Simulation & Testing HIGH ABSTRACTION LEVEL Conversion LOW ABSTRACTION LEVEL Gate Level Model HDLs (Hardware Description Languages) are used for system description at the high abstraction level Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 6/29 HDL Introduction VHDL VHDL - VHSIC Hardware Description Language VHSIC - Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Development of VHDL began in 1983, sponsored by Department of defense, further developed by the IEEE and released as IEEE Standard 1076 in 1987 Today it is De facto industry standard for hardware description languages Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 7/29 Structural Design Concepts Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 8/29 Structural Design Concepts The abstraction hierarchy The abstraction hierarchy can be expressed in two domains: structural domain, behavioral domain Structural domain – component model is described in terms of an interconnection of more primitive components Behavioral domain – component model is described by defining its input/output response VHDL is used for both structural and behavioral description Six abstraction hierarchy levels of detail commonly used in design: silicon, circuit, gate, register, chip and system Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 9/29 Structural Design Concepts Design process The design cycle consists of a series of transformations, synthesis steps: (1) Transformation from English to an algorithmic representation, natural language synthesis (2) Translation from an algorithmic representation to a data flow representation, algorithmic synthesis (3) Translation from data flow representation to a structural logic gate representation, logic synthesis (4) Translation from logic gate to layout and circuit representation, layout synthesis Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 10/29 Structural Design Concepts Design process The design cycle steps can be carried out automatically in all stages except the first that is currently an active area of research VHDL tools are used for algorithmic synthesis Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 11/29 Structural Design Concepts Design tools Editors – textual (circuit level – SPICE gate, register, chip – VHDL) or graphic (used at all levels) Simulators – stochastic (system level) or deterministic (all levels above the silicon level) Checkers and Analyzers – employed at all levels, used for example (1) to insure that the circuit layout can be fabricated reliably (rule checkers), (2) to check for the longest path through a logic circuit or system (timing analyzers) Synthesizers and Optimizers – improving a form of the design representation Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 12/29 Basic Features of VHDL Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 13/29 Basic Features of VHDL Design entities In VHDL a logic circuit is represented as a design entity A design entity consists of two different VHDL types of description: (1) Interface description (reserved word is entity) (2) One or more architectural bodies (reserved word is architecture) entity D_FF D Q defining D FF interface (ports) D FF CLK R architecture of D_FF specifying the behavior of the entity Designed digital device Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net VHDL representation 14/29 Basic Features of VHDL Entity The entity part provides system’s interface specification as seen from the outside and is generally comprised of: (1) Parameters (such as bus width or max clock frequency) (2) Connections (system input and output ports) entity DesignEntityName is -- parameters … -- connections port (ports); end entity DesignEntityName; Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 15/29 Basic Features of VHDL Architectural bodies Architectural bodies are specifying the behavior of the entity architecture ArchitectureName of DesignEntityName is -- signal declarations begin -- concurrent statements end architecture ArchitectureName; There are two types of architectural bodies: algorithmic, structural Algorithmic - at the beginning of the design process, designers usually would like to check the accuracy of the algorithm without specifying the detailed implementation Structural - the logic design stage, detailed implementation, entity as a set of interrelated components Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 16/29 Basic Features of VHDL Processes Process is another major modeling element in VHDL: ProcessLabel: ProcessName (sensitivity_list_of_signals) is begin -- sequential statements; end process; Processes are used inside architectural bodies, specifying entity behavioral in algorithmic way Whenever a signal in sensitivity list changes, the process is activated Process execution is similar to program execution, barring one important difference: a process generally repeats indefinitely Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 17/29 Basic Features of VHDL Sequential and parallel processing The statements within process are performed sequentially The statements within architectural body are performed concurrent Sequential and concurrent combination is called VHDL duality and it presents powerful mechanism for description of complex systems Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 18/29 Basic Features of VHDL Variables and signals VHDL variable concept in many ways correspondents to a variable inherited from traditional sequential programming Signals are the basic vehicle for information transmission in electronic systems Signals model real devices’ wires and buses Variable assignment is different from signal assignment Main difference between variables and signals is that signal changes are visible only after process termination Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 19/29 Design Process Highlights Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 20/29 Design Process Highlights MAC (Multiply Accumulator) unit Incoming part is based on MAC unit design and synthesis as part of Computer VLSI Systems, subject lectured by Dr. Veljko Milutinovic Basic specification elements of MAC unit: (1) purpose – hardware support for numerous succeeding multiplication (2) Wishbone compatible (3) structural elements: FIFO, sequential multiplier, accumulator MAC units are used as special CPU resource for digital signal processing Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 21/29 Design Process Highlights MAC (Multiply Accumulator) unit MAC unit conceptual scheme: MAC unit FIFO Sequential Multiplier Accumulator Wishbone Interface data flow control data flow Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 22/29 Design Process Highlights MAC (Multiply Accumulator) unit MAC unit detailed scheme – synthesis outcome: Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 23/29 Design Process Highlights MAC: Lessons Learned Testing is extremely important aspect of device design In the component design process it is essential to test all structure components of top-level entity separately, and after that top-level entity itself While projecting MAC unit so called Regression Testing is used Regression Testing includes testing both structural and behavioral architecture of every entity simultaneously Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 24/29 Design Process Highlights MAC: Lessons Learned An example of regressive testing: entity TestBench is end entity TestBench; architecture Regression of TestBench is -- signal declaration begin BehModel: entity myModel (beh) port map (…); StructModel:entity myModel (struct) port map (…); stimulus: process is begin -- stimulation end process stimulus; Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 25/29 Design Process Highlights MAC: Lessons Learned verify: process (…) is begin assert behOutSignal_i= structOutSignal_i and behOutSignal_j = structOutSignal_j report “Implementation Error!” severity error; end process verify; end architecture Regression; Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 26/29 Design Process Highlights MAC: Lessons Learned Special problem in hardware component design: accommodation of VHDL source code with tool for synthesis It is possible that VHDL code can be compiled regularly but synthesis tool registers errors The solution of the problem: VHDL coding concerning synthesis tool requirements It is necessary that VHDL code describes designed device as close as possible to the particular hardware elements which synthesis tool recognizes and synthesizes easily Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 27/29 References James R. Armstrong, F. Gail Gray, Structured Logic Design with VHDL Peter J. Ashenden, The Designer’s Guide to VHDL Milutinovic Veljko, Surviving the Design of a 200 MHz RISC Microprocessor: Lessons Learned Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 28/29 Authors Ivan Dugic, idugic@verat.net Dr. Veljko Milutinovic, vm@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu Ivan Dugic idugic@verat.net 29/29