ST ANDREW’S COLLEGE YEAR 12 FRENCH 2013 NCEA LEVEL 2 OVERALL COURSE AIMS to develop students’ competence in French in a wide range of situations to help students experience the pleasure inherent in being able to communicate in French to foster an interest in France, the French people and in the language to foster an interest in different cultures and an awareness that each culture has its own way of living and thinking to develop a tolerance and understanding of another culture to encourage better and more confident use of the students’ own language to encourage the development and growth of communication skills, both spoken and written - - OVERALL FRENCH CURRICULUM-RELATED TARGET FOR YOUR LEARNING Students begin to engage in sustained interactions and produce increasingly extended texts, in which they explore the views of others, develop and share personal perspectives and justify, support or challenge ideas and opinions in different situations. Students are expected to begin responding critically to more extended and varied text types on familiar matters. To do this, you will Communicate information and justify your own ideas and opinions. Support and challenge the ideas and opinions of others. Develop and share personal perspectives. Respond critically to more extended and varied text types on familiar matters. Engage in sustained interaction and produce extended text. Be exposed to increasingly complex and varied texts. Key Tools in your learning Course text, ‘Tapis Volant Senior’. Vocabulary acquisition and testing – tested through Language Perfect of the ‘advised’ list Grammar acquisition and understanding – referring to the ‘advised’ list You learn to incorporate these ‘tools’ in the language you produce in spoken and written contexts. You also improve your understanding of what you hear and read in a range of text types by knowing the course vocabulary and language structures and by understanding the issues that are presented. These Standards will be assessed: Listen and Respond Speak, Present Interact 5 credits 4 credits 5 credits 2.1 AS91118 Page | 1 View and Respond 5 credits Write 5 credits 2.2 AS91120 2.1 2.3 91119 2.2 2.4 AS91121 2.3 2.5 AS91122 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken French texts on familiar matters. Give a spoken presentation in French that communicates information, ideas and opinions. Interact using spoken French to share information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations Write a variety of text types in French to convey information, ideas, and opinions in genuine contexts. External Internal Internal Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and/or visual French text(s) on familiar matters. External Internal 2.5 Year 12 French – Year Outline 2013 Timing Theme Language Focus Term 1 Unit 1 (Wks 2-7) Issues faced by young people: self identity, relationships, lifestyle, family/school problems Descriptions, Adjectives colloquial language, eg’s of figures of speech, imperatives, order of pronouns Unit 2 (Wks 8-11) Family issues/problems, role of family in France, changing family structures, names, births, deaths, marriage Colloquialisms, past events, negative feelings, formal lang., range of tenses, informative style lang. Term 2 Unit 6 (Wks 1-5) Tourism, travel in France, overseas travelling experiences, holidays (real and imagined), seasonal work in tourist sites, advertising tourism Unit 4 (Wks 6-10) The Immigrant experience in francophone countries, multicultural France Vocabulary of tourism Vocabulary of holiday/leisure activities, Economics of work and working conditions, Vocabulary of the hotel industry, Description and analysis Descriptions and analysis Vocabulary of racism Summary – dates, events, statistics Description, statistics, diagrams Newspaper reporting using the present tense for a narrative Dialogue, Physical descriptions, Future tense description, Future perfect tense, narrative tense, conversational style Term 3 Unit 3 Wks 1-3, 6-8 (+ possibly early Term 4) Term4 (Wks 1-3) Page | 2 The future: predictions, future technology, social life and issues, personal projects and plans for the future, science fiction Exam revision and review Grammar Present tense forms of the 3 French verb groups, the present participle, negative verb structures, the conditional tense and past conditional tense Perfect tense, agreement of past participle, imperfect tense, Pluperfect Assessment Wk 10 Practice assessments in Listening, reading First writing submission for AS2.5 by end of term First conversation submission for AS2.3 by end of term Direct and indirect speech, Sequence of tenses, Verb + infinitive structures, The past infinitive Week 6 2.2 Speech – Region of France The conditional tense The pluperfect tense The past conditional tense “If” clauses introducing hypothesis Week 9 Practice assessments in Listening, reading Second writing submission for AS2.5 by end of term The simple future tense, The simple future tense as a form of imperative, The future perfect tense, agreement of the pastparticiple, ‘If’ clauses introducing hypotheses Second conversation submission for AS2.3 by end of term School Exam Wks 4/5 Formal Practice Assessment of Listening and Reading Third writing submission for AS2.5 by end of term Third conversation submission by Labour Weekend NCEA Level 2 French Structures To Be Learnt This Year The vocabulary and structures lists are to be considered as lists of those words and grammatical structures which students are expected to recognise and be able to use at this level. The lists build on the vocabulary and structures covered at NCEA Level 1. Adjectives Examples Change of meaning ancien(ne), certain(e), according to position prochain(e), propre Interrogative quel(le) Adverbs Examples Position of adverbs Elles ont beaucoup travaillé Before or after past participles Le film m’a beaucoup plu Before infinitive Il faut bientôt partir After simple verb form elle travaille beaucoup Formation of adverbs from adjectives douce, doucement (normally adding –ment to feminine form) Articles Examples Definite article with languages le français Omission of definite article before languages je parle français Omission before nationality, religion and Occupation elle est étudiante Partitive article (de) after negative je n’ai pas de frère Partitive article before plural nouns preceded de hautes montagnes by adjective Conjunctions Examples Si + possible condition S’il gagnait au Loto, il partirait (imperfect…conditional) en France Continuing event with starting point Ça fait…que, il y a…que, voilà…que, Negation Examples Subject negation personne ne, rien ne, aucun…ne, pas un(e) …ne Restrictive negation ne…que Infinitive negation ne pas sortir Page | 3 Negative imperative with object pronouns Ne me le donne pas! Negative reflexive imperative Ne te lève pas! Prepositions Examples After adjectives content de à, de and par (following associated verbs) + Il a décidé d’aller en France infinitive (see vocabulary list) Some examples of verbs followed by prepositions: Accepter de Etre en train de Arrêter de Etre obligé de Cesser de Offrir de Choisir de Permettre de Conseiller de Promettre de Empêcher de S’agir de Double prepositions where appropriate Penser à Recommencer à Servir à je conseille à Jean de voir un médecin Après + infinitive form of avoir/être + past Après avoir fait… Après être participle venu(e) Pronouns Examples Demonstrative pronouns celui, celui-ci, celui-là Order of direct and indirect pronouns je le lui donne Emphatic pronouns with même(s) moi-même, elles-mêmes Interrogative qui, que, lequel, laquelle Qu’est-ce qui? Qu’est-ce que? Qui est-ce qui? Qui est-ce que? Imperative with object pronouns Donne-le moi! Interrogative following preposition qui, quoi (avec qui…?; avec quoi…?) Preceding direct object agreement je les ai mangé (e) s La jupe que j’ai achetée Relative pronouns où (in relative clauses of place and time) dont, qui, que, la boîte où j’ai mis mes clés Verbs Examples Conditional tense S’il gagnait au Loto, il ferait le tour du monde Page | 4 Future simple tense Nous partirons demain Past historic tense (for recognition only) (common forms occurring in narrative and literary texts) il vécut… il fut Pluperfect tense il avait voulu…; il était venu… Imperfect use of venir de Je venais de faire la vaisselle Imperfect use of depuis Je m’intéressais aux langues depuis quelques années Present participle used as an adjective Une langue vivante Present participle used with en en parlant Page | 5