BIOL_1114_320_20985_ 201520 - Blackboard

Spring 2015 M. Phillips 1
Blended General Biology1114
Spring 2015 Syllabus
Instructor: Associate Professor Mary Phillips
Office: 8183
Phone: 595-7689
SECTION: 20985
M 1 pm -2:30 pm
T 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Th 3:20 – 4:00 PM
W –F On-line and by appointment
Lab Mon 2:30-5:20 PM
Lyn Kent
Science and Mathematics Division Office:
Phone: 595-7744
BIO 1114 Introduction to Biology for Non-majors (4 Credits)
A presentation of selective principles in biological science for the non-science major, including
cell concept, the organization of multi-cellular systems, plants and animals as organized
systems and man in relation to his environment.
Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3hours
Instructor: Associate Professor Mary Phillips
Tulsa Community College SEC
10300 E. 81st St
Tulsa, OK 74133
Science and Mathematics Building (Bldg. 8)
Office: Room 8183
Phone: 595-7689
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 2
The bookstore carries the customized textbook and lab manual at the lowest custom package
price. The textbook custom package includes the loose leaf textbook, the online E-book, and
Connect access code which includes, Smartbook, LearnSmart, student resources, homework
assignments, quizzes, and exams. Note: The cover of the custom textbook at the bookstore
may be different than the hardcopy textbook purchased at Amazon or other textbook
sites. Connect is required for homework, assignments, quizzes, and exams.
Please note that ISBN may vary slightly. The TCC – Southeast Campus bookstore carries the
best cost effective package.
1. Textbook: Biology The Essentials by Marielle Hoefnages (1st ed.) - custom textbook with
Connect Plus (includes the E-book) - REQUIRED
2. Laboratory Manual for Non-majors by Mary Phillips et al. 0078045088 /
9780078045080 REQUIRED (we will adapt as needed for online students)
3. Supplies required (most items listed may be purchased at the bookstore):
o Goggles (safety glasses – shop glasses will work) REQUIRED
o Non-latex gloves - REQUIRED
o color pencils - REQUIRED
o calculator- (basic functions) REQUIRED
o digital camera or phone with camera capabilities -REQUIRED
o Online biology courses will need to purchase additional laboratory supplies.
Items may be purchased at most grocers or Walmart - REQUIRED
4. What is Connect?
Connect is online resource offered through McGraw Hill, the publishers of your textbook. It is an
interactive review of concepts, with animations and videos, and review questions. We will use
Connect as a supplement to the lecture and Bb course assignments. Online quizzes and
homework will usually be found on Connect. You can also access your e-book and student
resources through this site. You can also access your E-book and student resources through
Click on the Content tab on your Bb panel. Go to your weekly folder, click on the assignment in
the folder, it will redirect you to Connect. You will need to register the first time you use Connect.
5. What is LearnSmart?
"McGraw-Hill’s LearnSmart adaptively assesses students' skill levels to determine which topics
students have mastered and which require further practice. Then it delivers customized learning
content based on their strengths and weakness. The result: students learn faster and more
efficiently because they get the help they need, right when they need it - instead of getting stuck
on lessons, or being continually frustrated with stalled progress." (Mcgraw-Hill)
LearnSmart is part of the Connect package system. It is not a separate purchase.
6. What is SmartBook and LearnSmart? SmartBook and LearnSmart are
adaptive learning platforms within Connect. They are an excellent way to
learn and review important concepts in the textbook. I describe LearnSmart
as digital, 21st century, flashcards! LearnSmart is integrated with your
textbook reading assignments (SmartBook). Once you access the
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 3
publisher's website, please look over the introductions and overview of how
to use these tools.
7. How do I register for Connect? How to register in Connect with an access code or buy
an access online.
 Go to Bb, click on the Content tab, click on the first Connect assignment. It will
take you to the course materials, complete the registration. It will ask for the
registration code you purchased with your NEW book. If you do not have the
code, you will need to purchase an on-line access. Connect Plus is the online
ebook with all the assignments. You will need to have access to complete the
course. The publisher will allow 2 weeks FREE access to the materials in case
you need this time to purchase.
What if I buy a used book?
Students who buy a used textbook may purchase the Connect access at the bookstore
or directly online through the publisher's website. However, if you purchase a used
textbook, you will not have access to the E-book and other student resources in
Connect. If you later decide you like the E-book option, it will cost additional funds. The
custom package at the bookstore is the most economical price!
