Constitutional Constitutional Design powers First Gov’t Constitution Constitutional Details 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 -This is the concept that the government is not allowed to do certain things, and many of these restrictions are listed in the Constitution or the Amendments? Row 1---100 Question -Limited Government Row 1---100 Answer -Name the concept that all three branches of government are designed so that they have the ability to stop other branches from becoming abusive? Row 1---200 Question -checks and Balances Row 1---200 Answer -What idea says that the powers of government should be divided so that government will be less likely to abuse the rights of its citizens? Row 1---300 Question -separation of powers Row 1---300 Answer -This term means that people have the right to rule themselves through the democratic process of voting? Row 1---400 Question -popular sovereignty Row 1---400 Answer -What term describes the system of having multiple governments on the national, state, and local levels? Row 1---500 Question -federalism Row 1---500 Answer -These are powers that are given only to the national government such as the power to declare war, raise an army, coin money, or make treaties? Row 2---100 Question -enumerated, delegated, expressed, exclusive Row 2---100 Answer -These are powers that are shared by all levels of government such as the power to tax, pass laws, and enforce laws? Row 2---200 Question -concurrent powers Row 2---200 Answer -These are powers that are only given to the states such as education, marriage laws, zoning regulations? Row 2---300 Question -reserved powers Row 2---300 Answer - Row 2---400 Question - Row 2---400 Answer - Row 2---500 Question - Row 2---500 Answer -Name the first national government of the nation? Row 3---100 Question -Articles of Confederation Row 3---100 Answer -How many votes did each state cast? Row 3---200 Question -one Row 3---200 Answer -Name the law that created an efficient system of selling new lands in the west to settlers? Row 3---300 Question -Land Ordinance of 1785 Row 3---300 Answer -Name the law that created the process of statehood? Row 3---400 Question -NW Ordinance of 1787 Row 3---400 Answer -Name the rebellion over taxation that occurred in 1786 that led to a convention of states? Row 3---500 Question -Shay’s Rebellion Row 3---500 Answer -This is the introduction to the Constitution that lists the purposes of government in the United States. Row 4---100 Question -Preamble Row 4---100 Answer -Article One describes which branch of the government? Row 4---200 Question -Legislative Branch Row 4---200 Answer -This phrase theoretically allows the government to “stretch” its powers? Row 4---300 Question -Necessary and Proper Clause Row 4---300 Answer -Article Two describes which branch of the government? Row 4---400 Question -Executive Branch Row 4---400 Answer -Article Three describes which branch of government? Row 4---500 Question -Judicial Branch Row 4---500 Answer -Which statement in Article IV of the Constitution says that states will acknowledge the laws of other states and cooperate with one another over fugitives. Row 5---100 Question -full faith and credit clause Row 5---100 Answer -Name the process of sending fugitives from one state to another for trial? Row 5---200 Question -extradition Row 5---200 Answer -Name the statement of Article VI that states the national government is the highest form of government in the nation and that the Constitution is above all forms of government. Row 5---300 Question -Supremacy Clause Row 5---300 Answer -This is the term for formal approval of the Constitution by the states? Row 5---400 Question -Ratification Row 5---400 Answer -What is the only crime specifically defined by the US Constitution? Row 5---500 Question -treason Row 5---500 Answer