Chapter 20 - TeacherWeb

The Atmosphere, Climate and
Global Change
Increase in average surface temperature of
the Earth from 1860 to the present
Increase in carbon dioxide concentrations in
the atmosphere
What’s happening now in the atmosphere
near the earth’s surface such as Temperature,
pressure, cloudiness, precipitation, winds
-Climate is the average weather
It shows that average precipitation and
Troposphere - bottom layer
-Where weather occurs
-Temperature decrease with elevation
At the top is tropopause - acts as a lid
-Stratosphere - above the troposphere
-Stratospheric ozone layer just above the
-Protects again UV radiation
Processes generally defined by pressure,
temperature, and water vapor content
-Pressure is force per unit area
-Caused by the weight of overlying
atmospheric gases on those below
Decreases with altitude
-Low pressure systems usually bring clouds
-High pressure systems usually bring clear
-Atmosphere moves due to Earth’s rotation
-Differential heating
-Produces global patterns of prevailing
-winds and latitudinal belts of high and low
-Under typical conditions Earth’s atmosphere:
-Reflects ~30% of the electromagnetic energy
that comes in from the sun
-absorbs ~25%
-The remaining ~45% gets to the surface
-Radiates back to the atmosphere or into
outer space
Instrumental Records
-Climate measurements began in 1860s
-Data from pre 19th century is
-Extrapolated (a method or conclusion, especially
one based on statistics)
-Improved instrumentation
-Historical RecordsGo back a few centuries
-Mostly qualitative
-Books, newspapers, journal articles,
personal journals, ships’ logs, travelers’
diaries, and farmers’ logs
-Paleoproxy records
-Proxy data- not strictly climatic, but
provides insight into climate
-Tree rings, sediments, ice cores, fossil
pollen, corals, and carbon-14 (14C)
-Each gas in the atmosphere has its own
absorption spectrum
-Certain gases are especially strong
absorbers in the infrared
-They absorb radiation emitted by the
warmed surfaces of the Earth
-They then re-emit this radiation
-This increases the temperature of the
earth’s surface
-Water vapor
-Carbon dioxide
-Some oxides of nitrogen
-The atmosphere and its interactions w/ the
ocean and land surfaces experience positive
and negative feedbacks
-Negative feedback
-Warms temps warm air and lead to
increased evaporation
-Evaporation leads to more cloud formation
which reflects more sunlight which could cool
the surface.
-Positive feedback
-Warms temps warm air and lead to
increased evaporation but instead of clouds
forming remain as water vapor
-Water vapor is a greenhouse gas. The
warmer it gets the more water vapor, and the
process continues
-19th century
-Scientists began to understand that climate
changed greatly over long periods
-There were times of continental glaciations
-Evidence - debris at the edges of existing
glaciers which looked the same as those
deposited at lower elevations
-Cycles were apparent
-100,000 year cycles divided into 20,000–40,000
year periods
-Earth is like a wobbling top following an
elliptical orbit around the sun
-Three Cycles
-26,000 year
-Earth Does not keep its poles at a constant
angle in relation to the sun
-Wobble around the pole makes a complete
cycle in 26,000 years
41,000 yearsThe tilt of wobble also varies
over a period of 41,000 years
-100,000 years
-Elliptical orbit around the sun also changes
-Sometimes it is a more extreme ellipse;
other times it is closer to a circle and this
occurs over 100,000 years.
-Water has the highest heat capacity of any
-Large amount of heat energy is stored in oceans
-Ocean absorbs dissolved CO2
-As CO2 increases in atmosphere it also
increases in the oceans
-Climate system driven (in part) by ocean
conveyor belt
-A global circulation of ocean waters
-If the conveyor was shut down, major changes
in climate would occur
-Climate system driven (in part) by ocean
conveyor belt
-A global circulation of ocean waters
-If the conveyor was shut down, major
changes in climate would occur
-El Niño refers to a specific periodic variation
of Pacific Ocean currents
-Under non-El Niño conditions
-Trade-winds blow west across the tropical
-Warm surface water pile up in Western
During El Niño yearsTrade winds weaken
-Western moving current weakens or reverses
-As a result eastern equatorial ocean
unusually warm
-High rates of precipitation and flooding in
-Changes global atmospheric circulation
-Causes changes in weather in regions that
are far removed from tropical Pacific
-Two ways to forecast the future:
-Empirical and theoretical
-Empirical approach is to go back to the
geological idea of uniformitarianism
-The past is the key to the future
-Has led to the extensive research on
climates and atmospheric conditions of the
-Computer simulationGeneral Circulation
Models (GCM)
-Based around the atmosphere being divided
into rectangular solids
-Each a few km high and several km N or S
-For each the flux of energy and matter is
calculated to each adjacent cell
-Steady state model - cannot account for
-Changes in River Flow
-Melting of glacial ice & reductions in snow
-Rainfall will likely increase, but runoff will be
more rapid than if snow slowly melts
-Reservoirs will overflow - more water will
flow to the ocean
-Rise in Sea Level Since last ice age, sea level
has risen 1 ft./century
-Global warming could double this
-A major warming could increase sea levels
-Expansion of liquid water as water warms
-Melting of ice sheets on land whose waters
then flow into the ocean
About half the people on Earth live on or near
the coast - vulnerable to flooding
-Two types
-Adapt: Learn to live with future global
climatic change
-Mitigate: Work to reduce emissions of
greenhouse gases
-Energy planning that relies heavily on energy
conservation and efficiency
-Use of alternative energy sources or natural
-Use of mass transit
-Greater economic incentives to energyefficient technology
-Higher fuel-economy
-Reforestation-Planting more trees
-Increase biospheric sinks for carbon dioxide
-Capture carbon dioxide from power plants
and industrial smokestacks
-Compress the gas and change it to a
mixture of both liquid and gas
-Inject it deep underground
-Have the potential to sequester as much as
1,000 gigatons of carbon
-A nation or nations agrees to a cap of
carbon emissions
-Then corporations and other entities are
issued emission permits, allowing a certain
quantity of emissions
-These can be traded
-Overall nation does not exceed the cap
-1988: First international meeting to discuss
limiting greenhouse gases held (Toronto,
-1992: Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
-General blueprint for reduction of global
emissions suggested
-US thought it would be to costly and no legally
binding limits set
-1997: Legally binding limits discussed in Kyoto,
-US eventually agreed to cut emissions to 7%
below 1990 levels (leading scientists recommend
cuts 60-80% below)
-Became a formal treaty in 2006
COP 21