Please have all supplies and textbooks by the start 2nd week of class! McGraw-Hill allows 2
FREE week access to Connect. So, you will be able to read the E-book, take quizzes, etc. until
you purchase your textbook and access code!
Laboratory Manual – Please purchase the laboratory manual for non-majors at the TCC
bookstore SEC. We will adapt the online course labs with instructions on-line. Students are
glad to know both face-to-face and online labs are very comparable.
We will adapt the labs as needed. Your instructor will give you further instructions for each lab in
Connect and will make special announcements in Bb. Please be sure to read instructions before
each lab. You may need to purchase a few additional items from the grocer.
IV. General Education Goals, Course Goals, and Expected Outcomes
A. Instructor’s Course Objective Statement
The General Biology course is designed as a foundational course for the non-science
major. It introduces students to the study of life at all levels from the molecular to the
global. The aim of the course is to help the student appreciate and understand how
biology contributes to many aspects of our contemporary lives and values. Through a
general survey approach students are introduced to concepts from biochemistry and
cellular processes to environmental, biotechnology, and global issues. Laboratory, case
studies, virtual labs, research, and field exercises offer the student a “hands-on,” inquirybased experiences to apply knowledge and concepts learned in the course.
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 4
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Explain and demonstrate the scientific process. Students will be able to formulate a
hypothesis, define the independent, dependent and controlled variables, design an
experiment, collect, organize, analyze and interpret quantitative and qualitative data,
write a formal report using software programs to construct data tables and graphs.
2. Identify cell structures and organelle function in medical case scenarios. Students will be
able to state function of cellular structures, and explain processes governing cell
transport, metabolism, and division.
3. Differentiate between DNA and RNA molecules as the basis of cellular processes and
gene expression, discuss the role they play in protein synthesis, genetics, and disease.
4. Discuss evolutionary connections between Mendelian and molecular genetics.
5. Survey the characteristics of the various groups of organisms and their relationship to
the environment.
6. Research various ethical and legal issues raised by new scientific developments using a
variety of sources: research articles, mass media and the world-wide web.
1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the scientific process in the biological
world as it is implemented by the Scientific Method. The student will further understand
the need for continued biological research in a dynamic environment.
2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basic life processes, such as cell
structure, obtaining and using of energy, and the processes of reproduction, heredity
and evolution.
3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the diversity, complexity and inter-relatedness
of life.
4. Students in our laboratory classes will demonstrate proficiency in measurement and in
using various techniques and equipment (including their strengths and weaknesses) as
they apply to solving problems in the biological sciences.
General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge,
and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a
backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical
Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.
V. Policies- Course and TCC Policies
A. General Comment About Policies
This is an online distance learning course. It is highly recommended that you have
regular (daily) computer access, preferably a home computer with broadband Internet
access. Attendance and participation in online assignments and laboratory assignments
are mandatory. Lack of participation may result in an AW (Administrative Withdrawal).
An AW may adversely affect your financial aid status.
This course can be completed using public computers at TCC or other public access
areas. However, be aware that using public computers may create a hardship.
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 5
All course requirements remain the same whether your computer access is public or
private (home).Students must complete all course requirements in their appropriate
sequence & in a timely fashion. Please visit the Blackboard online classroom at least
every other day to check the course calendar, read announcements and new
discussion board postings, take quizzes, submit written assignments and post
discussion board messages. Students are responsible for keeping up with and adhering
to the due dates and other instructions posted there in the course calendar and
announcements areas of the Blackboard online classroom.
B. Attendance and Participation Policy
Online participation is required. Bb and Connect assignments are assigned weekly
with due date requirements.
Lecture and laboratory attendance and participation are essential to the success of the
course! Attendance follows TCC policies. The instructor may automatically withdraw
(AW) a student from the course as a result of excessive lack of participation. If a student
misses 3 or more (unexcused or pre-approved) assignment due dates, the instructor
may withdraw the student. Withdrawal from class may have financial aid consequences
for future course work. Please refer to the Course Withdrawal policy. Attendance
(regular participation in the online classroom) is essential for maintaining the best
learning environment. Learning occurs in relationship not only between student and
course materials, but, just as importantly, peer to peer, professor to student, and student
to professor.
Mandatory laboratory participation policy: BIOL1114 is a lab course and requires
students to participate in a variety of laboratory experiences: hands-on, fieldtrips, virtual
labs, guest lectures, case studies, and/or research project. You will be expected to
document your participation in the hands-on component and field trips with digital
photos of you (e.g., selfie) performing procedure, results of experiment, attending field
trip, etc. Lack of participation or documentation (2 missed assignments) in the
laboratory component of the course may result in an AW (Administrative Withdrawal). An
AW may adversely impact future financial aid.
