DNApreview questions ch. 13 and 14dna and proteins

1. Why is nuclear material from pus open wound cells and sperm cells so easy to isolate?
2. For most of the time prior to 1928, most researchers thought that ______________was
the basis of inheritance.
3. How many different amino acids can combine to make proteins?
4. In Griffith’s quest to develop a vaccine against pneumonia, he isolated 2 strains, R and S,
from the bacteria. What was their difference?
5. When mice were injected with live R, what happened?
6. When mice were injected with live S, what happened?
7. What does pathogenic mean?
8. When mice were injected with heat-killed S, what happened?
9. When mice were injected with live R and heat-killed S, what happened?
10. The simplest explanation for all of this was that _________killed the S but did not
destroy their ____________________ material. This material had been _________from
dead S into live R.
11. What are viruses called that infect bacteria?
12. What are the 2 parts of this virus?
13. Hershey & Chase knew that ________is a component of proteins, and ________is a
component of DNA.
14. What gave these scientists evidence that DNA was the genetic material of the virus?
15. What are the 3 parts of a DNA nucleotide?
16. What are the 4 DNA bases?
17. Which are pyrimidines?
These have a _________________ring.
18. Which are purines?
These have______________________rings.
19. Chargaff’s rule says that the amount of _______________=_______________ and the
amount of ______________= ____________________.
20. Who made x-ray diffraction images of DNA?
21. Franklin, Watson, & Crick all knew that DNA was made of __________strands held
together by ___________bonds.
22. DNA is ______________________in diameter overall. There is
___________________distance between the base pairs. Each full twist of the double
helix is _____________________long.
23. When does DNA replication occur?
24. Each parent strand is _____________during replication, so half of each new DNA
molecules is _______________ and half is __________________. This process is called
25. What helps activate replication enzymes?
26. What does the enzyme helicase do?
27. How are the parent strands prevented from winding back together after being
28. What does the enzyme DNA polymerase do?
29. These enzymes can only assemble DNA in what direction?
30. What does the enzyme DNA ligase do?
31. What do DNA proofreading enzymes do?
32. How do repair enzymes repair DNA?
33. How do identical twins develop?
34. What does “differentiated” cell mean?
35. Explain how nuclear transfer can “trick” a differentiated cell.
36. Explain therapeutic cloning.
37. What is a stem cell?
38. What does SCNT have the potential to do?
39. Explain how Rosalind Franklin received little or no recognition in her research with DNA.
1. Draw the DNA to protein diagram on p. 219
2. Which type of RNA makes up ribosomes?
3. Which type of RNA delivers amino acids to the ribosome?
4. Which type of RNA carries the “orders”?
5. In RNA, which base replaces thymine?
6. Explain how transcription differs from DNA replication in 3 ways.
7. What is a promoter?
8. In _________________cells, mRNA is modified before leaving the ____________.
9. Describe 2 ways cells modify their pre-mRNA.
10. What does each poly A tail length dictate?
11. What’s the difference between an exon vs. an intron?
12. What is alternative splicing?
13. What are codons?
14. There are ___________codons even though there are only ___________amino
15. Give 2 things that AUG codes for.
16. Give 3 different stop codons.
17. What is meant by the genetic code?
18. Is the genetic code nearly universal?
19. What is an anticodon?
20. Give an example of the “wobble effect”.
21. Where does tRNA and mRNA interactions take place?
22. Where are the 2 ribosomal subunits in eukaryotes built?
23. Describe what happens in the initiation, elongation, AND termination phases of
24. What are polysomes AND where are they commonly found?
25. Many newly formed proteins stay in the _____________, while others get shipped
to _____________________.
26. Are all gene mutations bad?
27. What is a base-pair substitution?
28. What genetic disorder results from this?
29. What is meant by a frameshift mutation?
30. What are 2 types of frameshift mutations?
31. What’s another name for “jumping genes”?
32. What can high energy radiation (xrays) do to chromosomes?
33. What are free radicals?
34. What can UV light (low energy radiation) do to DNA?
35. What are thymine dimers and what can they ultimate lead to?
36. What can alkylating agents do to DNA?
37. In what are these agents commonly found?
38. The protein product of a mutation can have what 3 effects?