C. Grading Policy
It is important to keep up with your grades. Please check Bb regularly for your posted
grades. Click on the Student Grades tab in Bb. To view your progress and grades in
Connect, click on the Reports tab. Please refer to section on Grades and Rubrics for
more detailed explanation.
Response time: Except for weekends, I will normally respond to email and to questions
posted in the Blackboard Discussion Board area within 48 hours. Unless otherwise
indicated, written assignments will be graded within 10 days of their submission.
Please note: You have seven days from the posted Bb date to contest a grade. You may
email me or stop by my office to discuss your grade.
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 6
Grade Rubrics: A rubric, or grade sheet will be used to grade laboratory reports, WIKI
posts, Discussion Board post, and/or semester project. The rubric will provide
expectations, criteria, and point values.
Due dates are strictly adhered. You will receive “0” points for assignments and exams
not turned in by the due date deadline
D. Quizzes and Exam Makeup Policy
Only in extenuating circumstances, such as family crisis, illness, birth, etc., will makeup
examinations be provided and late assignments be accepted. Advise your instructor in
advance. You may be required to provide the instructor with doctor or hospital
Due dates are strictly adhered. You will receive “0” points for assignments and exams
not turned in by the due date deadline.
Missed examinations cannot be made up unless justification for missing the exam is
provided before the exam is due. If a student is permitted to makeup an exam, the exam
must be completed within one week of the due date, or the student receives a zero on
the exam. In addition, any makeup examinations will not receive curve or extra credit
All makeup examinations will be taken at the Math Lab Testing Center at the TCC
Southeast Campus (Building 8).
E. Late Assignment Makeup Policy
No late assignments are accepted.
Only in extenuating circumstances, such as family crisis, illness, birth, etc., will makeup
examinations be provided and late assignments be accepted. Advise your instructor in
advance. You may be required to provide the instructor with doctor or hospital
Assignments cannot be made up unless justification for missing the assignment is
provided before the assignment is due. If a student is permitted to makeup an
assignment, the assignment must be completed within one week of the due date, or the
student receives a zero on the assignment.
Due dates are strictly adhered. You will receive “0” points for assignments and exams
not turned in by the due date deadline.
F. Discussion Board, Blogs, Communication Policy
CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Open and mutually respectful communication of varied
opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or online discussion encourages
the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn
from each other. Use of any electronic device is at the discretion of the instructor.
DISCUSSION BOARD: Discussion Board is restricted to academic discussion of this
course (non-majors biology) only. If a student exhibits inappropriate online
communication, the student will be excluded from participation in the Discussion
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 7
Board. Also, any and all inappropriate behavior will be documented and reported to the
Dean of Student Services.
G. Course Withdrawal Policy
Course Withdrawal: The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the
duration of any class. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for the deadline that applies to
the course(s). Begin the process with a discussion with the faculty member assigned to
the course. Contact the Advisement Office at any TCC campus to initiate Withdrawal
from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Withdrawal and/or change
to an audit from a course after the drop/add period can alter the financial aid award for
the current and future semesters. Students may receive an outstanding bill from TCC if
the recalculation leaves a balance due to TCC. Students who stop participating in the
course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial
aid consequences for the student.
H. Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty Policy
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the
deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic
dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa
Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating
certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions
delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or
disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member
1. Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete
a substitute assignment or test;
2. Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question;
3. Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or
administratively withdraw the student from the class;
4. Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty may
request that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level
by submitting such a request to the Dean of Student Services.
Inclement Weather Policy
TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC
always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations.
This information is also posted on the TCC website ( You can sign up
to receive TCC Alerts!
J. Accessibility Policy Statement
Accessibility Statement -Tulsa Community College Distance Learning department is
committed to the accessibility of our online courses. We continually strive to meet the
requirements of Oklahoma’s electronic and information technology accessibility law,
based on Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Reasonable accommodations will be
made for all students who have a disability documented with the Tulsa Community
College disAbled Student Resource Center. Users who encounter difficulty accessing
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 8
any of the pages, documents, or other content of this site are encouraged to notify
Randy Dominguez, Dean of Distance Learning.
DISABILITY RESOURCES: It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to
create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education
Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and
hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.
Access to computing resources is a privilege granted to all TCC faculty, staff, and
students. Use of TCC computing resources is limited to purposes related to the
College’s mission of education, research, and community service. See TCC Student
Code of Conduct Policy Handbook.
M. Email Policy
 Required email address: All TCC students receive a designated
“MyTCC” email address (ex:
All communications to you about TCC and course assignments will be
sent to your MyTCC email address; and you must use MyTCC email to
send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this
course. You access MyTCC through Bb.
 Email: I will communicate using the TCC email address only. Emails
received during the week (M-F) will be answered within 48 hours.
Emails received Saturday and/or Sunday will be answered on
VI. Navigating Bb and Connect
A. You will need to access course materials in both Bb and Connect.
B. The course assignments are explained in weekly assignment folders. Click "Content" tab
in the Blackboard menu panel on the left to view them. The first item posted in every
assignment folder is a list of all the topics and tasks for that week.
C. To participate in a required Bb discussion board post, click "Discussion Board" in the Bb
menu and then select "Discussion Board" to locate the current conference instructions
and participation dates.
D. Go to the Connect site for LearnSmart assignments, review questions, take a required
quiz or examination, view E-book, and other student resources available.
If you are not familiar with Bb, please take Bb orientation.
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 9
TCC BLACKBOARD (Bb) –Course Documents
Students are expected to use the TCC Blackboard site to obtain course information: Syllabus,
PowerPoint lectures, Assignments, and Announcements. Check your grades on Bb often. Be
sure check your syllabus often.
You will find the online materials by clicking on the various tabs on the Bb site: Start Here,
Announcements, Faculty Profile, Course Goals, Content, Discussion Board, Gradebook, Web
Resources, On-line Lab Questions, etc.
It is important to keep up with your grades. Please check Connect and/or BB regularly for your
posted grades. Click on the Student Grades tab in Bb or the Reports tab in Connect to view
your progress and grades.
Response time: Except for weekends, I will normally respond to email and to questions posted
in the Blackboard Discussion Board area within 48 hours. Unless otherwise indicated, written
assignments will be graded within 10 days of their submission to Blackboard SafeAssign or
Please note: You have seven days from the posted Bb date to contest a grade. You may email
me or stop by my office to discuss your grade.
Due dates are strictly adhered. You will receive “0” points for assignments and exams not
turned in by the due date deadline
Grade Rubrics: A rubric, or grade sheet will be used to grade your laboratory reports and
semester project. The rubric will provide expectations, criteria, and point values.
Online Courses Quizzes and Exam Policy
Scheduled, required quizzes, and exams are taken on-line and final exam is proctored at the
SEC. Exams must be completed during their respective windows of availability. Take
quizzes and exams on Connect.
Unless otherwise announced, expect a quiz to start at the beginning of the week (Sunday)
morning and close 11:30 pm on the following Sunday. For example, if a quiz begins Sunday,
then it will close 11:30 pm Sunday the following week. You have 1 week. No exceptions or late
Quizzes usually consist of multiple choice and/or true-false questions based on the weekly
reading assignments, especially on the textbook chapter assigned for the week.
Feel free to use your books and notes when taking the quiz. Some quizzes and exams may
allow multiple attempts. You may take the quiz, test, or assignment multiple times during its
period of availability only. The most recent attempt is the one that counts.
No make-ups are given for missed quizzes unless the student [1] notifies the instructor prior to
missing the quiz or [2] provides acceptable documentation indicating an exceptional
circumstance caused the quiz to be missed. Since the quiz is available for several days, it is
rare that a student will be allowed to take a missed quiz.
Once you begin to take a quiz, try to complete and submit. If you leave the quiz unfinished for
too long after you start it, your internet service provider may think you are inactive and
automatically log you out. If that happens you may be locked out of retaking the quiz.
It is best to take the quiz early in the week to avoid this potential pitfall.
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 10
Discussion Board (DB) Posts
The purpose of the discussions is to stimulate study and discussion. We will be reading articles,
watching videos, or listening to guest lecturers.
Participation in online discussions is required and graded. The discussion board posts have
definite start and finish dates indicated in the instructions for each post.
Discussion board posts are time sensitive and, if missed, may not be made up.
Participation rules and guidelines:
Students must make at least two types of contributions to each discussion board topic posted by
the instructor, i.e., new threads and replies.
New Threads (or primary postings) must respond to the discussion board
assignment. Minimum length 250 words for a thread.
Replies (or secondary postings) respond to the new threads by other students. Two replies are
required. Minimum length 50 words for a reply.
Late postings to conferences will NOT be graded.---- No credit can be earned in a discussion
board post for reply postings unless a new thread is also posted.
Laboratory Participation Grades
Mandatory participation policy: BIOL1114 is a lab course and requires students to participate in
a variety of laboratory experiences: hands-on, fieldtrips, virtual labs, guest lectures, case
studies, and research project.
You will be expected to document your participation in the hands-on component and field
trips with digital photos of you performing procedure, results of experiment, attending field trip,
Please contact IT at 918 595-7589 to learn how you can reduce you image file size. Large
image files will not go through and cannot be submitted. Making PDF files helps.
Lack of participation or documentation in the laboratory component of the course may result in
an AW (Administrative Withdrawal). An AW may adversely impact future financial aid.
Check Connect week/module for lab assignment each week. Several fieldtrips are scheduled
and are part of the laboratory experience. The laboratory exercises are designed to reinforce
concepts and principles learned in the lecture section of the course. Students will become
familiar with the broad range of methods and technologies/instrumentation used in modern
biology research.
Sample Laboratory exercises may include:
 Hands-on inquiry-based exercises – (e.g., cellular respiration in yeast
fermentation, DNA isolation)
 Virtual labs are online simulation labs or online research component (virtual
microscope, cell division and cancer, human genetics)
 Field trips (Tulsa Zoo, Oxley Nature Center, Linneaus Gardens and Arboretum)
Documenting lab participation is mandatory. You will need to document your participation in
the hands-on and fieldtrips using a digital camera. Photos of you performing the experiment are
required in order to receive full credit. Lack of participation or documentation in the laboratory
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 11
component of the course may result in an AW (Administrative Withdrawal). An AW may
adversely impact future financial aid.
Laboratory supplies
TBA with each lab. Please plan ahead. You may need to purchase a few items from your
Laboratory report rubric
Refer to the laboratory rubric to complete laboratory assignments. Follow the rubric criteria to
insure the maximum number of points. Laboratory points for each assignment range between
25 – 100 points. Some assignments require digital photos and/or video documentation of you
actually performing the lab. Please be sure to take photos.
Connect: LearnSmart, review questions, quizzes, and exams
Be sure to complete all assignment questions, quizzes and exams in Connect. The total points
earned in Connect will be posted in Bb.
Connect points include:
LearnSmart assignments (Caution: If you use APPS for LearnSmart, grade will not be
recorded in the Reports). Use your computer to complete LearnSmart and Connect
Review questions
Quizzes and exams
GRADES: Your overall course grade
Connect LearnSmart
Laboratory assignments
Research project
Discussion Board
Total number of points for the course approximately 1100 points
Your grade will be determined as follows:
90%-100% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
59% or lower = F
Your grade will be calculated as a percentage of the total points for the course.
To calculate the percent (%) for the course, divide the total points you earned divided by total
points for the course, multiply times 100 (or move decimal point to the right two places).
For example (SAMPLE numbers only):
Your total points earned = 1500
Total number of points for the course = 1800
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 12
Calculate % = (1500/1800) X 100 = 83%
Your grade for the course = B
It is highly recommended that you have regular (daily) computer access, preferably a home
computer with broadband Internet access. This course can be completed using public
computers at TCC or other public access areas. However, be aware that using public
computers may create a hardship. All course requirements remain the same whether your
computer access is public or private (home).
You should be comfortable with the following:
 using a word processor (changing font, spell check)
 using email for communication
 sending an email attachment
 navigating the Internet
 downloading appropriate plugins
 using an Internet search engine
If you do not have Office, you can download it from Blackboard free.
-- Go to the Organization tab
-- Search for: software
-- Enroll in the organization
-- Follow the on-screen instructions
TCC Tech Customer Support: Phone: 918-595-2000
Technical Support for MyTCC, Student Web, Blackboard, and Microsoft Office and other
technical needs is available.
7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m., Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, Sat
LRC Phone Numbers:
Metro LRC: 918-595-7172
Southeast LRC: 918-595-7701
Northeast LRC: 918-595-7501
West LRC: 918-595-8010
IX. Help Resources Available
Resources for online students. Excellent link to resources for help!
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 13
Connect Student Success
X. Health Issues, Laboratory Safety and Guidelines
Safety goggles and gloves must be worn when working with glass or liquids. Absolutely no food
or drink while performing your labs at home.
SYLLABUS CHANGES: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students
will be notified of any changes to the syllabus. Changes will be posted on Bb,
1. The course is set up weekly with all the necessary instructions for online assignments
and laboratory assignments to complete, etc. The modules may vary in length between
1-2 weeks. All assignments within the module must be completed in a timely manner.
Due dates are strictly adhered to. No late work is accepted.
2. Module folders contain: Instructor notes for the module, PPT lectures, website
assignments, film and video resources, Discussion Board, LearnSmart and Connect
assignments, and laboratory exercises.
3. Connect Quizzes on Connect (open book, both timed and un-timed, limited responses
between 1-2 attempts)
4. Exams on Connect are online (open book, timed, may allow multiple attempts, response
entry only – range in points from 50 -125 points each). The final exam is proctored at the
Tulsa SEC Math and Science Building Testing Center (8).
5. Laboratory assignments are mandatory, Non- completion of 2 laboratory assignments
may constitute automatic withdrawal from the course (AW). Please read the policies
section. Instructions and procedures will be provided online. Please access the folder
assignments weekly. You may need to purchase supplies from Walmart or local grocer
for some of the laboratory exercises (i.e., DNA extraction, fermentation, blood pressure,
semester long research project).
6. Digital camera required for laboratory exercises. A digital camera or cellular device with
camera and/or video is required for the course. You are required to upload pictures
and/or videos of you performing experimental procedures and discussion of results. You
will need to reduce your photo file size before submission. If you need help, please
contact TCC IT Help Desk at 918 595-7689. Also, PDF files seem to work well.
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 14
Week 1
January 12
Week 2
January 19
Week 3
January 26
Week 4
February 2
Week 5
February 9
Week 6
February 16
Week 7
February 23
Week 8
March 2
Week 9
March 9
Week 10
March 16
Week 11
March 23
Week 12
March 30
Week 13
April 6
Week 14
April 13
BIOL 1114 Tentative Lecture and Lab Schedule
Lecture Topic
Laboratory Assignment
Introduction to Biology Scientific
Inquiry C1
Connect Assignments, PPT, DB
post, video summaries
Martin Luther King Day – No class
or Lab on Monday only!
C 2 Chemistry for Biology
Film: Flow (extra credit 5 pts)
C 2 Chemistry
C3 All about cells
C4 Energy of Life
Lab #1 Doing real Science or Selling 21st century Snake Oil
Connect/Bb resources, video summaries,
Submit Lab#1 on Connect
Lab #2 Science, Politics and Civic Engagement
Write letter to legislator over biological topic.
Volunteer 2 –hrs due March 23.
Lab #3 Scientific research and Inquiry – Research poster
Lab #5: Microscopy Skills and Technology: Cell Structure and
C 6 How Cells Release Energy Online: Listen to Khan Academy
cellular respiration series
Exam #1 = Due 2/9 C1-3
No in-class meeting today. Work
on projects, Complete Lab #9
C 5 Photosynthesis
On-line: Listen to Khan Academy
photosynthesis series
Lab #8 Cellular respiration (TBA Option)
Listen to Khan Academy cellular respiration series
C 7 DNA Structure and Gene
C 11 DNA Technology
Film: Photo 51 (extra credit 5 pts)
Exam #2 = Due 2/23 C 5-6
C 7 DNA Structure and Gene
C 11 DNA Technology
Lab #10 Understanding Cell Division, Stem Cells and CancerInstructions on Bb Announcement
C 8 DNA Replication and the Cell
C 9 Sexual Reproduction, Meiosis
Spring Break Week
Exam #3 = Due 3/16 C 8-9
C 10 Pattern of Inheritance
EXTRA CREDIT Lab. 12: Mendel,
Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics
Lab # 13: Gel Electrophoresis
C 10 Pattern of Inheritance
Research posters due next week
Exam #4 = Due 4/6 C 10
C 12 Forces of Evolutionary Change
C13 Evidence for Evolution
Lab # 18: Everyday Botany or TBA Field Rearch
Lab # 9 Understanding Climate Change – Please complete lab at
Lab #11: DNA Science and Biotechnology: DNA Isolation to DNA
Chips and Personalized Medicine
C 11 DNA Technology
Spring Break Week
Lab # 14: Evolution
Lab #16: Biodiversity, Ecology and World Biomes: A Visit to the
Research posters due
Spring 2015 M. Phillips 15
Week 15
April 20
C13 Evidence for Evolution
C19 Communities and Ecosystems
Lab # 17: Intro to field research= Field opportunity-water
testing lab., Oxley Nature or other field experience
Week 16
April 27
C20 Preserving Biodiversity
Online: Listen to HHMI Exploring
Biodiversity Lecture series
Final Exam DUE: Monday, May 4th
5 PM C 12, 19, 20
Finals Week
May 4
No Lab